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Posts posted by Sal

  1. What I'm really wondering is how much MLP's release in 2 weeks will affect Ninjago.  In one way they have a similar set up as both are movies based on shows that have several seasons.  Though I do think they dropped the ball on a MLP movie.  If they had released it two years ago it would have been in a much better position to make money.  The series popularity has been on a gradual decline for a while.

  2. Anecdotal, but I've seen no interest in Kingsmen 2 from anyone I work with.  The reaction to the trailer for it on IT was actually just a couple of people mentioning they need to watch the first one cuz they heard it's good.  While this part is anecdotal it does seem to match the general lack of hype online. I was expecting the sequel to a well received film to be getting more response.  If WB had done a better job marketing Ninjago, I think it would have been poised to go over Kingsmen this weekend, considering there's been a lack of family films the past month.

  3. One of the things I'm actually wondering is whether or not this actually needed to be rated R.  Granted, it's entirely possible that I've mostly gotten used to a lot of rated R horror basically devolving into blood splatter and gore, so something that's actually relatively light on the gore content may just come across as less "R" to me by now.

  4. I don't think this movie is really intended to necessarily be a big hit here, tbh.  It makes sense that they'd make it though because Ninjago is apparently pretty much the only foothold LEGO has in several Asian countries despite their numerous attempts to break in with their toys over there.  They're probably really just hoping to schedule a release in Japan and China to boost sales and hope to force more expansion of their other products.


    Ninjago actually has a pretty large fanbase even here in the US compared to LEGO's other lines.  Apparently it was partly the popularity of Ninjago line that led to Chima line going under (Ninjago fans HATED Chima).  The big worry I'm seeing is in the commentary of the LEGO fan communities.  Some fans are not happy that the movie is a reboot and not in continuity with the Ninjago cartoon (which is not a surprise, considering Ninjago is going into its 8th season).  Lego may also be hoping to get more kids hooked into Ninjago via the movie with the possibility that they will then watch the cartoon (which coincidentally has just gone up on Netflix recently).  They literally release a new bunch of sets with every season of the cartoon and are showing no sign of stopping anytime soon.  If they get even a small percentage of the kids who see this movie to get their parents to buy them new Ninjago sets every season, it'll be more than worth it for LEGO.


    Not sure why WB would be behind it considering as far as I know they only get a percentage from sets of their own properties... but they may have some kind of deal in place where they get revenue from Movie sets or else they may have worked out something to get a higher percentage on the DC sets (perhaps they even got a higher cut of the LEGO Batman sets or something).

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/12/2017 at 0:42 AM, Stutterng baumer Denbrough said:


    IT was written 30 years ago.  Stranger Things did not do it first, or better.

    I really wanted to say that too.  Luckily someone already had.


    I've seen a lot of people comparing IT to Stranger Things as though Stranger Things was somehow responsible for IT.  But it wasn't even responsible for the new release considering it was in production already before ST was released.


    Also count me among the people who think there wasn't a lot of 'unnecessary' content in the book.  There's some of King's works that really do feel longer than need be (the unabridged version of the Stand slows down a lot at certain parts) but IT, to me, has always been a gripping read all the way through.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, FantasticBeasts said:

    What I see is potentially the most brilliant studio out there. If they can make as much or even more than the others with half the budget they do a very good job and there is no need to change their formula.


    But they don't really use half the budget.  They just take half the budget they would have used for animation and instead use it to spam people with their marketing campaign.  Also you treat Illumination like it's some tiny studio when in fact it is owned by Comcast and Comcast's method has always been to spam the hell out of their marketing.  If you want an example of a studio that makes great films with a relatively low budget, look at Laika instead of Comcast.  


    Not to mention Illumination fails on coherent storytelling.  Part of their problem is that there's plenty of good potential story in their stuff, but their method is to just throw everything at the wall and hope it sticks with someone.  Take Sing.  It had way too many feature characters for any particular character's storyline to get any real focus.  I look at it and think about how Buster could have been a much more powerful lead if they'd just buckled down, dropped like two or three of the other character's 'main cast' storylines and focused on one or two instead.  They could have easily made him way more likeable and his scenes with his sheep friend and with the old woman working for him were among the best parts of the movie.  It would have been really rewarding to see them tie the elephant girl's plotline in with his a bit more instead of having it just feeling like they introduced the potential early on and then remembered it was there near the ending.  The frustrating thing about Sing is how much potential it had and how it lost a lot of the cohesiveness by throwing their net too wide.


