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Everything posted by RRA

  1. The story I heard was it got pulled because of massive complaints.
  2. So nobody will take over the Disney cartoon czar role from Lasseter?
  3. Well we all can finally agree and put it to rest: Walt Disney wasn't the worst boss Disney ever had.
  4. The short is a decent 7 minute short stretches out to 21 minutes.
  5. It's unfortunate Lasseter is overshadowing COCO because it's Pixar's best work since TOY STORY 3, even if the climax and villain are very familiar. Maybe I'm just too aware of Pixar's playbook or they need to draw up another play or two. Regardless I'll admit it, the ending moved me. That Frozen short however in front of it can go to hell. It's a decent 7 minute short stretched out to 21.
  6. To be fair nobody saw this opening to less than WW. Yet here we are.
  7. My prediction (and take heed that I plus Brainiac earlier were both sure that this would out-open BVS, with Brainiac predicting at most a potential $190 million): JL's ow will make people quabble about why it didn't do better than BVS (in spite of WW) or why it didn't out-open SS (which is possible), point is the thinkpiece cottage industry will have a field day with speculation about what went wrong and what DCEU needs to do. In short, OK OW but not as big as people expected/wanted especially in context of other team-up spandex openers. In short 2016 all over again, which means WB may or may not react/overreact to this. MEANWHILE it has good legs which surprises people (think SS) and maybe help restore (alongside WW) with long term confidence in the brand? Of course (just my opinion) the reactions between the two are a difference between two competitors in a cooking contest. One wins a medal for making a delicious meal, the other wins a medal for not burning the house down.
  8. Does that arbitrary mark really matter if this delivers overseas like it should?
  9. Sometimes it’s the women who have to pick up the slack for the men.
  10. it did, at least domestically. Certainly was the one of 2017's spandex crop that actually launched a new movie IP. From those reactions, I'm guessing its RT reception won't be as high as WW. I just find it funny that a woman on her first trip to the spandex plate hit a critical homerun that the same guy after 2 trips (potentially #3 as well) couldn't. That's Hollywood patriarchy in a nutshell. And some people (even fans of that brand) are annoyed by that suggestion. Or let me put it in blunt terms if my suggestion happens: WW solo movie > more stateside > JL movie with WW. And now you have people in this thread suggesting it might even open lower than BVS. Now I know you and Brainiac and others, we've had our differences. But I've bet on JL doing better, and I'm sticking to it and assuming it does better than WW stateside. Surely right? Gets a bump from WW on both fronts?
  11. I don't have a problem with it. I'm just more curious that you can say GA doesn't care about critics and then say they do.
  12. Legs will be interesting with the "eh its fine" reception from the bloggers (who usually more ecstatic on every decent spandex movie) reminding me of AGE OF ULTRON. "Its messy OK and the villain is meh, but the teamwork and humor works and its FUN!" (Of course AOU made a fortune and did over 400 million domestic so there are worse films it could be compared to.)
  13. It'll open over 100 million. Weird, I remember you in the JL thread mentioning time after time how those movies make big massive bucks in spite of the RT score. (Which there's some truth to it.) JL doing less than WW stateside would be both funny and fitting.
  14. That’s...mind blowing. Makes one wonder how much of a bump the “it’s fine” reactions will give it next week.
  15. Don’t tell me those initial JL reactions shook you that badly? They shouldn’t.
  16. I find that tracking to be too low honestly. It would blow my mind if it opened to less than BVS.
  17. Isn’t Wednesday still when review embargo drops?
  18. I shocked DADDY'S HOME 2 apparently is dreck. /s I keep forgetting its out this weekend.
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