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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. Please welcome to the stage, Steve Carrel! Steve: "Fuck how to do you follow that up? Your nominees for Best Director are!" Michael Mann- And the Band Played On Danny Boyle- Lord of the Flies Yorgos Lanthimos- The Parvelli Reunion Ang Lee- 56 Days of Love J.J. Abrams- War of the Gods The Oscar winner is!
  2. Please welcome to the stage, Kevin Hart! Kevin: "Best Actor is a highly fought for stop. Congrats to all those guys out there who have this nomination but sadly only one can win! Your nominees for Best Actor are! Colin Farrell- The Parvelli Reunion Mark Strong- Blank Hugh Jackman- The Odyssey: Spoils of War Tom Prior- 56 Days of Love David Mazouz- Lord of the Flies And the Oscar goes to! Kevin: "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!"
  3. Please welcome to the stage, Robert Downey Jr.! Robert: "Animation is an amazing part of filmmaking! Some of these films even appear on the Best Picture nominee list! And the nominees for Best Animated Film are!" Bounty Hamster Our City To the Moon The Twenty One Balloons Crash Bandicoot And the Oscar goes to!
  4. RuPaul: 'Our final exclusive look! Enjoy " _______________________ *A 2D animated world is seen.* *Creatures of varying shapes, sizes, and colors are cheering for a human girl* Voiceover (Meg (Anna Kendrick)): Somehow, I was the one who made this world. *A group of creatures ride on top of a dragon* Voiceover (Meg): I was their hero, and I could do anything in this world. I meant something. *The girl stands on top of a table, raising her hands in the air.* FADE TO BLACK *A woman, Meg, wakes up in the real world (live-action), laying just by her bed.* Voiceover (Meg): In this world....not so much. *Guitar music begins to play* HOURGLASS PICTURES *Meg does her morning routine, taking the train into work* Frank (Andy Garcia): You have the report? Meg: Yeah, I'll get it to you within the hour. *she slouches back at her desk* Voiceover (Meg): My life is a mess right now, and I'm about to make a colossal mistake at work. *Cut to a still of Meg in Frank's office.* Voiceover (Meg): I'd rather not dwell on this right now. *Meg is in a car, driving through a storm.* Voiceover (Meg): It was clear I needed some change, maybe a bit of validation in my life for once. *A thunder strike happens by her car, and she drives into a tree.* FADE TO BLACK *Meg opens her eyes, and we see several creatures surround her. One awkwardly waves.* (0:05 - instrumental) From the producers of SEEING HER and 56 DAYS OF LOVE *2D animated world* *A badger, A-Man, wearing a hoodie, sitting on a cloud, speaks to Meg* A-Man (Neil Patrick Harris): So this world you had created in your drawings since you were a child. As far as we're concerned, you're our god. My name is Awesomeicus, but you can call me A-Man. As in, "aaay man what's up!" Meg: Your name is Awesomeicus?! A-Man: Cut yourself some slack, you named me when you were 9. *We see them walk around the world, dominated by an eccentric, child like wonder.* Meg: Wait, I remember drawing these guys! Dr. Narwhal, Sefavra, Leonardo, and Marigold Jones. *She sees a narwhal wearing a lab coat, a dragon, a satyr (drawn during her puberty) and a gorgeous singer* Sefavra (Tiffany Haddish): She nailed the pronunciation. Leo, you owe me $10. *We see an intercut of Meg living in both the 2D and live action worlds* A-Man: We can help each other here. At night, you'll be whisked away to The Otherspace, and you can help us defend our realm from evil, and we'll give you the love and support to get you through your human life. Meg: That sounds quite nice. (0:31) THIS SUMMER *Meg sees a man move in next door (Hannibal Buress) - she helps him move.