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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. The Lonely Date- April 12th Genre- Black Comedy | Psychological Drama Rating- R Theaters- 3,158 theaters Budget- 15 million Running Time- 95 minutes or 1 hour and 35 minutes Studio- O$corp Pictures Director- Gore Verbinski Actors and Actress- Andy- Hart Denton Rachel- Shailene Woodley Derrick- Dylan O’Brien Note: “Whenever Andy is at his job there is no score. All we hear is sounds of an office (phones ring, printer, keys typing, and ect.” Plot:
  2. Earth Defense Force Date- March 1st Genre- Sci-Fi Action Rating- PG-13 Theaters- 4,114 theaters |IMAX Budget- 175 million Running Time- 124 minutes or 2 hours and 4 minutes Studio- O$corp Pictures Director- Jordan Vogt-Roberts Producer- Wu Jing Actors and Actress- Ronald Hitch- Tom Hiddleston Kip Weng- Kris Wu Grace Velaz- Tessa Thompson Rose Cho- Jing Tian Joyce Kim- Rinko Kikuchi Joe Hong- Lu Han Ben Miller- Michael B. Jordan Patrick Anderson- John Goodman Plot:
  3. All but two of my films will be up tonight....virtually immediately
  4. Black Panther 1,213 2,398 50.6% Black Panther has surpassed IT is preview sales at my theater. It will surpass Wonder Woman's 1,270 ticket sales in by early afternoon today probably. It will then only be behind Star Wars: The Last Jedi's 2,371 tickets sold.
  5. Poison and Wine Franchise: An Analysis The Poison and Wine, Truth Is, and the soon to be released Dark Side are the three films that make up the Poison and Wine Franchise. This series while not breaking any box office records or winning any awards remains one of the most iconic and memorable. Poison and Wine when announced was heavily marketed by O$corp Pictures as a fresh, risqué, and borderline NC-17 film. The studio was trying to pull in curious audience interested in seen a gay BDSM relationship film coming from a major studio. It worked in the short run, the film’s trailers had massive viewership on Facebook and Youtube. It become an Internet sensation. The studio became caught up in the hype and studio execs hoped this would be the LGBT version of Fifty Shades of Grey. Studio execs were predicting a 25-30M opening weekend. However warning signs appeared when the studio announced a over 2 hour running time. The run time became a major hit from critics. The film received mixed to negative reviews from critics landing it a 49 on the Metacritic. Critics hit it on its overly long running time, melodramatic/angsty story, and ungrounded story. The studio dramatically lowered its expectations for the 12 million budgeted film. Poison and Wine opened with $15.3 million and burnt out fast with only $37.1M by the end of its domestic run. The film was declared a success by the studio and become financially profitable. Movie gurus stated Poison and Wine fell short of pre-review/release predictions not only because of reviews or run time, but ultimately because of the source material. Pull back the covering and Poison and Wine was really nothing more than gay BDSM smut. It relied heavily on “Holy shit” moments to pull in audiences. Audiences ultimately decided not to spend $12 to see these “Holy shit” moments they could see for free online in a few months. Despite a lackluster run and negative reviews, Poison and Wine still became one of the most memorable films of Year 1. Truth Is was released one year later. The film once again drew in Internet hype. O$corp Picture shortened the running time to 100 minutes and made attempts to ground the story. Truth Is still had risqué moments but they were toned down and few and far in between. James Foley and producer Arnon Milchan decided to steer the film toward a more mainstream Valentine’s Day romantic drama. The studio was hoping on good reviews to pull Truth Is from the gutter of the first film. This unfortunately didn’t happen. The film earned negative reviews with a 23 on the Metacritic. Critics hit it on its uneven screenplay and lack of supporting character development. Critics were divided however when it came to the story though. Some criticized the film for steering away from camp and angsty the first film had, while others praised it as being more grounded (even if still very uneven) than the first film. Still the core audience showed up opening weekend and the film pulled a +25.4% increase opening weekend from the previous installment with $20.5 million. The film however had worse legs and finished domestically with $47.9M. The studio once again was pleased with the domestic performance and the film was profitable. Truth Is while a memorable installment became less iconic than the first. This leads us to Dark Side the final chapter of the series. James Foley has stated the film will be a hybrid of Poison and Wine and Truth Is. He stated the film will push the boundaries of what is allowed in a R rated film, but still tell a grounded storyline. James Foley also stated that the film would streamline itself character wise. He stated that this film is really about the two main characters: Hunter and Tyler. When asked about filming Dark Side, Casey Cott said this was the funnest but also the most challenging in the series to film. He stated the film really turns up in the intensity of the BDSM scenes. His costar Colton Haynes said the film will keep audiences on the edge of their seats wondering what will happened next. He stated that Dark Side is dramatic, kinky, and romantic. When asked if the film will have a happy ending he said, “You are gonna have to find out opening day!” The running time is 105 minutes and O$corp Pictures is hoping the third time will be the charm for the franchise for reviews. All will be revealed however when the review embargo breaks. When asked what a successful domestic number looks like O$corp Pictures stated that $50M is a good benchmark. James Foley, Colton Haynes, Casey Cott, and Margot Robbie all stated this is the final film in the series. Sorry fans! In Year 4 it looks like there will be no kinky gay love story for y’all! O$corp Pictures has announced for next year the film Midnight: Revealed will be launching in Poison and Wine’s release date. Little is known about the Year 4 film except for that Michael Dougherty (Academy) will direct. Dark Side hits theaters February 8th!