    Likewise, with SLoP, Illumination drops the ball on making Max a likeable character.  I honestly hated that character.  The best character in the movie was Jenny Slate's character who was likeable and charismatic.  Illumination failed to even throw in the most basic 'save the cat' moment to make the character sympathetic before showing him being a total dick, so he just comes across as a total dick.  Those lines near the end of the movie where they're like "remember that time Max helped you with such and such thing?"  That was something they should have SHOWN at the beginning, not tried tacking on at the end to make use like the character when the movie's already over.


    Also, to the person who was saying that Illumination is making a point about how assholes sometimes succeed in real life.  While true, is that a really a point we need to make in a kids movie?  It's in a lot of movies for adults and in real life all the time.  In fact, showing kids that it's okay to be an asshole, you can do crappy stuff to people and still be rewarded is part of the reason there's so many people who feel perfectly comfortable being assholes and racists nowadays, because they've been told over and over again that behaving that way is okay and it'll get you rewarded.


    And just as a note, I've torn Disney and Pixar holes for pulling stuff similar to this (I hate Incredibles with a passion and TGD and Cars2 should never have been made.  Even Brave was mostly forgettable.  Frozen rode high on Idina's song but was a victim of lazy story structure.)  And I won't even get started on Dreamworks because they've put out some great movies but also a lot of dreck.  I am not a one studio fan.  

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  7. Also, while there's nothing wrong with animation for kids, saying that animated movies are trying too hard to be serious overlooks the fact that animation is a medium not a genre.  You can use animation to tell serious stories, in fact in much of Europe and Asia that's fairly common.  It's only here in America that people seem to think seriousness in animated stories is somehow a weakness.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, FantasticBeasts said:

    I have no problem with pro-diversity issues.

    The problem is that they somehow happen to be in every single movie existing. They are overused. That's the problem.

    It's like every movie is  "I am different I am strong I am gonna follow my own path".


    "I'm different, I'm strong, I'm going to follow my own path" IS common in storytelling but newsflash, that's not PC or pro-diversity storytelling if the main character is a straight white guy like in 90% of the films with that plot.

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  9. 2 hours ago, FantasticBeasts said:

    No one told you to talk about them or like them.

    But it would be nice If you did respect the people that have a different opinion than you do and are free to express it.

    As someone in the animation industry, Illumination films are also just bad for Illumination's constant bragging about its lack of rewrites and the fact that they have such disrespect for American animators that they talk about how they can pay overseas people less and still make lots of money by outsourcing our jobs.  Most other companies also outsource our jobs but at least they don't brag about it in front of us.


    Illumination's numbers come primarily from their marketing and the fact that they can flood the market several months in advance and put their movie merch out half a year before the movie release on everything under the sun.  They had SLOP stuff all over petstores and Minions all over the place well before the movies came out.  It'd be more surprising if they opened low, frankly.  They do just enough with the story that people generally don't dislike the movies but never do anything particularly interesting.


    Also they utterly fail at the concept of making relatable main characters and most of their main characters are people I would want to punch if I met them in real life. The fact that Seth McFarlane's character in Sing has no redeeming qualities yet still gets rewarded in the end is one of the worst things I've seen in a movie.

    • Like 6
  10. 1 minute ago, YourMother said:

    Is anybody else noticing the minimal marketing for Ninjago. Or is it just me? Maybe WB is planning on pulling a Kong and doing a big campaign this week.


    When I was staying at a hotel last week, short versions of the Ninjago trailer played literally every commercial break on Comedy Central... which struck me as an odd place to be heavily marketing it.

    • Like 1
  11. On 8/27/2017 at 7:15 PM, Valonqar said:

    Like I said, LOTR is based on medieval Europe which lands authenticity to the fantasy world. Fantasy is the best when it's based in reality. Adding Latinos (a race that didn't even exist in those times), Africans (within Euro-centric culture, not fantasy culture based on African), Asians (ditto) would not feel authentic but forced. Whether you like it or not, people understand the metaphor and that is why those stories work. They feel real because they are based on something familiar and they look familiar. The same goes for MNS ruining Avatar the Last Airbender with culturally misplaced casting. Why was Fire Nation whose ruler sat on the freakin Dragon Throne populated by Indians and Maoris? Eveyrone and their mother understand that Dragon Throne = China or at least Asia and Fire Nation was obviously a fusion of Chinese and Japanese cultures. Everything about them screamed Asians yet MNS cast Indian and Maori actors and they felt un-authentic and miscast. And don't get me started with white Inuits Katara and Sokka and white-ish or whatever Tibetan Aang. They could have cast authetic but they didn't and the mistake wasn't just in white-washing 3 characters but those Indians and Maoris were just awful too. When something doesn't fit everyone's gonna see it doesn't fit. 


