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Everything posted by RRA

  1. I didn’t say it couldn’t be scary too? I’m just baffled by people debating the comedy question on AL.
  2. GB is a comedy-driven property. I think it’s a given this is a comedy.
  3. Nevermind Dune is a safe bet to be a tech Oscar contender, 3 words that didn’t describe PR. ”Dune is this year’s Pacific Rim!” Boy outside of context, that’s hilariously silly that is worthy of being shared online for LOLz like a Devin Faraci hot take from back in the day. Even inside context, it’s a stretch. PR never had a Paul Krugman blowjob column. VA, you’re usually calm/objective with good opinions around here and yes we always appreciate your scoops. But sometimes you have the tendency to double down and be defensive when something goes against your predictions (here and Twitter) and you act like the very people you’re complaining about. It’s ok, it happens. I remember being pressed when Wonder Woman did well reviews/box office and I took any opportunity to snipe it or belittle it because I was a franchise war soldier. Now I look back and realize how stupid and time wasting it was for a decent picture that yes was a big hit. One has to learn and move on. I mean I’m a Marvelite, do you see me acting like this with the Eternals reviews? No. Notice how I gave an opinion about how Oscar voters don’t vote just to get their awards show a ratings boost. Somebody disagreed with that. Well, ok.
  4. Not sure what point you’re making by quoting me? I was actually making a case for why a nomination is possible unlike certain people in this thread. As for Oscar ratings, they’ve had a downward trajectory for awhile now.
  5. Oh the irony of listing them. They exist now because years back somebody at Marvel looked at old properties that were never popular even among Marvel readers and thought "hey we might have something cinematic here." I mean hell even after Edgar Wright bailed on Ant-Man, people online went "lol why?" because they couldn't mentally process that property beyond the name. It says something that now they're so intertwined with the Marvel mythos in nerd culture, nobody thinks twice about such characters now. Let's remember why MCU started out on Iron Man in the first place: because they didn't have access to most of their biggest characters except Hulk. They had core of the Avengers though, so they mapped out from there. If they had X-Men or Spider-Dude or FF, I would guess they go after them first before Walking U.S. Flag and Space Viking. I think King Kevin or one of his people looked at Eternals and thought hey since we've already dabbled in space opera, why not this too? Hey why not a property that reeks of cosmic Highlander? They took a flyer on it like so many other things, except this one might not cut the mustard. Sometimes gambles don't pay off. MCU always wants new franchises to theoretically keep people (outside the faithful) interested, freshen up the formula cogs, hell play in genre sandboxes before (Shang-Chi screams "Let's do KUNG FU!")
  6. I’ve yet to find an instance really where any movie got major noms just to get more ratings for the show. Doesn’t work like that. Voters don’t think like that. As for Dune’s chances, we live in weird times when foreign language movies won Best Picture, as did a Creature from Black Lagoon pastiche from the director of Blade 2. A nom is not impossible. Reminds me back in the day when we were surprised Fury Road score a high load of noms including Pic/Director…and word at the time was WB was just as surprised as everybody else.
  7. Basically after DC cancelled New Gods and he went back to Marvel, Kirby wanted to keep dabbling in ancient astronaut stuff.
  8. If so, it makes what Tenet did last year (363) even more impressive in a non-vaccine environment when one thinks about it despite the crap me and others gave Nolan at the time. (Sure “piracy!” but would Dune have made 43 million or more extra if It was theatrical exclusive?)
  9. Paragraph breaks next time, please? Anyway whether it’s a hit or not on paper is purely academic at this point. Actions always speak louder than words.
  10. No. MCU launch franchises, that’s what they do. How many have they launched when you think about it? Quite many. I used NFL analogy, your team usually starts by drafting franchise QB and go from there or a great defense, whatever. That’s what your team is built upon. MCU has done that w/ Avengers, Cap, Spidey, GOTG, whatever. If Eternals flops, opps but the foundation/team was already set and they can still win. Tampa Bay has Tom Brady and he’s got a lot of good WRs and Gronk and other offensive weapons to work with. If they drafted another WR who busts, oh well but they’re still contenders. Contrast with 5 years ago and online meltdown that commenced. BVS (or MOS even further if you want) was I would argue was meant to be DC drafting that franchise QB who then pulls a Heath Shuler and is a bust*. Such major busts when trying to form a good team tends to set you back years (just ask Bears and Jets fans.) *=Funny enough with that comp, Gadot 2nd day draft pick over overperforms big time.
  11. People are creatures of habit. Break that habit, hard to get them back.
  12. I’ll admit I’m intrigued since he’s apparently taking the source Stephen King story as his inspiration. Which sadly means no split a dude in half with a chainsaw and “he had to split” Arnold puns but sacrifices have to be made.
  13. I'll admit the possibility of Soho opening lower than Malignant (which was day/date Max release) amuses me. Then again even though historically he's one of their darlings, Film Twitter this time seemed generally indifferent about this Edgar Wright movie. Usually his stuff is treated as an event online, The eh reviews, Film Twitter more interested apparently in Planet Arrakis or a new MCU movie's RT score all seem to have played a role.
  14. Its precious Marvelites, pretentious cinemaphiles and frustrated franchise war soldiers taking a 5th round Wide-Receiver draft pick (projected 3rd on the depth chart) who's out of the NFL in 3 years and treating it like a 1st round franchise QB draft bust this side of Ryan Leaf or something.
  15. Yes and No. If say Incredible Hulk had done gangbuster numbers, I could've seen Disney bite their tongue and just write Universal a big check just to completely secure the distribution rights, the same way they paid off Paramount after Disney bought Marvel. Hell remember Disney bought the rights to new Indiana Jones from Paramount.
  16. I’m old enough to remember when Scott Pilgrim bombed (got Universal people fired) and people were worried about Edgar Wright.
  17. A classic clap at the 007 films is how they're all the same (sound familiar?) but then you put together a double feature of say The Spy Who Loved Me and Skyfall....I mean OK, there's a dude named James Bond and there are gadgets and sexy time and....uh....that's it? Completely different tones, plots, etc. (Funny enough there are locals here who think apparently Craig's Bond is what every 007 film that ever exists is like or something ridiculous. I would pay to watch them react to Moonraker tbh lol) You all remember the days when DCEU was supposedly the "humorless" brand, how allegedly WB ordered "no jokes" in their stuff? Of course that order wasn't true and DCEU now has had the terrific Shazam!* and TSS and so forth. But even then, there was humor even all the way back in MOS. Some memes bear a salt of truth, and some memes are just BS when you actually think about them and not just mindlessly share them as franchise soldiers. *=Which some fans loathe its existence, unfortunately. The most kid-friendly superhero film ever made, which for a spectrum originally created to amuse children...that's a great compliment.
  18. Where were you this summer? TSS was good. A shame it tanked, but most of it wasn’t it’s fault. Of course this doesn’t give ammo in Franchise Wars thus why eggs are being put in the Batman basket.
  19. Or to use your own logic, critics weren’t “lenient” but they just liked those movies more? Gotta admit, countering conspiracy theories against critics by conjuring one up against them is novel.
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