* Meg: I don't know how to explain what's going on, it's absolutely insane. Tyler: Try me. *Meg pulls out a notebook* MEET SOME FAMILIAR FACES *Meg excitedly runs through her office, carrying a flash drive.* *She does a victory pump in her car* IN UNFAMILIAR PLACES *2D world again* *She bonds with her friends.* *Meg looks on and sees something huge. She is shocked.* *Meg and A-Man hug.* *Music fades* A-Man: You're not going to have all of the answers, but that's okay. No one does. You are still a hero in your own way. (0:49 - vocal music begins) *Meg does karaoke in a bar, soon making out with a man named Jake (Channing Tatum)* *Meg draws in her notebook.* *2D: Dr. Narwhal draws in a notebook just out of his tank.* *2D: Meg plays Dance Dance Revolution as others cheer* (0:57 - 1:05) skipped Starring *we see them in live action* ANNA KENDRICK JOAN CUSACK HANNIBAL BRUESS ANDY GARCIA and CHANNING TATUM And featuring the voices of NEIL PATRICK HARRIS CHRIS HEMSWORTH DAVID TENNANT TIFFANY HADDISH KRISTIN CHENOWETH *Music back to instrumental* Meg *speaking to Tyler again*: Okay....every night I get teleported to a fantasy world I created as a child. Tyler: Teleported? Not even like a dream or something? Meg: No. It's like some magic, Narnia nonsense or something. Tyler: ...and you're sure it's not drugs? Meg: I am positive. Tyler: I still have no idea what you're saying but you seem at ease so....let's take that as a net gain. (return to 0:49) NOTES FROM THE OTHERSPACE In Theaters August
  5. Please welcome to the stage, Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer: "Best Actress! These woman did a fantastic job bringing their characters to life! Congrats ladies The nominees for Best Actress are!" Taissa Farmiga- Voltron: Rise of Lotor Isla Fisher- The Parvelli Reunion Lupita Nyong'o- Simulation Emma Watson- The Witch of Blackbird Pond Anne Heche- The Amityville Nightmare And the Oscar goes to!
  6. Please welcome to the stage, Henry Cavil! Henry: "Best orignal screenplay a treasured category. They bring fresh and brilliant ideas to Hollywood. The nominees for Best Original Screenplay are!" 56 Days of Love Blank Midnight in the Afghan Valley The Parvelli Reunion War of the Gods The Oscar winner is!
  7. Please welcome James Corden to the stage! James: "You when you are an actor or actress you gotta be able to have chemistry with your fellow stars! These films cast did the best of the best at it! Here are the nominees for Best Ensemble!" Blank War of the Gods And the Band Played On Towering Inferno The Odyssey: The Spoils of War And the Oscar goes to!
  8. RuPaul: And now an exclusive look at Stephen King's Terrifying Story! (screams) __________ The shot opens with a full moon rising over a small scenic Maine town. Suddenly gray clouds blow over the sky and hide the moon. It’s light still peers through the clouds. The camera moves toward the town. Snow falls heavily over the town covering it in a deep white blanket. The camera moves to a small house located in the middle of the town. We see a small boy sleeping in his bed. A wheelchair is parked next to it. Suddenly out of the silence a wolf howls. The boy awakens to the loud. He peeps out of his window out at the snow covered town. He hears the wind rattling the shutters and says, “Well it must have been just the wind.” He covers himself back up in his blankets and dozes off to sleep. The camera moves to a man walking up to a small shed along the train track. His gray uniform jacket reads GS & WM Railroad. His name tag identifies him as Arnie Westrum. He knocks on the shed and it opens. He coworker says it is about time and he is ready to go home an sleep. They exchange information in regards to the shift. Arnie then tells his coworker to have a good night and shuts the shed door. We see the small shed is heated and warm. Arnie sits on a chair and lights a cigarette. He gets comfortable thinking it will be