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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. 4 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

    Will Parasite be Bong Joon Ho’s first nomination? Idk maybe. 

    It's weird that Bong feels more likely to get a screenplay nom with this movie than win foreign language film. It's crazy that South Korea still hasn't won that category after having such a big impact in world cinema during the last 20 years.

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  2. 12 hours ago, filmlover said:

    Is it confirmed that Lena Dunham is in this much? I haven't seen much in the way of mentions so hopefully not cause nope to her.

    From what I saw of twitter reactions the movie is Brad&Leo all the time, Robbie and unknown (at least until July) Margaret Qualley have real supporting roles and everyone else is in it for a scene or two.


    About the boxoffice potential I don't think the reception at Cannes will swing things that much. I feel a 40m OW is a lowball and would be dissapointing for this considering the budget, star power and overall hype. I can see it opening to 50-55m with a shot at Pitt's and Leo's career best OW (62-66m) if it really breaks out. But people thinking 70m+ is a piece of cake because Leo opened Gatsby at 50m are setting themselves up for dissapointment.



  3. The reaction seems much better than what Basterds got which is a bit surprising.


    I just hope the people that have/will read the spoilers just keep it to themselves for the time being and not dance around it with suggestive post after suggestive post at least in this thread. I'm not refering to anyone in here but judging by twitter some people are itching to talk about it, whatever IT is.

  4. On 5/15/2019 at 12:57 AM, Ozymandias said:

    Probably wouldn't have mattered much, this needed at least 1 more season(10 episodes) to really work.  

    Maybe even 3 seasons to really bring this huge story together without too many shortcuts. This thread explains what changed in the writing process pretty well, and that a minor tweak here and there like many suggested wouldn't change that much. 




    The way I see it first 4 seasons everyone had an easier job adapting an incredibly rich source material. Seasons 5-6 D&D tried to start cutting down the side plots that had massively grown in the books like Stannis, Martells, Tyrells, Faceless men etc. so the show doesn't hve to run for 15 years. And I think when they realised that this way it would still take them 5 more seasons to arrive at the finish line, they reverse engenered a fixed number of 13 episodes from their desired end.


    The question I guess is why they did it? Why 13 episodes and not 50? The only answer I can find is that it was mostly a buisness decision for all involved. A show as expensive as GoT running for years on end makes sense only when it's the biggest thing around that everyone talks about.

    Around season 5 to 6 ratings stopped jumping like crazy every year, there was already a mini backlash brewing and some viewers started being "over it". Both HBO and D&D feared that the massive part of the fanbase which is casual (and not 100% sure that BRAN IS THE NIGHT KING) will start getting bored like it happened with every other phenomenon show that run for too long. They feared they 'd be stuck in season 8 with a massive production and even more massive talent salaries for a show that will have the same viewership with season 2 without any of the buzz.


    edit: I just saw a link to an old interview about HBO CEO saying that he wanted the show to run for 5 more seasons but D&D refused. I guess D&D decision is really perplexing if HBO was that much on board. Or it could be just PR talk.

  5. 4 hours ago, Lordmandeep said:

    Personally I think what I noticed from GOT and even TLJ is that frankly that subverting expectations is not used as a means to an end but frankly as a device to make something different or interesting.


    I disagree in the sense that I think GOT isn't really subverting any of its audience's expectations and the backlash has very little to do with a TLJ-style reaction.


    Dany going mad was for years one of the most popular predicted endgames. Whitewalkers not being the final boss maybe wasn't as popular a theory, but many people wished/predicted that to be the case even before season 7 set it up to happen this way. Both of those twists at least to the more hardcore part of the fandom that's mad atm, were as "unexpected" as Jon Snow's parentage reveal. I feel most people don't have much issue with what happens in a macro sense but with the logic leaps and the speed it's happening. I think many people gave it a pass last year in hope that "they just rushing to set up perfectly the epic finale", and now that said epic finale is even more rushed and illogical trying to connect the million things GRRM set up, they are understandably mad.


    • Like 4
  6. 9 hours ago, Brainbug said:


    The Show abandoned military logic and geography as a whole in Season 7. Im not even mad about it anymore, ive come to not care about that.

    yep. I'd argue it's been low key happening since even before they passed the books. Cutting corners so things that must happen happen. Since last year it became way more pronounced but I made peace with it, it is what it is. I'm sure GRRM takes the long road, maybe that's why he's taking so long and might never finish them. He might even have to write an extra book just for all the pieces to fall seamlesly together without anyone question his world's or characters logic. The show can't do that.


    As for the episode, cutting corners and some weird moments aside, I think it was pretty good.


    I liked the drunken post-win hang outs or how Dany gets more powerless and feeling like a stranger in a foreign land. I like that both John and Sansa do the wrong thing that fucks everything up because it rings true to their characters. Especially the Tyrion-Varys backroom talks felt like the show going back to the politics in a way that they haven't since Tywin was found dead in the toilet.


