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Posts posted by Gumby

  1. Is the dialogue natural sounding in this or is every other line some clever and witty retort like in Edge of Seventeen?  Loved Saoirse Ronan in Brooklyn (loved the film, too), but this looks like a movie made for critics and people on the coasts.  And any political sucker punches in it?


    Business was pretty slow for this at my theater today.  Surprised we got both Lady Bird and Three Billboards.  Nice variety of choices for moviegoers.

  2. 22 hours ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

    Great news! I loved the first one, so inventive and creative! I hope they will turn it into PG13, since the only reason why the first movie underperformed was because the main demo couldn’t watch it at theaters. 

    Really enjoyed it, too.


    Was funny watching people move closer to the screen (myself included) so they could read the messages being sent.

    • Haha 1
  3. The subjectivity of what someone finds scary is always interesting.


    The only movies that creep me out are The Exorcist and The Entity.

    I suppose The Exorcist works for me because I had an aunt who was a nurse (in the 60's) and dealt with a patient who exhibited signs of possession (a priest was called in) and that probably makes me susceptible to that film.  If you think the whole subject is nonsense, I'd imagine the movie seems silly.

    • Like 2
  4. I don't know, I'm as far right conservative as they come, and imo, WW was a success in spite of the always annoying SJW's.  


    The movie wasn't political at all (closest thing was her PC group of friends that checked every diversity box) and didn't push the feminism angle as hard as something like ABC's TV show Agent Carter did.  They made that main character so unlikable that audiences gave up on the show.



  5. So Paramount says the movie is "audacious and brave."  


    I'll give them "audacious."  It most certainly is that.


    But in no way is a movie "brave."  "Brave" is a cop going into a drug house or a firefighter risking his life going into a burning building or a soldier fighting ISIS.  


    This is people play acting and making millions of dollars.  I'm not sure why they would release a defensive statement like this.

    • Like 5
  6. Just now, filmlover said:

    Although I can't say I liked this movie, I have to applaud Darren Aronofsky for actually convincing a major studio to both fund it and give it a 2,000+ theater release to something so completely fucked up.

    That's true.


    And Paramount even increased their marketing buy at the end, so they put even more money in to try and save it.

  7. 11 minutes ago, BoxOfficeChica said:

    Surprised there isn't a "No refunds after the movie starts" policy, or if people complain enough, they get free passes anyway? Sometimes the theaters here put up signs at the ticket window if a movie is "challenging", for The Artist there was a sign about it being silent and in black & white. Basically a warning ahead of time, so, hey, don't come looking for a refund later because we're not giving it to you.

    The theater has always been pretty liberal regarding refunds.  But I do remember someone walking out of The Witch (a movie I liked) about 3/4 of the way through and wanting their money back and didn't get it.


    There was signage about The Artist being a silent film at this theater, too.  


    I suppose they could put up a sign for Mother saying, "This is the most indulgent and pretentious piece of shit you're ever going to see.  Enter at your own risk."

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  8. My theater has gotten so many requests for refunds that they took the movie passes out of the locked drawer and put them in a quickly accessible spot.  Ticket sellers have been instructed to ask elderly patrons if they have heard about the film, not out and out discouraging them from seeing it but warning what to expect.


    Some are angry about being misled from the trailers (expected a horror film), some are angry about the incredibly anti-christian nature of the film (this is a very conservative/religious part of WI), and some just thought it was so that bad that they should get their money back for sitting through it. 


    The whole thing was just a perfect storm of crazy.  JLaw gives these crazy statements about the hurricane while promoting this batshit crazy movie, lol.  


    I'm amazed when the studio saw a rough cut of this that they didn't say, "sorry, we aren't releasing this garbage."

  9. 30 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


    LOL So apropos that fans of the man who turned "FAKE NEWS!" into a national catchphrase are calling for Jennifer's head over a piece of fake news ("Jennifer Lawrence blames Irma and Harvey on Trump voters! Read all about it!!"



    On another topic: I admit that in the past I have been "guilty" of being quick to label a film "pretentious," but I have started asking myself, "what the heck am I using as criteria for my calling a film 'pretentious'?" I mean...do we use the term for any film that does not give us pat answers or a linear, easily digested narrative? Do we use the term for any film that does not telegraph every plot point or give us the usual emotional cues through music? Is a film that tries to do something different (from the usual) pretentious? Is a film that explores a director's "weird" idiosyncracies pretentious? 

    I don't know...I thought that for me it was worth exploring those questions.


    I saw mother!  last night and my verdict is...I loved the experience. 

    I most definitely did not hate the film and definitely was not turned off by the now infamous third act. 

    I am still trying to take in, process, and interpret/decode every last moment from the film, and once I do that, I will certainly talk about it in more detail.

    I also want to see it again...

    Do we even have a spoiler thread for mother! ?





    I don't think a film is pretentious if it's a bit challenging due to a non-linear narrative but if it's just some director's weird idiosyncrasies put onscreen, then the word is appropriate.



    • Like 1
  10. So Jennifer Lawrence went to her Facebook page and asked her followers to identify people who went to that Charlottesville rally.


    That will really end well since one person has already been misidentified, and the poor guy and his family had to go into hiding.


    She's an idiot who reeks with self-importance.



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