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Not really

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Everything posted by Not really

  1. On its 3rd weekend, JW made $54.5M DOM and $86M OS (140.5 combined). It went on to make another $351M from the same markets. On its 3rd weekend, FK made $148M DOM and $111.9M OS (259.9 combined). I think it should be able to make another $485M including Japan.
  2. Isn't China part of the 106.7 OS weekend? EDIT: Damn it Sam
  3. But the feeling of "It did slightly under $1.2B" and "It did slightly over $1.2B" are vastly different to me. There must be a time when you've experienced something like this, right?
  4. $1.2B. That gives me a far different feeling compared to $1.1B.
  5. As much as I want to, I won't celebrate just yet. Japan will be the deciding factor in this.
  6. Because JW wasn't as loved as TA and JP. I thought that would mean a worse start for FK, which will then have good legs due to the (presumably) great reception. But not enough to counter the low opening fully.
  7. I know that, but it did drop from an all-time grosser, which JP and JW kind of was as well, so I decided to lower my standards.
  8. I'd say a drop equivalent to TLW would be the standard of success. It's still likely to miss that, but not by a humongous margin compared to 2 days ago.
  9. No, I know what you meant. I was agreeing with you and making a comment about the rather polarized discussion about this.
  10. It's surprisingly hard to understand that a movie doesn't have to flop to be a disappointment compared to expectations.
  11. Not gonna lie, I find myself in the same situation with FK as I did with TLJ. Objectively speaking, both films will make a ton of money for their respective studios. Relatively speaking, TLJ had a bigger drop than expected, and FK seems to be heading in that direction as well (we'll know soon after this weekend). It's a shame, because I loved FK and would like to see it do better at the BO. JW3 will have to step up in its audience reception to not fall below $1B WW (and for my future club to happen).
  12. That's good to know. So, in case I don't remember this forum exists by then and my would-be club happens, I just want to say that I called it.
  13. One question: When is it legally allowed by forum rules to make a "JW3 over SW9" club? Is it later this year or 2 years from now?
  14. That's fair enough. They're both animations and not quite as big as JP and SW, but they're close enough to make a comparison. There's also Jumanji. Also, they're not the sequel to the highly-anticipated return. They're just the highly-anticipated return. There's no I3 or FN3 yet.
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