another uneventful night. After a few minutes pass, he hears a howling noise but ignores it thinking it is the wind. He continues to smoke his cigarette. The camera moves outside and we see a shadow move outside of the glowing shed. Arnie begins to drift off but is startled by a scratching sound at the door. He walks over and readjusts the door thinking it is still partially open. He sits back down. The scratching continues and begins to grow louder. Arnie puts out his second cigarette and cautiously looks at the door. He places his ear on the door to see if he can hear anything. Nothing. Suddenly there is a deafing and heavy thud on the door. Arnie falls back in shock. The door begins to break apart and a snout of a massive wolf appears. Arnie grabs a pick to defend himself. The door breaks apart and Arnie sees two deep yellow eyes staring at him. The creature comes out of the shadows and he sees a massive wolf standing on its hind legs. Arnie gasps in horror, unable to vocalize ay words or even a scream. The wolf snarls and its white fangs appear. The saliva from its long and sharp teeth tremble at the deep snarl coming from the beast. The wolf snaps its jaws at the air and springs at Arnie with a roar. Arnie gives a yell and swing his pick at the monster. He misses and his pick becomes stuck in the wooden floor. Knowing his fate is sealed, Arnie reaches up with his arms to block the wolf’s attack. The wolf viciously mauls Arnie while he screams only leaving him in bloody bits. The camera pans over the shed and see see dark red blood splattered over the snow. The shadow of the beast appears as it vanishes into the dark forest. From director James Wan We see a the boy in a wheelchair with his friends playing in a field flying a kit We see a group of men with guns patrolling the forest We see people walking into a church We see a pastor walk up to the pulpit We see the congregation watch him closely The pastor says, “The Beast Is Everywhere!” “The pastor continues to repeat this phrase until the film’s title appears.” True We see a woman laying seductively in bed while the claws of the beast gentle scratching up her bosom A small boy runs quickly with is kite at night while a dark shadow runs after him Horror We see the pastor walk up screaming in his bed (scream is muted) We see the police overlooking a mangled body in the snow Bright yellow eyes glow in the forest A woman prays intensely in front of a crucifix Returns The boy in the wheelchair fires a gun Two parents hold each other crying in agony (muted) Fireworks light up the night sky A bloody and batter man pick up a gun and fires We see a large wolf leap from the darkness snarling The Cycle of the Werewolf September 13th The Beast Is Among Us
  9. Please welcome to the stage, Jennifer Lawrence! Jennifer: "Oh CGI! This is the future of filmmaking. Here are the nominees for Best Visual Effects!" The Odyssey: The Spoils of War The Towering Inferno Voltron: Rise of Lotor War of the Gods Treasure Planet The Oscar winner is!
  10. Please welcome to the stag, Tom Hiddleston! Tom: "Best Actor or Actress in a Lead Role in an Animated Feature is almost as important as Best Actor and Best Actress but not quite haha Here are the nominees for Best Voice Actor/Actress in a Lead Role are" Tom Hanks- To the Moon Charlie Day- Bounty Hamster Sophia Lillis- Bounty Hamster Rachel McAdams- To the Moon Chris Hemsworth- Crash Bandicoot The Oscar winner is!
  11. Please welcome to the stage, Hugh Jackman! Hugh: "Well here we go! Into the big league categories haha. Best Adapted Screenplay was excellent this year. Lots of amazing choices and sadly we can only give one an Oscar. Here is the nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay!" And the Band Played On Lord of the Flies To the Moon Bounty Hamster The Towering Inferno And the Oscar goes to!
