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Everything posted by RRA

  1. “It’s Marvel’s version of a Zack Snyder” is both the most horrifying and fascinating description I’ve heard for an upcoming movie in some time.
  2. Bond a Spectre sleepers agent confirmed.
  3. It’s sloppy, meanders, flirts with being pretentious at times (a word that never should be associated with slashers) but i still liked. Kills are still brutal, still got ‘18’s sense of humor and that mob sequence at the hospital is good stuff.
  4. I would argue a rare “original” movie comparable to that is The Matrix. Wears its Phillip K. Dick/cyberpunk/anime/Hong Kong cinema influences clearly on its sleeves, but distilled into something uniquely memorable.
  5. Jedi took cues from the Bene Gesserit, a religious order who are trained with magic powers and when needed, combat skills too. Not a knock at Lucas or SW, but it is what it is (though Herbert was annoyed by this and passive aggressively mentioned a “threepeo” in one of his later books, his term for something that copied something but not as good.) I find this online SW/Dune back and forth lately weird. Are we really rehashing old nerd talking points? When the new Fantastic Four movie drops, will people go “oh hey Vader ripped off Dr Doom!” What am I kidding? Of course they will.
  6. Somebody in this thread suggested a new Freddy movie might deliver $ and I’ll suggest a new Friday the 13th could as well. (F13 is in litigation hell at the moment though.)
  7. It’s like arguing “all 007 films are the same” as if The Spy Who Loved Me and Skyfall are story/tone-wise interchangeable. Hell you have people aching 007 to be “escapist” again (I don’t need to decode that for you folks.) Folks should visit spandex cinema forums sometime. What was a popular complaint when GOTG2 and Ragnarok came out? “Too jokey, why can’t more MCU movies be more balanced like The Winter Soldier?” What’s funny is I revisited the first Cap movie and I realized that after 26 something movies, MCU hasn’t cranked out another movie like that and it’s throwback period piece tone despite being one of the more important movies in the MCU canon.
  8. LOL that property is basically "convicted/imprisoned crooks sent on suicidal mission" and doesn't that sum up DD? Gunn isn't wrong there. You do have a point about the "we're different!" spiel that's become a PR junket cliche for these things. Cynically speaking its a tactic many times to appeal to folks from the masses to the cinephiles that hey come to my movie if you decide to see a spandex film in theaters.
  9. You joke but he’s a legit “Zoolander” fan so who knows? Hell Terry Gilliam liked Ant-Man. Crazier things have happened.
  10. This is where I humble brag/nerd flex that in the midst of people online mentioning how they struggled to read the book, I first read Dune when I was 11.
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