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  7. I don't know if I liked it slightly less or slightly more than IW, but it's in the same ballpark.

    Good stuff

    -Cap's and Tony's arcs came to a perfect ending, watching their relationship come to its conclusion was immensely satisfying. 

    -The middle part with the time travel heist could last 2 more hours and I would still like it. Logic and Marvel bullshit science  aside, it was so much fun and ludicrous I couldn't believe they were pulling it off this well.

    -Hulk embracing his dual nature and Thor keeping the beer gut throughout the movie were the most hilarious/inspired choices the russos made like ever.

    -That they found a not horrible way to sidestep Gamora's death. Still not a fan of how much more hollow makes this her IW death, but we all knew it was coming. Could have been way worse.

    -Captain holding the mjolnir and the big 3 fighting Thanos was an instantly iconic moment. The audience lost their shit when it happened, I'll remember that audience reaction forever.


    Bad stuff

    -The huge battle that follows the big3 vs Thanos was kinda underwhelming, kinda murky and didn't connect with me. The wakanda battle was better staged.

    -While I loved the new new Hulk, his CGI was far from perfect and looked weird at many occasions.

    -And my one big gripe is Black Widow's fate. Straight up bullshit. Killing her so unceremoniously and so early in the movie make her a footnote because of the Tony/Cap finales. It almost feels like she died in a previous movie and not 45 minutes ago. And I really don't understand why she dies instead of Hawkguy other than "HE'S GOT KIDS". But I don't give a shit about hawkguy or his kids. She deserved better than this.






  8. lol at all the negativity. The episode was gripping from start to finish, Miguel Sapochnick is a real talent.



    No one really important died though which I didn't expect, important people need to start dying soon lol.


    The thing I was dreading for seasons predictably came true. Night King/White Walkers just wanted to froze everything because EVIL and Melisandre/Lord of Light/Ressurections are waved off as vague magical forces. I've done the hating on my fav show because it dumbed down it's central mystery when it was time for answers, with Lost and Battlestar Galactica, so I'm keeping it cool this time. Maybe that's how it always goes when the endgame of your story is build upon a big mystery. The answers would never be as satisfying as the teasing of endless possibilities. Or maybe GRRM has a better more fulfilling answer if he ever finish his books. That 'll be reason enough for me to pick them up and read them despite being spoiled for almost everything.



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  9. Saw the episode again and kinda hate the new title design, I don't know why, but otherwise the episode had some great moments. What I wonder though is how they will explain the White Walkers goal because they have to be something more than just evil zombies, right? Lost and Battlestar Galactica both had main villains being the show's main mystery throughout. And they both did a very special episode towards the end where it was basically a 45 min infodumb just explaining the basics. Game of Thrones can't do that, there's only 5 episodes left and still so much to happen. I hope they aren't just mindless zombies.

  10. 9 hours ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

    Shocker: a large number of people who happen to frequently stan for CBMs, action blockbusters, horror films, and predominantly male-centric entertainment (in other words, NOT the demographic that made CATS the musical theater phenomenon it was), are already predicting this film to be a clusterfuck and a flop...without having seen a single frame of film.



    I don't know shit about broadway and musical theatre in general but I've watched a lot of movie musicals, both new and old, to the point that I'm always interested whenever a new one is getting made but with CATS I seriously don't get the appeal. Not just the movie, the theatre version too. Everytime I see a clip like the one posted a few posts earlier all I'm thinking is how is this ridiculous mess such a huge hit for decades?

  11. I don't know if all the people in the original outside of the leads were broadway proffesionals but it looked like it, because the dancing in that movie is INSANE. If the choreography is anywhere close to the speed and energy of the original I doubt Ansel or any other actor without legit dance training will be in them.


    They are not the kind of dance numbers that a non-proffesional dancer can fake his way through. It will have to be edited like Liam Neeson jumps over a fence in Taken 2, if they want their leads to be more involved in dancing and also not make a fool of themselves.

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  12. It's a much weirder movie than Get Out, that's for sure. The humour is more overt and as a result the movie is funnier even in the most tense moments and it feels like a weird balancing act all the way through between telling a specific story with underlying themes and going off the rails with crazy ideas that coud undermine any narrative cohesion. I'm still not sure I got 100% of what the movie was trying to say but I'm sure I absolutely loved watching it moment to moment. I got 5 on it is still stuck in my head from last night and I still crack up every few hours remembering the good vibrations/fuck da police whole sequence in the neighbors house. It's been a while since a movie gave me such a good buzz.


    And some obligatory praise for the entire cast. Ofc Lupita owned this from start to finish but everyone else also brought their A game. Especially Winston Duke, he is hilarious in almost every scene. 


    It's the kind of movie that needs a second viewing though. It could very well be just a stylish house of horrors that will never be half as fun as it was the first time. Or it could be something that gets richer everytime you watch it. 



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