  12. Please welcome to the stage, Kate McKinnon! Jodie Fosters: "Well hello! See the Oscars are rigged and naturally they will not vote for a powerful strong woman defying the hyper-masculine military world! So tonight, I am here to announce my nomination and win!" Kate: "Hey girl! Get off my stage!" Jodie: "Make me!" Kate: "Security, Security!!" Jodie gets dragged off swirly profusely Kate: "Alright, weird! So are the nominees for Best Supporting Actress!" Jodie Foster- Academy Felicity Jones- Blank Helen Mirren- The Parvelli Reunion Meryl Streep- And the Band Played On Mary Elizabeth Winstead- Closed Domain And the Oscar goes to
  13. RuPaul: And now an exclusive look at this highly anticipated and already Oscar winning sequel! Slay queen!" _____________________________________________ *We see a shot of a group of men lined up together inside the main courtyard of Ithaca. The de facto leader stands in front of them. We only see a shot of his back.* The man: Great Penelope, what an honor it is to be in your presence? *The man bows. Cut to a reaction shot of Penelope with her son Telemachus (Dacre Montgomery) behind her. She seems confused at the man’s presence.* Penelope: Might I ask what you are doing here? *Cut to the man (revealed to be Luke Evans). He looks at her and gives a smirk* *Start music at 0:27 LAGER PICTURES *We see Odysseus’ ship approaching a dark cavern. We see shots of Sinon and Polites as they nervously look above. The men around them turn their heads to face Odysseus. Cut to Odysseus’ face. He has a look of fear and determination. We see spirits of the dead lined up around the walls of the cliff, eying the soldiers* *End music at 0:37* *Jump to 1:48* This Summer Montage of action scenes: *A group of giant men throwing giant rocks from above a cliff* *Shot of a ship being struck by one of the giant rocks* *Odysseus looks up horrified* *1:54* The Epic Story Continues *Odysseus’ men engage in a chase along the beach trying to catch a hog* *A woman (Isla Fisher) places her hand on a shirtless Odysseus* *A shirtless suitor, played by Henry Cavill, raises his fists towards Telemachus* *Shot of Telemachus throwing a punch at the suitor but the suitor dodges* *Shot of a bloodied Telemachus being socked in the face* *Shot of a sea creature's body out of the water from behind a ship amidst a storm at sea.* *Action shot of the ship ramming into a wave* *Multiple heads of a giant sea serpent emerges from the water* *Panning shot of the soldiers looking up in shock* *2:08* In The Second Part *A soldier is seen in dark black water, being grabbed by hundreds of skeletal hands, crying out for help* *Odysseus kneels before an unseen figure* *Shot of Poseidon giving a smirk towards the camera* *Odysseus tied to the front mass of the ship screams in agony (the scream is muted though)* *2:13* Of The Epic Trilogy *Cut to black. Music abruptly cuts out.* Unseen voiceover (Brad Dourif): Tell me, my friend, what is it that you come seeking from me? *Fade back in as we see Odysseus, still kneeling, lifting his head up to the unseen figure* *Cut to reveal the figure to be Tiresias, a ghastly old man with a long beard and streaks of blood around his lips* Tiresias ( giving a toothy grin): Seems to me the whole world is out to get you, aye? *Cut to black again* *3:32* *Title Card appears* T h e O d y s s e y The Counsel of the Dead June 14th in 3D and IMAX 3D
  14. Please welcome to the stage, Harry Styles! Harry: "God singing! I would say musicals are some of the most memorable films ever! Musical numbers are alway fun to sing whether you are in your car, watching the movie, cleaning the house, or dancing in the shower. (Harry sings a mixed melody of the Oscar nominees) Yep, that is my audition. So any of you studios out there, please cast me hahaha! You nominees for Best Original Song are!" “I Hate You All”- Bounty Hamster “Luna”- To the Moon “Spirit of Adventure”- The Road to El Dorado “Come Along” - Little Demons “You Gotta Love”- The Terrible Plight of Freddy Zapper And the Oscar goes to!
  15. Yeah it opened up in my post....not sure what happened
  16. Please welcome to the stage, Peter and Lois Griffin! Holograms appears of Peter and Lois Peter: "Sound Mixing..so mixing sounds together? Like do they pours sounds in a massive bowl and mixed it up?" Lois: "No Peter" Peter: "I am serious! Like how to they do it?" Lois: "That is a stupid question. Peter just open and read the damn card!" Peter: "Put Lois!: Lois: "Dammit PETER! We had one job! (grabs card from Peter angrily and opens it) The nominees for Best Sound Mixing are!" Midnight in the Afghan Valley War of the Gods The Odyssey: Spoils of War The Towering Inferno Voltron: Rise of Lotor And the Oscar goes to!
