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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. Simply amazed at how good this movie was. First of all it just looks amazing, the effects and the futuristic setting look so seamless it's hard to believe it was such a small budget film. The concept is really well thought out and executed perfectly. It has gore when it needs to, it has humor when it needs to and one of the most impressive things about it is the world building. Without ever losing the focus of the small scale story, it's setting up the have/have not's future and its gadgets but never stops the movie to overexplain it, we get just a brief picture and only what's important for the narrative.


    The movie is so lean and mean without any fat and zeroes in 100% on the lead's emotional journey and the premise which is really inspired. I don't know if the writer's original idea was "what if Death Wish but a voice in his head forced him to" but it felt to me a lot like it, either way it's brilliant. Logan Marshall Green was also so good in this, and he was also very good in The Invitation a few years ago, so I won't make any Tom Hardy jokes about him after this.


    big spoilers

    At one point halfway through when they kept not introducing any other candidate to be "the man behind all this" outside of Keene I thought I would be dissapointed by the end. Because it became obvious early on that everything (the assault, the stem, the other upgraded) will tie back to him since there was no one else, not even as a red herring. And then the movie is like fuck red herrings that's lame. Yeah he did it! But really the Robot did it! And then it throws at you the most terrible played out twist of all time "it was all a dream" but it's a fake out. The robot really did it and it won! I'm sure some of the plot won't hold up for the "Everything wrong with X movie in 5 minutes" crowd, but the way the movie fucks with the audience in the final stretch is really something. And it never loses the emotional core of the story either. Even the it was all a dream fakeout was not just a "gotcha" meta moment, it also served as a pretty tragic conlusion for the hero's arc.


    What a fucking great movie and it came out of nowhere. Comfortably best of the year till now for me.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, tonytr87 said:

    It's funny that she was called the "voice of her generation" when most millennials aren't nearly as well-off as she was before she got her break. I don't hate her, I even intermittently enjoyed Girls, but this idea that she speaks for millennials is pretty damn insulting. Maybe if she makes a film or show about young people struggling under low wages, shitty healthcare, and mountains of student debt, then we can call her the "voice of her generation." 


    And that's exactly the shit I was talking about. The "voice of a generation" gag was a joke her character said in the first episodes while high on drugs and it was meant as a joke to undercut her at her most narcissistic. It got some play in the press when the show was all the rage with critics and now people are like remember when Lena Dunham was declared the voice of her a generation? 


    I agree that her public persona is very annoying but she also gets bashed for stuff she has nothing to do with.


  3. 11 hours ago, dX airdry zid said:

    doubt this will get a sequel though just like WB's B.B. The Legend of Tarzan

    Tarzan made 356M on a 180M budget though, it's performance was considered ok just because it wasn't a disaster like the other WB fairy tale wanna be blockbusters.


    Meg is a hit, it will make 400M+ on a smaller budget, it will get a sequel.

    • Like 1
  4. This might be my favorite of Soderbergh's "let's experiment" movies. I wasn't really into it at the start when it was about if she is or isn't crazy but the moment it locked in on the stalker, it got more harrowing and uncomfortable with every minute that passed. Especially their first encounter in the blue room is one of the best sequences of Bergh's entire career, the tension was suffocating.


    Claire Foy was great and the other 2 main characters were just as good as her, they all sell the heightened reality of it pretty well. That's why I didn't bother with the logistics of the plot which are super silly stuff, but it doesn't matter.

    • Like 2
  5. The popular dig against Ocean's 11 was that it's just a fun romp of movie stars being movie stars and little else beyond that. Which is partially true but this new reboot highlights that it really takes a lot more than putting 10 talented people in the same room and yell "be awesome". Soderbergh and Ted Griffin's underrated screenplay made that movie really sing on top of movie stars being awesome.

    Sadly this new movie has almost nothing beyond the great cast. And the cast is every bit as good as 11 was even if it's not as star studded, they just don't have anything to work with. Bullock and Blanchett pretty much skate by on charisma and being the central figures of the whole thing and I guess Hathaway is awesome but it's all on her not the character or the way it's written. Everyone else is pretty much trapped in their boring stock characters even if they get more to do than the bit players in the previous movies.


    I wouldn't say the movie is bad, but the biggest compliment I could give it is that it's kinda ok all the way through. And 5 minutes after it ends you have already forgot 99% of it. Which is a shame because they bothered to gather THIS cast and then gave them a placeholder of a script and Garry Ross whose only idea of a visual flair is breaking the frame in pieces every 10 minutes. 


