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Posts posted by TServo2049

  1. Also, BOM doesn't keep this list, but Pan's estimate just squeaks into the 10 worst openings in over 3,500 locations. For the actual to be in the bottom 10, it just has to not increase any more than $26k with actuals (which is how much it is under the Footloose remake).

    In terms of attendance, Pan's estimate is either the 6th or 7th worst OW admissions in over 3,500 theaters (BOM's adjuster decreases the $15.5m to $15.1m, putting it under the adjusted OW for Nim's Island; since the Q3 average is not in yet, their adjuster is dividing the Q2 '15 average by the Q1+Q2 '15 average. BOM's quarter vs. year adjustments are strange...)

    Either way, it sucks.

  2. Zemeckis' marketing tactic of "HERE'S THE WHOLE FUCKING MOVIE IN THE TRAILER" finally failed. I thought it was fool-proof.

    It's funny to go back, and see that he did it as early as Back to the Future Part II (which actually shows the very last shot of the movie!)

    The trailer for the first Back to the Future (and I mean the actual trailer, not the teaser) doesn't give away the whole movie, but I have a very strong feeling that Zemeckis didn't have any input on it; on the commentary, he talks about how he wasn't involved in the marketing, he didn't agree with the marketing, he wanted to show more action and special effects in the trailers. Said theatrical trailer is conspicuously missing from every DVD/Blu-Ray (they only ever have the teaser), leading me to believe Zemeckis is keeping it hidden on purpose because he doesn't like it. (You can at least watch it online.)

  3. Also, I am looking over past Black List nominees and winners. Here are some stinkers (either quality-wise or BO-wise) that came from Black List screenplays:

    All About Steve

    The Beaver

    Broken City

    47 Ronin

    The Arthur remake

    The Last Stand

    The Watch

    Gangster Squad

    Bad Words


    Run All Night


    If these scripts were liked within the industry, does it mean the drafts on the Black List would have made better movies? Or that a good script doesn't necessarily make a great movie? Or that the people nominating these films for the Black List don't actually know quality? (It can't be that, plenty of good movies have come from Black List scripts too.)

    Just weird.

    • Like 1
  4. I was going to put in a joke about how it was debatable that A Beautiful Mind was actually a better script than Batman & Robin, but decided against it. Now that I know someone agrees with me, I will confirm that said comparison was kind of meant to be a joke.

    And Coolio, are you saying the script for Pirates 1 was bad, or the script for Lone Ranger was good?

  5. There are stories of great movies being taken away from their directors and ruined by the studio. I doubt Pan is one of them.

    Like with F4, my theory is that whatever the director's original vision, if that was what was put up on screen it wouldn't have done much better. Maybe it might have gotten better reviews (but a lot of the insane stuff must have been there during principal photography too, so I am actually not sure), but it still wouldn't have turned it from a $15m OW into a $50m OW.

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  6. You wouldn't have survived the 90s in that regard.

    In fact, as someone who grew up in the age of Blockbuster Video and the like, I wonder how most of the younger generation here (as in Ethan Hunt, DAJK, etc.) would react if they were put into a time machine back to that time period where if you wanted to own a movie right away you would have to pay like $90-100+ to do so because 99% of new releases were released for rental only and otherwise had to wait another 6 months for it to become available at a much more reasonable price. Ah, those were the days...

    Yeah, that time was so different. There really does feel like a "now-now-now" mentality (and I don't mean among the studios, I mean among audiences) particularly as the Internet has gotten faster and VOD has become more prevalent. Broadband has essentially killed the very concept of waiting for anything. (If the studios went back to the old longer release windows tomorrow, I'm sure a good amount of people would just pirate to get home copies in the interim, rather than patiently bide their time until the actual studio home release.)

    Listen to me, I'm not even 28 yet and already I feel "old." :)

  7. If people aren't continuing to see them in the theaters, why wait? (Or is it a chicken/egg thing? In today's short-attention-span world, would people continue to see a movie if it were kept in theaters for 9 months? Frozen is the only movie of late whose theatrical run was actually crippled by its home release, and which I think would have truly benefited from being kept off home video for as long as possible.)

    Or do you just mean they should still take them out of theaters, and just wait another 6 months without it being available in any form?

  8. Regardless of their flaws, I can always count on Nolan's movies to look amazing. Seeing TDKR and Interstellar in honest-to-god 2D, 70mm film IMAX were true theatrical experiences that just cannot be duplicated. (I am still kicking myself for skipping TDK in IMAX, but at least I got to see a revival screening at a science museum, and yes, it was so awesome to watch in IMAX.)

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