  17. RuPaul: And now a very important announcement from Gold Crescent Pictures!" ___________________________________ https://s10.postimg.org/omu4hys5l/Cataclysmic_Poster.png "From director Francis Lawrence and starring Jennifer Lawrence and Ben Affleck comes Cataclysmic, an earth-shattering adventure based on the incredible true story of the most powerful volcanic eruption in recent history. After lying dormant for five centuries, its slopes covered in dense jungle, its surroundings becoming densely populated, one volcano roared back to life with the explosive power of over 5,000 atomic bombs - just as a typhoon made landfall. The resulting catastrophe killed hundreds and lowered the global temperature for years. Lawrence stars as a journalist and Affleck as a volcanologist. Additional cast announcements to come."
  18. I Hate You All - Bounty Hamster plays Please welcome to the stage, Tom Holland! Tom: "So cinematography! Not sure what that long word means? Well according to Wikipedia is means "the art of making motion pictures" so I guess this is an important category hahaha. The nominees for Best Cinematography are!" And the Band Played On Lord of the Flies The Parvelli Reunion The Odyssey: The Spoils of War The Towering Inferno And the Oscar goes to!
  19. Please welcome to the stage, Chadwick Boseman! Chadwick: "The supporting actor! They might seem like background characters but real supporting actors almost still the show and remain memorable long after the film's credits have rolled. Sometimes they even become the main star! Here are the nominees for Best Supporting Actor!" Tom Hiddleston- Voltron: Rise of Lotor Bob Odenkirk- And the Band Played On Zach Galifinankis- The Parvelli Reunion Chris Pine- And the Band Played On Miles Teller- The Towering Inferno And the Oscar goes to!
  20. You Gotta Love - The Terrible Plight of Freddy Zapper plays Please welcome to the stage, James McAvoy! James: "Production design creators have an important role in filmmaking. They help bring the film to life and must be some of the most creative individual on set. Here are the nominee for Best Production Design!" Voltron: Rise of Lotor The Odyssey: Spoils of War The Road to El Dorado War of the Gods The Terrible Plight of Freddy Zapper And the Oscar goes to!
  21. RuPaul: "And now! An exclusive look at Alpha Fight!" _____________________________ Endless Entertainment Marvel Entertainment The movie opens with Alpha Flight attempting to stop Beldam (a telepathic supervillain) from breaking into a museum. The museum has clearly been broken into, the guards are knocked out cold, shards of glass are everywhere. Shaman: “I sense Beldam is here.” Puck (sarcastically): “You think?” The team bursts inside. Snowbird transforms into a polar bear, Sasquatch and Puck flex humorously, Shaman prepares his satchel, and Guardian does a superhero landing. Beldam holding a gray gemstone, comments how typical of the event. Beldam: “You’re looking good, Guardian. Cutting down on the poutine, eh.” Guardian: “Enough chit chat. Give us the gemstone. I don’t want to fight you.” Beldam: “I could do that but then again that’d be too easy.” Sasquatch: “So what’s the plan for that gemstone? Turn people into brainwashed zombie slaves? Unleash Armageddon? Take over Earth? Destroy Earth? Get free tacos?” Puck: “Why tacos? That is literally the dumbest reason.” Sasquatch: “It spices up the banter. Have you not seen The Avengers.” Beldam: “I could tell you my plot and do that cliche supervillain thing or I can show you my friends.” Beldam whistles and three of his newest henchmen come out. Beldam (in his best announcer voice): “Meet Hot-Streak.” A young Hispanic woman, conjures flames from her hand. Beldam: “Multiple” A nerdy looking man makes numerous copies of himself. Beldam: “and Cactus” A man in wrestlers leotard grows spines all over his body. Snowbird: “How did you...” Beldam: “What get jacked up henchmen, it took a little effort, two scoops of my psychic powers and a dallop of mutation. I would love to stay and chat but I wouldn’t.” Beldam runs out of the museum only for Guardian to pursue him. Hot-Streak: “I’m burning for a fight.” Puck: “Ugh. Can we stop with banter.” [Michael Jackson’s Beat It plays] Hot-Streak throws fireballs at Shaman who catches then in his bag, spitting out icicles. Snowbird and Puck fight Multiple clones. Snowbird