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Everything posted by YM!

  1. Actually Wonder Woman was announced before Captain Marvel by two months. Kevin Fiege pushed for Panther and CM to happen but Ike Perlmutter wouldn't allow it at first thinking no one would care about them.
  2. I underestimated due to lack of marketing. Then WB blasted all cylinders after GV2 came with marketing. My club was originally under $300M but people said "No, it has to be bolder!"
  3. I think GSC might be a $350M+ grosser. Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn will be massive draws. Aquaman and Flash I see at $100M+ OW, Batman can even do $150M+ OW. JLD has a great chance for $100M+ OW, I'm only unsure about Nightwing.
  4. SS had Joker and Batman all over the marketing, it was apparent that it was going to hit $100M on OW. MoS was the return of Superman in years in a new CBM gilded age which was hyped to full extent. WW was the first female superhero movie in years. We had a very prominent $100M+ OW club for it.
  5. I am curious if DCEU can keep up the $100M+ opening/$300M+ finishing streak with their lesser known characters such as Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Nightwing, Shazam, and JLD.
  6. I think it has a good chance to be the highest grossing family film of Winter 2017 and do $200M+.
  7. I agree, I get paid pretty decently for babysitting ($8.25 an hour/$25-$65 (for family only) for the movies). I think the older audience will be the ones who are relatively meh but the majority will go. Same for Panther if it breaks out with IW, my younger cousins and plenty of other African American children will be hyped but the older audience may be hesitant.
  8. I saw Minions, Alvin 4, both Planes movies, Pets, and Ice Age 5, the new Smurfs because of babysitting my younger cousins. I even sat through Norm of The North because my little cousins wanted to see it.
  9. I think it'll be Ant Man, Doctor Strange (cause New York), or Captain Marvel (since if she has her own solo movie and IW2 in 2019 and a key player to the MCU I can see her reappearing in Homecoming 2).
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