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Posts posted by RascarCapat

  1. 4 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

    He minced words a bit, but just look at his reaction and expressions. He's clearly trying to skate around just flat out saying he wasn't a big fan. Not that hard to read. I also think it's comical he thinks the PT broke new ground visually. TPM had already been outdone in visual innovation be the much cheaper The Matrix in the same year. And AOTC and ROTS certainly weren't innovators. 


    As much as I dislike the PT no one can deny what it brought to the cinema industry. I recommend watching "Side by Side" a documentary about Films and the appereance of numeric cameras. It is clear that the PT brought numeric to a new Age.


    Also how can Cameron not be inspired by the PT when he used the same "All blue screen" kind of effects, and the PT was again clearly a pioneer for the CGI fuckfest that goes around these days.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Baumer said:


    I actually think this club has a good chance to succeed.


    The thing about doing these clubs when it comes to money for the site, you have to make the number attractive enough to get action.  I realize that if we would have used 425, we still probably would have gotten a lot of action.  So that's my bad.  With this one, I think 475 is a perfect number.  Right now Dory is doing well enough to make it look like 475 is a breeze, but it will face competition and getting a 3.5X is not going to be that easy, especially when you burned off so much at the beginning.


    I agree that 475 is really the perfect limit and was well choosen for this club.

    We will see what happens with competition but the way it's started I really do not see it doing less then 475 now.



  3. 2 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

    Roland Emmerich >>>>>>>>>> Inarritu


    Michael Bay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 95% of directors currently working in Hollywood.


    Just seen his Benghazi movie, masterpiece.


    Take note competitors, this is how you direct a fucking movie.


    This is like American Sniper but with talented people involved instead.






    Well you know... It's like your opinion man.


    I've been blown away by the 2 last Innaritu movies. He's one of the director that I'm now exited to see anything he makes. Can't say the same about Emerich and bay...

    • Like 3
  4. @Free State of Tele I'm glad I'm not the only one who LOVED La Marseillaise from Casablanca. Being French I heard that song hundreds of time and I think it is a good song, especially the second part, but La Marseillaise from Casablanca is the most patriotic take of La Marseillaise that I have ever seen.


    Very good pick Tele.

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, chasmmi said:


    I understand your pain,  but mixing scores and songs is asking for madness to ensue. 


    It would be nice to see you still put together a song only last even though you love the scores. 


    (I also would put a jurassic park score above most songs used in films :) )


    Yes. And lists are too fun to make to pass that one out.


    Ok I'll give it a go then :



    1. I wanna be like You (The Jungle Book)
    2. Singin' in the Rain (Singin' in the Rain)
    3. Over the Rainbow (the wizzard of Oz)
    4. Bang Bang (Kill Bill)
    5. Hang Me, Oh Hang Me (Inside Llewyn Davis)
    6. La marseillaise (Casablanca)
    7. Free Bird (The Devil's Reject)
    8. Free Bird (Kingsman)
    9. Crucify your mind (Searching for Sugar Man)
    10. Elephant Love Medley (Moulin Rouge)
    11. Wand'rin' Star (Paint Your Wagon)
    12. Johnny B.Good (Back to the Future)
    13. Aquarius (Hair)
    14. Tonight (West side Story)
    15. Part of your World (The little Mermaid)
    16. Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters)
    17. Moon River (Breakfast at Tiffany's)
    18. You're the one that I want (Grease)
    19. Everybody needs somebody (Blues Brother)
    20. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Mary Popins)
    21. Bohemian Rhapsody (Wayne's World)
    22. If I were a rich man (Fiddler on the roof)
    23. Everything is awesome (The LEGO Movie)
    24. Mad World (Donnie Darko)
    25. Fame (Fame)
    26. Where is my mind (Fight Club)
    27. The Circle of Life (The Lion King)
    28. Volunteers (Forrest Gump)
    29. Melanesian Choirs (The Thin Red Line)
    30. Down in the River to Pray (O' Brother)
    31. Put on your sunday clothes (Wall-E)
    32. Everybody's Talking (Midnight Cowboy)
    33. Everybody wants to be a cat (The Aristocats)
    34. The opening (All that Jazz)
    35. Kalashnikov (Underground)
    36. I have seen it all (Dancer in the dark)
    37. If you want me (Once)
    38. Volver (Volver)
    39. Let the river run (Working Girl)





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  6. 9 minutes ago, Baumer said:


    It's in the Speakeasy...too many pinned threads right now.....and keep in mind...if we don't get at least ten people to accept the bet by Monday, then its void.


    Haha nice way to chicken Out !

    I'll understand if you guys would only pay what other have engaged.


    Like if only 4 people were in, you would just have to pay 40$.


    I'm really confident you'll loose now, even if it ends up void you'll have lost in my heart and will hear about it.

  7. All right sorry I wanted to play but I read the rules again and I cannot vote for any of John Williams Score because they don't have lyrics so ... it kinda makes me sad to play now I really wanted to vote at least for Star Wars and Jurassic Park theme songs.


    But I'm looking forward to the result thanks for doing this.


  8. Yep, it's funny when I got home my daughter was watching TS3 (she is still right now) and one of the first thing I did when I saw FD wednesday number was to check TS3's run on BOM. When I realized I was watching the numbers of the movie that ran in my back I laughed a little inside.


    Anyway, TS3 had a monday to wednesday drop of 13,7%.

    FD has a monday to wednesday drop of 8,6%.

    From bigger numbers with bigger everything including an inflated tuesday with discount tuesday...


    Ok maybe legs will drop. But I really think we're in for an epic run that could have TS3 multiplier and finish a little over 500M

  9. Also Tele on another subject I love your Irulan Signature.


    This scene is actually my favourite part of Lynch's Movie. I always gets chills when she says the "Also known as Dune" with the music rolling and the title coming up.


    I hope the rest would hold up to the book... Although I know it's kinda stupid to wish that.

    Well actually... the first seasons of GOT actually proved that it is possible to have an awesome and faithful adaptation of a book. I am not sure it possible to do that with Dune though.


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