turns into a wolf and slashes through the clones while Puck does some incredible acrobatics and fighting skills. Cactus and Sasquatch wrestle. Sasquatch knocks Cactus into a wall, only to realize he’s been stabbed by Cactus thorns. Sasquatch: “OW! Paper cut.” Guardian and Beldam both fight in mid air. Guardian blasts a beam of energy from his suit, while Beldam grabs the beam using his powers and turns into a ball of energy causing it to explode. Guardian delivers a few good punches at Beldam. Beldam using psychic energy to create boxing gloves hitting Guardian repeatedly. Back at the Museum, Shaman uses his staff to block Hot-Streak’s fire blasts, Puck rides Snowbird in polar bear form and grab a sword, fighting the clones. Sasquatch puts Cactus in a headlock, but Cactus breaks free and turns into a spiked ball. Guardian: “Peter, there is still good in you. Come back to us please and give us the gem.” Beldam: “Peter died years ago. I have had fun. But I gotta go.” Beldam absorbs some of the gem causing him much to Guardian’s shock, teleports away along with his henchmen. The museum is in ruins and the team is worn out. Guardian: “I fear Beldam has grown more powerful. I know it’s obvious but that gem has some sort of power. My question is how many more superpowered individuals are they.” Snowbird: “Now is not the time for questions. We must leave quickly. We can’t be discovered.” The team leaves the museum quickly wondering what their next move will be. Alpha Flight July 3rd Y3 in 3D and IMAX 3D
  22. Please welcome to the stage, Peter Dinklage! Peter: "Pleasure to be here tonight! Ahh the score! Good scores will make your heart race, your eyes water, or uplift you. Here are your nominees for Best Original Score!" And the Band Played On The Parvelli Reunion The Odyssey: The Spoils of War War of the Gods The Human Revolution And the Oscar goes to
  23. Spirit of Adventure - Road to El Dorado plays Please welcome to the stage, Margot Robbie! Margot: 'It is such a pleasure to be here tonight! The nominees for Best Voice Actor/Actress in a Supporting Role are Kate Mckinnon- Bounty Hamster Ice Cube- Bounty Hamster Jeremy Renner- To the Moon Meryl Streep- Our City Zoe Saldana- To the Moon And the Oscar goes to
  24. Please welcome to the stage, Gal Gadot! Gal: "Thank you! Makeup is a girl's best friend. (We hear RuPaul shout: "Amen sister!" from the background. Gal starts to laugh) Hahaha, sadly though the world of CGI and animation is creeping in on makeup and hairstyling however it appears this year we don't have 5 nominees but rather 6! Here are your nominee for Best Makeup and Hairstyling" Voltron: Rise of Lotor War of the Gods Lord of the Flies The Odyssey: Spoils of War Flower Eyes and Needle Teeth The Terrible Plight of Freddy Zapper And the Oscar goes to
  25. RuPaul: "And now… Anna Kendrick will song “Constance’s Requiem” (name not final) from Cookie Pictures upcoming THE HAUNTED MANSION. Gurl you were just out here! Don't even think about trying to upstage me!!" RuPaul glares at Anna and audience laughs The lights dim on Anna Kendrick _____________________ To say that I was born poor Now that would be… a lie But yet I still wanted more A larger piece of… the pie They all were smitten by my looks Shallow men… as they were But what they lacked in soul they made up in the books Gold, mansions… and fur Harper poor Harper He was the first one to sow Naive that boy was as per Thinking he could have true love on the go But when his head rolled down the staircase It was funny, and a little bit sad Headless chickens don’t give chase But they don’t dance all that bad Then there’s Frank and Marquis Took a bit longer to disperse the two Frank had to be hung from a tree Marquis had a date with my shoe Reginald Caine urgh That man was such a boar On top of his massive girth I had to behead him just to stop his snore George Hightower and son Now that was a funny story I mixed up him with his brother Harrison So I made his death the most gory The Black Widow Bride I’ll take that name with glee After Hightower they were afraid to be by my side So a poor widow I came to be Now… will you marry me? *Macabre version of “Here Comes the Bride” plays For now… and forever *giggle* (Chorus) Grim grinning ghosts Come out to socialize THE HAUNTED MANSION OCTOBER Y3
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