  6. You can read film's whenever you want. You just can't publish your reviews until Part 1 ends.
  7. All my films except Dark Side, Halloweentown, and Bartimaeus and the Amulet of Samarkand will be up Friday
  8. There are 5 other sex scenes. Totally for 6 in the film.
  9. The camera pans over New York City The camera moves to the Pierce Mansion and moves over the luxurious indoor pool We see Tyler sleeping on a couch with Hunter stroking his hair Tyler stirs slightly and Hunter reaches down and gentle kisses him The trailer moves to shots of Hunter and Tyler putting wedding rings on each other at the altar while Hunter voices over, “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” Tyler eyes still closed smiles O$corp Pictures Logo appears *soft music plays* The camera pans over the Atlantic ocean and we see the Pierce Mansion standing in all of its glory We see Tyler open the bedroom curtains and stand overlooking a majestic view Hunter walks up behind him and hugs him The camera moves to a private jet on a runway Tyler and Hunter walk down a beach lit with torches Tyler and Hunter sit in the back of a speed boat racing over the waves Hunter swim underneath the water with Tyler as they check out a coral reef Tyler and Hunter stand at a villa and embrace each other They lay both in a massive golden bathtub and pop a champagne bottle. Tyler lying in the tub looks up at Hunter who is standing over him with the champagne bottle Hunter opens multiple bottles and pours them in the tub. We see Tyler and Hunter make out in the golden tub filled with champagne. Hunter bites Tyler’s neck Tyler throws his head back in pleasure The camera moves to Tyler and Adam on the private jet, the click bottles *the music grows more intense* This Valentine’s Day Tyler walks into the Pierce mansion in shock Tyler asks if this is Hunter’s place Hunter says it is Tyler’s place Tyler says he can’t believe this is his life now He and Hunter kiss We see Tyler and Hunter at a business banquet A handsome Saudi prince approaches Tyler He says, “It is good to meet Hunter’s good friend.” Tyler says, “I am not just his friend.” The Saudi prince gives a derogatory smile and says, “Okay Tyler.” Tyler says, “You will address me as Mr. Pierce” *music stops briefly before suddenly getting intense. It builds up in intensity throughout the trailer until noted* We see Tyler kneeing before Hunter. Both in just their underwear. Tyler smirks We see Tyler and Hunter having sex. Tyler is bound to the bed Hunter reaches down and chokes Tyler leaving marks on his neck Tyler moans in pleasure The camera moves to a different scene and Hunter drips candle wax on Tyler’s chest Tyler’s fingers trace down Hunter’s muscular abs seductively The Final Chapter Tyler speeds down a road in a luxury car Nicole walks into Hunter’s office and Hunter looks up in shock Tyler gets aggressive and gets in some reporters faces Tyler walks into a massive solid golden interior pent house He stands overlooking New York City at night and drinks a glass of wine Is We see Tyler running down a road at night Tyler and Hunter stand in the rain under umbrellas looking down at a grave We see a shot on Las Vegas at night Tyler dances at a club with friends Tyler rolls die down a gambling table Nicole sips on a martini and looks on Tyler lies unconscious in a bed as doctors race him down a hospital hallway Hunter looks panicked on the phone Here We see Hunter and Tyler at an elegant banquet. Tyler turns and glares at Hunter and walks off Hunter reaches his hand down the back of Tyler’s pants and give a tug. Tyler throws his head back in pain Hunter reaches up and chokes Tyler *music stops* Hunter whispers in Tyler’s ear, “Enough, Mr. Pierce” *screen goes black* It suddenly opens up on Tyler’s head and shoulders hanging out of the pent house window high above New York City. Broken glass surround him and he has cuts over his face. Nicole has him pinned down. The two lock eyes. Dark Side February 8th
  10. Dark Side is already 2,250 words long and I just got to the wedding reception. If I keep at this rate the film will be between 13,500 and 18,000 words long. Thinking it will head toward at least over 15,000 though. The opening sex scene is 825 words long....the wedding ceremony is 650 words long lol
  11. Gonna have a kinky love scene in Spark II? 200M opening weekend LOCKED! Also The Parvelli Reunion is getting a shout out in Dark Side
  12. I just love the randomness of this post haha. Literally made me laugh out loud lol
  13. I just think I need to chill out and realize this is a game. I just get super invested haha
  14. Okay fine. I am just worried about Y3 I think. I don't have any major franchise like other players so I tend to be protective of my release dates because I rely heavily on finding the right release date so my films can do well since they don't have massive fanbases.
  15. I guess you can take the two off if you really wish. But Dark Side is staying. It is a major film for my studio and a tentpole. I am not letting someone steal the pre-Valentine's Day weekend away from me.