    Did you seriously just say Latinos didn't exist during that time period?


    You do know that Latino doesn't refer to 'mestizo' (mixed race latin-american native with european) but rather to the population of Latin America as a whole, right?  One does not need to have any European blood to be Latino (several latin countries have a high population of afro-latinos, for example).  ALso "latino" is not a race, it's just a generalized description used for natives of latin america, the same way "Asian" isn't a race, but Chinese is.


    The Maya, for example, existed in latin america since 2000BC, well before medieval times in Europe.  So yes, there may not have been Latinos IN Europe in Medieval times, but they absolutely did exist.  They didn't just magically spring into being when Europeans arrived in Latin America.


    As for your other comments... there was actually a fair amount of contact between China and the rest of Asia and Europe, even dating fairly far back.  It was more common for Europeans to travel to China than vice versa though.  



    There were also diplomatic missions to Europe from Asia in the 1200s


    As for Africa... there was a lot of contact between Europe and Africa.  Several European nations had dealings with Nubia and other wealthy African nations.




    In fact in some European countries, like portugal, by the end of the 1500s the population was about 6-7% black in non-isolated regions.




    Of even greater interest is that the Christian Church had already converted most of Nubia by the 1200s.  There are also accounts on record of black people living in Europe in the 1300s.  There are also books covering specifically whether or not black people served as knights during Medieval times (hint: they did).  The Moors regularly interacted with the Spanish around that time.  There were those called the Moriscos who were Moors who converted to Christianity and served the Spanish in the capacity of knights.  Most of them were purged during the Inquisition, however.





    But you know one thing that absolutely didn't exist in Europe during Medieval times, yet that no one seems to have a problem with having show up in LOTR or other "medieval based fantasy"?


    Tomatoes.  Those came from the Americas. :D


    Oh yeah.  Also Dragons and Elves.  Those too.


    But hey, no one complains about having Dragons, Elves or Tomatoes in Medieval Fantasy.  Only Black people, Asians and other POC.  Cuz lol, heaven forbid we have unrealistic elements in our fantasy stories am I right?


    • Thanks 1
  12. On 8/27/2017 at 5:57 PM, Dexter of Suburbia said:

    I been on Christians mission trips and undergrad college was a Christian college.  We never brought up the Bible when we built a house for family, when help out a neighborhood in New Orleans or helped cleaned out a graveyard to in San Antonio area. My college hand out blankets during the cold winters in Iowa. We never said anything about God to people who need the blankets, i helped with a Holiday charity drive for one of my classes. Any family regardlessvof religion could go. We offered free meals to the families and holiday meal they bring home. In fact we did not have a Bible at the charity drive. I know that since I ordered all the thousands of books  


    Maybe your college was an exception because when I was homeless and the only options for food were churches, there was like one out of all the churches I ever got food handouts from that didn't make you sit through a sermon and prayer before letting you eat.

  13. 2 hours ago, JB33 said:

    Whatever. I just hate faux outrage, which is what I perceive a lot of this to be. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I'll also stick to the shit in my own country (First prime minister's name being removed from schools) since, admittedly, I'm not as familiar with issues surrounding the US and their confederate history. 


    Here's the thing about most of those statues...


    They weren't PUT UP right after the civil war.  They were put up at two different points, in the 1930s, with the repeal of Jim Crow and in the 50s during the civil rights movement.  This makes it pretty clear that their existence has nothing to do with wanting to preserve history.  They exist because at the time they wanted to send a message to people who supported civil rights, to intimidate them into silence.  And as far as I can tell, the majority of effort to take them down is just centered around putting them in museums anyway, so it's not like they're destroying history or some ridiculousness like that.


    re: GWTW, I think context here may be important.  Were the showings in response to the current stuff going on?  If so, I can see why it might be uncomfortable.


    In general I think it's an instance where it needs an introduction slapped onto it to say it's not indicative of current values/thought, so people don't go getting the idea to glorify some of the stuff in it (as WB did with releases of racist cartoons a while back, to put them in proper context).

