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Posts posted by Gumby

  1. 2 minutes ago, Noctis said:

    The Dark Knight Rises, while arguably undoubtedly messier than its predecessor, had an epic scope rarely achieved in blockbusters this decade and one of the best female performances in a superhero movie (Hathaway, Gadot, and Pfeiffer take a fucking bow). The ending was genuinely emotional. 


    I know some people grade films by intricately dissecting each and every category of a film, but to me that's only half the case. Interstellar, while it had a few messy and unwieldy moments, managed to become the most emotionally resonant blockbuster released this decade (even more than DH1, which is a near-perfect Potter film and one of my absolute favorite blockbusters this decade - DH2 isn't far behind). The scene where Anne takes a deep breath and looks out at the sunset while Hans Zimmer's music plays is one of the greatest satisfactions I've felt in a blockbuster movie. 

    It also had the worst female performance in Marion Cotillard.


    Her "acting" in the death scene is more laughable than what you would see in a 5th grade play.

  2. 2 hours ago, Nova said:

    Why are Cara D and Rihanna getting the blunt of the blame for Valerian flopping? We all knew it was going to flop. It has a $209M budget. The odds for it to succeed were already in doubt just on that budget alone. And we have already seen that just because you cast a well known actor or actress (see the Mummy, Baywatch and Ghost In The Shell etc) it doesn't mean your movie is going to do well financially. Unless your Star Wars, films like Valerian haven't exactly been setting the box office on fire. Heck even a well received Star Trek film didn't set the box office on fire last year. 


    Before we even get to the actors you have to consider the script, concept, direction etc but let's skip all of that and get to the actors. Rihanna has a glorified cameo. That's it. If the studio wanted to use her in the marketing that's fine, and that's their right I think everyone going to watch the film knew that she only had a cameo. Cara D is a very well known and successful model. She's just now beginning to venture out into Hollywood. Maybe the studio picked her because they feel like she's going to be the next big thing. Or maybe their top choices said no, so they settled for a relatively well known model who came cheap from a price standpoint? But regardless of whether this film was successful or not, these two women shouldn't suddenly have their careers questioned. Movies flop all the time. Movies with well known actors flop all the time. And yet those actors especially male actors get second and third and fourth chances all the time. And all this talk about Cara D and Rihanna but like what about Dane Dehaan? He's a nobody who got cast in a big budget film like this. Why aren't there questions about how a male actor like him got cast in a film like this as opposed to why well known names like Cara D and Rihanna got cast instead? :thinking:at 

    Cara D's well known for her arrogant personality.  That interview where she couldn't hide her disdain at having to sit there answering questions from some poor local reporter gave her a pretty bad reputation.


    She's most certainly not ugly, but she always has that "I'm better than you" expression on her face, and that's just not going to appeal to people.


    Didn't help that she was one of the worst characters in Suicide Squad, either.

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  3. Just now, Noctis said:

    I love that by the end of the year, the three biggest films of the year will be headlined by women: Emma Watson, Gal Gadot, and Daisy Ridley. 

    Of those three, the only one who should get credit is Gal Gadot.  She was the perfect WW and is very responsible for that film's success.


    Watson is a bland nothing who can't act, and Ridley is a Keira Knightley knock-off.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Spaghetti of 1000 Planets said:

    Why are you so hung up about this? You act like it's a horrible thing for non-white people to want to see themselves represented on the big screen. Audiences love characters for their personalities and actions, not for their race. 

    And why does a well-established, existing character have his/her race changed to achieve that?

  5. 3 hours ago, grey ghost said:


    There's very little agenda.


    Racially diverse schools in Queens, NY is factual.


    Why is telling the truth an agenda but lying and depicting NYC as nearly all white not an agenda? 


    That's very true, but certain characters were not "diverse" in the comics and were changed most likely for SJW PC  reasons.  I'm sure there are enough white kids in Queens that those characters could have been white and it would not have looked out of place.  Introduce some new characters who are "diverse" and there would be zero issue.

  6. 2 hours ago, grey ghost said:


    I don't think multiculturalism is an extreme ideology though.


    They're basically saying we should appreciate everyone and all cultures.


    What's so terrible about that?


    If a kid from India, Japan, Egypt or Nigeria walks into your kid's classroom what's more reasonable? For the class to applaud and ask questions or boo and bully the kid telling them to go back to their country?





    Just say hi and see if you like the guy/gal after you talk.



  7. 40 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:


    Go see it...it has the best 3rd act of all supers this year...it feels like a love letter to the original creators of the comics - they so embraced exactly who Spidey was and is:)...

    If it was a love letter to the original comics, then they wouldn't have done what they did to the supporting characters.


    Love it or hate it, this was a slap against the original characters (other than Peter).

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, 75live said:

    I just got home from seeing this and it was pretty good.  Something did seem missing, but still a fun time.  I liked Godzilla more, but this was still good enough as well.


    I loved the credits scene and especially the post credits scene :) 


    I was surprised how many people in the theater knew who was being shown in the post credits scene.  I'm really glad I didn't know what it was going to be.  Really nice surprise!

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