  16. They are tent pole films though. Redeeming Love is Oscar contender. Dark Side is a major tentpole film.
  17. @Xillix Mine January 18 Exorcism of Jessica Winters (Horror) (dir. David Sandberg) February 8th Poison and Wine 3 (Romantic Drama) (dir. James Foley) March 1 Earth Defense Force (Sci-Fi/Action) (dir. Jordan Vogts April 12 The Lonely (Horror/Thriller) (dir. Gore Verbinsk) May 10 Redeeming Love (Drama) (dir. Ava DuVernay) June 28 The Hills Abduction (Horror/Sci-Fi) (dir. Timur Bekmambetov) July 3rd Island of the Blue Dolphins (Animation) (dir. Pete Docter) July 12 The Bronze Bow (Fantasy/Adventure) (dir. Guy Ritchie) July 26th Gentle Ben (Family Adventure) (dir. Lasse ) September 13 The Cycle of the Werewolf (James Wan) September 27 Fright Town (Horror) (dir. Cioren) October 4 Halloweentown (Animation) (dir. Henry Selick) October 18th Hope-Fear Adventure (Family) (dir. Barry Cook) November 1 The Chrysalids (Thriller/Horror) (dir. Guillermo Del Toro) November 15- Bartimeaus and the Amulet of Samarkand (Fantasy) (dir. David Yates)
  18. I'll PM you tonight with my line up! Thanks for organizing this for us!!!!
  19. I mean 3pm EST IS fine as long as you copy the Advanced Schedule over and I don't get boxed out of my dates. Otherwise I'm gonna be not a very happy camper going into Y3
  20. The shot opens with a full moon rising over a small scenic Maine town. Suddenly gray clouds blow over the sky and hide the moon. It’s light still peers through the clouds. The camera moves toward the town. Snow falls heavily over the town covering it in a deep white blanket. The camera moves to a small house located in the middle of the town. We see a small boy sleeping in his bed. A wheelchair is parked next to it. Suddenly out of the silence a wolf howls. The boy awakens to the loud. He peeps out of his window out at the snow covered town. He hears the wind rattling the shutters and says, “Well it must have been just the wind.” He covers himself back up in his blankets and dozes off to sleep. The camera moves to a man walking up to a small shed along the train track. His gray uniform jacket reads GS & WM Railroad. His name tag identifies him as Arnie Westrum. He knocks on the shed and it opens. He coworker says it is about time and he is ready to go home an sleep. They exchange information in regards to the shift. Arnie then tells his coworker to have a good night and shuts the shed door. We see the small shed is heated and warm. Arnie sits on a chair and lights a cigarette. He gets comfortable thinking it will be another uneventful night. After a few minutes pass, he hears a howling noise but ignores it thinking it is the wind. He continues to smoke his cigarette. The camera moves outside and we see a shadow move outside of the glowing shed. Arnie begins to drift off but is startled by a scratching sound at the door. He walks over and readjusts the door thinking it is still partially open. He sits back down. The scratching continues and begins to grow louder. Arnie puts out his second cigarette and cautiously looks at the door. He places his ear on the door to see if he can hear anything. Nothing. Suddenly there is a deafing and heavy thud on the door. Arnie falls back in shock. The door begins to break apart and a snout of a massive wolf appears. Arnie grabs a pick to defend himself. The door breaks apart and Arnie sees two deep yellow eyes staring at him. The creature comes out of the shadows and he sees a massive wolf standing on its hind legs. Arnie gasps in horror, unable to vocalize ay words or even a scream. The wolf snarls and its white fangs appear. The saliva from its long and sharp teeth tremble at the deep snarl coming from the beast. The wolf snaps its jaws at the air and springs at Arnie with a roar. Arnie gives a yell and swing his pick at the monster. He misses and his pick becomes stuck in the wooden floor. Knowing his fate is sealed, Arnie reaches up with his arms to block the wolf’s attack. The wolf viciously mauls Arnie while he screams only leaving him in bloody bits. The camera pans over the shed and see see dark red blood splattered over the snow. The shadow of the beast appears as it vanishes into the dark forest. From director James Wan We see a the boy in a wheelchair with his friends playing in a field flying a kit We see a group of men with guns patrolling the forest We see people walking into a church We see a pastor walk up to the pulpit We see the congregation watch him closely The pastor says, “The Beast Is Everywhere!” “The pastor continues to repeat this phrase until the film’s title appears.” True We see a woman laying seductively in bed while the claws of the beast gentle scratching up her bosom A small boy runs quickly with is kite at night while a dark shadow runs after him Horror We see the pastor walk up screaming in his bed (scream is muted) We see the police overlooking a mangled body in the snow Bright yellow eyes glow in the forest A woman prays intensely in front of a crucifix Returns The boy in the wheelchair fires a gun Two parents hold each other crying in agony (muted) Fireworks light up the night sky A bloody and batter man pick up a gun and fires We see a large wolf leap from the darkness snarling The Cycle of the Werewolf September 13th The Beast Is Among Us
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