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  14. This is actually an interesting one to me because my GF works for LEGO.  Apparently Ninjago is one of their best selling lines.  In fact when it originally came out, it was meant to run for a year to two years and then be retired as most of their lines are, but the fanbase for it proved to be so large and vocal that they've kept it going for almost 8 years now.  A year after it came out, they produced a TV series which has also been ongoing for 7 seasons, though it looks like the movie will be either a retelling or a reboot of the series rather than a continuation.


    More importantly to LEGO, and probably more important for the movie, is that Ninjago is the LEGO property that does well in Japan and Asia which has proven to be a difficult market for LEGO to break into for some reason.  Considering the sheer number of sets coming out for this movie - many of which are already out - it's entirely possible that the movie itself only seriously matters to get people to buy the updated sets.  (It'll probably work too, considering how well Ninjago already sells.  Their new green dragon set is pretty cool and I actually want it myself).  Two of the writers on the movie have also written for the Ninjago TV series (as well as writing for The LEGO Movie).


    I'm curious if they'll try to release this in China, and how well it will do in Japan.

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Hatebox said:



    Josh Gad actually has fans? 12 of them??


    Indeed.  Surprise!  


    Granted most of them come from a Broadway background so we're talking folks who love people like Daveed Diggs and Rory O'Malley more than big name movie actors.  Most of them went to see Moana primarily because of Lin-Manuel Miranda and went to see Frozen because of Idina Menzel.


    This is not a GA demographic, admittedly.  But there are plenty of insular communities who do find the presence of certain less mainstream actors to have a lot of appeal because they come from theatre.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

    Clearly there was some hyperbole in there...


    There was none.  I have a lot of friends who are huge Book of Mormon fans.  That's not surprising itself either when you consider Josh Gad only got his role in Frozen because of his connections via the BoM creators who were working on Frozen at the time.  I love his work on that musical (not so much on Frozen, but he was barely in it and Olaf's design was ugly as hell).  So why wouldn't I (or other fans of BoM, especially those who have forked over hundreds of dollars to see BoM several times) hesitate to pay like 10 bucks to see a Broadway actor we like in a movie?

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  17. 4 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

    As a shareholder, it's fine for an extra $.001 of eps growth or whatever it is lol but pay that woman her money. People didn't go to see Dan Stevens or Josh Gad.


    I know at least twelve people who went to see it because of Josh Gad.  Myself included.


    Granted they're all theatre fans who thought Emma Watson should have been tanked in favour of a Broadway actress (or at least one who can actually sing).  A few of them primarily saw Moana because of Lin-Manuel Miranda.


    I also know two people who went just because of Ewan McGregor.


    I consider these an outlier though.  Most people I know seem to be going just because it's Beauty and the Beast.  I still can't persuade my gf to go yet because she's a theatre fan who thinks Emma Watson can't act.

  18. 2 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:

    Sure enough, already got "Pixar has run out of ideas" checked off on the bingo card.


    Though admittedly they did kind of force the "sense of wonder" in the trailer and the sudden cut to commercial "wondrous" trailer music didn't fit. Still, certainly looks a lot better than Cars. Only way we'll know for sure how much is with reviews.


    My latino mutuals on facebook are super excited by this trailer.  I'm guessing this teaser isn't showing any of the actual story though.

  19. 1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:


    Coraline, Paranorman,The Corpse Bride, Frankenweenie ...





    Coraline probably qualifies.  That movie manages to be creepy as hell.  Both Corpse Bride and Frankenweenie are really more gothic fantasy in style rather than being horror.  Not sure about Paranorman.  I really need to watch that.

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  20. 13 minutes ago, Eevin said:

    Kudos to all the $30m+ predictions for Split, I honestly didn't see it coming. My Derby's screwed now, but it's nice to see Shyamalan making good movies again. Hopefully Split's success encourages more quality original filmmaking, both in the horror genre and outside of it. 

    Hidden Figures and La La Land are both doing great. Can't wait to see both of them hopefully get some major Oscar love on Tuesday.

    No comment on Triple X.


    Fortunately Horror is one of the genres where they do seem to put out a fair number of original films, it's just that most are low budget.  Horror and Animation seem to put out a lot of originals (though there's been a glut of sequels lately, it never seems to prevent original content from going forward either).


    Now all we need is an animated horror film. :D

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