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Posts posted by Nova

  1. I guess what I tried to say in my previous post is that if TROS was a good movie, it would do well at the box office. 

    The MCU had a few duds (the first two Thor films, Iron Man 2 and Age of Ultron) but that didn’t stop audiences from seeing Iron Man 3 or Thor 3 or the next Avengers film. Why? Because they were well received. 

    As @Deep Wang mentioned earlier, if you’re done with a franchise because of ONE movie then I have to question whether you were actually a fan of it to begin with. 

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  2. If Star Wars fans hated TLJ so much wouldn’t they want to go and watch TROS to prove a point? I mean since JJ Abrahams is the messiah and Rian Johnson is the devil. Wouldn’t you guys want to support the former’s movie just to stick it to Rian? 

    TROS box office has more to do with it getting a meh reaction than anything else. TLJ was not hated to the point where its “sequel” is going to open to $50M less than it. It had great reviews and I’ll say a meh reaction overall from audiences: some people loved it and some people didn’t. It wasn’t like everyone who walked out of that movie hated it. 

    I know someone smart is gonna bring up the drop between TFA and TLJ to prove that people didn’t like TLJ but did any of you consider that there was always going to be that big of a drop between the two films? TFA was so hyped up. TFA is not the standard for Star Wars films at the box office. It was an exception. It would be equal to people asking why the next Avenger’s movie saw a huge drop from End Game.


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  3. 4 minutes ago, reddevil19 said:

    At the risk of going all "release the Snyder cut", I can't help but wonder what might have been had Lord and Miller been allowed to continue. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it would have made a billion, but it might have been different enough while retaining a familiar character in order to appeal to fans and new audiences alike. Not to mention, they wouldn't have had to shoot the damn thing twice, so the budget would have been manageable and it wouldn't have been such a black hole for Disney. 

    I was actually gonna mention Lord&Miller in my post. A lot of us had some interest in that project because they were involved. The moment they were fired, all interest was lost and that’s really when it came a “but why” situation with that movie. 

  4. The Star Wars franchise needs a break. But it’s not dead. With the right creative minds, it can still continue and make money (without decreasing). Come up with new characters and new ideas. Star Wars is a whole damn galaxy. They don’t have to confine it’s stories to just a few set characters. 

    I also feel like when they cast for the newer projects, they need to get actors/actresses who are charismatic and can be the face of a franchise. I’m sorry but Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are not that.

    So with the right creative mind and right cast, Star Wars will be fine. Honestly if I’m Disney, I let Kevin Feige take over the Star Wars franchise. Or at least be a consultant. He seems to have a knack of getting the right cast and the right people behind the scenes. 

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  5. 7 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    There will be more walk ups. It'll go over the true Friday number.

    If I’m not mistaken @Jedi Jat considers walk ups when making his predictions. It’s why sometimes predictions are too high because he didn’t expect presales to contribute as much. 

    As for TROS don’t know how much more it can grow on walk ups when showtimes are filled as it is. 

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  6. 34 minutes ago, Madhuvan said:

    If Gal Gadot can have a good career in Hollywood then Daisy Ridley can easily have. 

    I mean seriously, Daisy Ridley acts much better than Gadot. 

    Gal Gadot has something that Daisy doesn’t though: charisma. Which goes a long way in Hollywood and matters more to execs than acting talent. I’m not trying to knock one or the other because I agree that Daisy is more talented than Gal acting wise but getting roles in Hollywood isn’t just about talent. Gal has the IT factor imo which is why she’s able to sell the role of Wonder Woman so damn well. 

    • Like 7
  7. Audience reviews for TROS: 

    86% on RT 

    6.9 on IMDb 

    73% on google 

    B+ from cinema score 


    I think the important thing for TROS isn’t the just the audience reviews but whether Star Wars fans liked it enough to watch it again because at the end of the day that’s really what’s going to give it the legs that TLJ didn’t have. The average person won’t go watch the movie more than once. It’s the fans that do that. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, George Parr said:

    They really loved making direct-to-video sequels of their big successes back then. I really have no idea why.


    Aladdin had two sequels like that, as did Beauty and the Beast and Lion King. Little Mermaid, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and 101 Dalmatians got another movie as well.

    I knew about Aladdin and Lion King. Didn’t know about any of the others. And thank god I didn’t. Mulan II was trash. I imagine the other direct to video sequels are as well. 

  9. I’m not sure if I can blame the decline in OW from TLJ to this movie on TLJ entirely. I say this as someone who actually liked TLJ but I just feel like the film makers didn’t give general audiences enough reasons to care to go out and watch TROS. And maybe that had to do with TLJ and the set up for TROS...I’m not sure. When you compare the way the MCU built up End Game and compare it to the build up of TROS, you’ll see what I’m trying to say. As someone who isn’t a fan of Star Wars but watches the films cause I enjoy them, I’m still asking the question of why should I go watch TROS? I’m not an MCU fanboy by any means but when Infinity War and End Game both came out, I felt the need to go watch both films on OW otherwise I’d be missing something. To use a Star Wars movie as an example, when TFA came out everyone I knew was talking about it so I felt like I needed to watch it. I just don’t get that same feeling with TROS and I’m sure I’m not the only one. And like I can’t explain it entirely. I don’t dislike Star Wars movies obviously but I’m just like meh I’ll catch the movie sometime later. 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


    What do you mean least tied to the original trilogy? Rogue One might as well be Episode 3.9 as it leads directly into Episode 4. Love that movie and love how it ties into the OT

    I should have specified: As in it doesn’t involve Han Solo, Luke Skywalker etc Of course it’s tied into it as it’s a prologue of sorts but the movie doesn’t depend on the famous characters from the original Star Wars films to sell itself.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Nova said:

    Unpopular opinion but out of all the new Star Wars films, Rogue One was the best. 

    And I also want to add that Rogue One was the best and it was the film least tied to the original trilogy. So for me as a non Star Wars fan, I think there is potential for the franchise as long as they branch out, give different stories with different characters. 

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