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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. Who'll point out that my bad take was two sentences, not one. Also, I really want to at someone. I'm a bad person.
  2. Harry Potter is the worst Book/Movie series of all time. It is a literal cancer on novel/film world.
  3. Survey Monkey did a poll, and Comscore as well. But you know, I did say sources, with an s, meaning plural. but your snark is surely a compelling argument. I'll now accept I am wrong, and that you are correct.
  4. I mean, we know that RT had tampering, IMDB is pretty shit in general, and we have little idea what a mega release in December should look like with it's multi. We have other sources that seem to show WOM as not being Poor.
  5. Best Video game movie ever. It's a simple plot, moves from A to B to C with no real twists or turns, but it doesn't try to be anything but that. The cast embraces the concept, running full hilt into playing different people in their bodies. Jack Black fully commits to being a teenage girl, it's astounding. It's a fun movie to watch. It is almost entirely seperate from the original in tone and style, and outside a small thing, it doesn't really acknowledge the previous films existence.
  6. On a side note, I like how Wonder is just kind of chugging along. It's kind of fun.
  7. Plus side, it's also how you get ROTJ. So...Take the bad with the good.
  8. ...You do know that doesn't actually prove whatever point you're trying to make, right? Nothing in what he said means this isn't his business, or that he doesn't work in this stuff. And you're so hung-up on Empire you're dragging RTH through the mud, too. RTH who has also said you are wrong. So...again. Who am I going to believe. Them, or the person who kept trying to say "Non-Scientific" polling is as good as "Scientific" polling.
  9. I mean...Empire can be a dick sometimes, but this is the dude's business. If he and RTH are saying that isn't how it works, then I believe the two people who do this stuff for a living.
  10. It's kind of insane in it's own way, Avengers just barely makes 200, and TLJ casually steps over it. Even after RO tainted the audience. and TFA tainted the audience the year before that. Star Wars fatigue!
  11. Survey's aren't binary, and I'm not sure how you say he'd give it a positive score.
  12. It's probably not that hard, and it sounds like maybe a few hours work for an intern.
  13. Well, it was a tongue in cheek comment, meant not to be serious in anyone's attempt to convince me that these overly long boring movies/books aren't overly long and boring.
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