    • Like 1
  6. This was a big letdown because the premise was so cool and the movie almost never lives up to it. It's not terrible but most of the time is boring. The humans spew exposition no one cares about and their jokes are really really bad and even the big monster fight in Chicago is so drawn out that it gets boring. Pretty much all the half hour of destruction prior to George and Rock teaming up to fight the crocodile was so blah, I was almost checked out by the time it got interesting again. 


    There are some things that give a glimpse of how fun this movie could have been like the George/Rock team-up or that first Wolf chase or how unbelievably stupid the villains and their plans were but it all gets boged down by the rest of the film.

  7. 1 hour ago, CoolioD1 said:

    Girls was actually a good show but she was annoying on it. you could tell from the first episode that Adam Driver was gonna be the break out from that cast.


    Most of her being annoying or even insufferable at certains parts of the show was by design though. There was a  weird thing back when that show was hot with people treating her character in the show and her "annoying" public persona as one and the same. And I'm talking about people that watched and liked the show, not the MRAs that hate her just for existing. 


    Anyway she prob won't have enough time on Once upon a time.... to trigger people, there's like 10-15 famous people already anounced for this movie, I bet half of them will be a little more than glorified cameos.

  8. This is more awards friendly than Gravity and Martian because it's "historic" but essentially is a mainstream play like those movies were. It opens wide in October and probably has a budget somewhere between 50 and 100M. October-December oscar buzz is a very tiny online bubble, before the golden globes GA has no clue what movie is in contention for the oscars and First Man would have made 95% of its gross by then whatever that is. It will have to float on its own with or without BP conteder status.

  9. 3 hours ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

    The Equalizer 2 is definitely going to make 100 million domestic.


    It's at 123 million worldwide now, with tons of new markets yet to get the movie. The Equalizer 3 is happening.


    It will end up a little over/under the first one both DOM and WW. It's a huge win considering many people thought it will drop considerably from the first one.


    Denzel remains pure gold as long as the budgets are kept in check.

    • Like 1
  10. Great movie, it was one of my favorites as a kid. I might have watched it more than 20 times when I was around 10-12 years old. I grew up with the theatrical version but the director's cut is even better.


    Watched it again last night and in hindsight it's kind of baffling that this is Cameron's financial flop. It literally had everything to grab GAs attention. Never seen before cgi, never seen before tense underwater action sequences, likable characters, a crowdpleasing streamlined narrative. I have no idea why it didn't connect back in the day. 

    • Like 1
  11. Completely agree with @Barnack  and @Nova, Statham isn't a boxoffice draw by any stretch of the world but he was essential in selling this movie. People knew him as the uber-macho guy that does silly b-action movies even before the F&F franchise, they just didn't watch those movies in theatres. He was perfect casting for this movie. He's close to what Jean Claude Van Damme was in the 90s, everyone knew him and lots of people were watching his movies but most of them were waiting for home video.

    • Like 3
  12. 21 hours ago, dudalb said:

    As far a being taken seriously as an actress, I think "I,Tonya" was Robbie's breakthrough film,just like "Suicide Squad" was her breakthrough film as far as audience poularity goes. She got a good start with "Wolf Of Wall Street" but it's the two films I mention that put her In the A list.


    To me Wolf is her breakthrough, she was a complete unknown and became famous overnight after that movie. ofc she played her cards right and most of the stuff she did after boosted her career even further, but WOWS is what put her on the map.

    • Like 3
  13. already PM'd my list. Taken not being eligible super lame.



    1    Synecdoche, New York
    2    Speed Racer
    3    In Bruges
    4    The Dark Knight
    5    Let the Right One In
    6    Waltz with Bashir
    7    Gran Torino
    8    Berlin Calling
    9    Wall-E
    10    The Wrestler
    11    Pinaple Express
    12    Bronson
    13    Benjamin Button
    14    The Ruins
    15    Two Lovers
    16    Step Brothers
    17    Cloverfield
    18    Brothers Bloom
    19    Slumdog Millionaire
    20    Burn after Reading
    21    Hellboy II
    22    Iron Man
    23    Revolutionary Road
    24    Charlie Bartlett
    25    Tropic Thunder


  14. On 7/24/2018 at 11:19 PM, filmlover said:

    This should make as much as The Lobster and The Killing of a Sacred Deer combined ($11M) even if it ends with just a few nominations since this has Emma Stone. Gonna be interesting to see which costume drama makes more between this and Mary, Queen of Scots, even though this looks like it'll be the much better film.


    Mary looks the more mainstream movie by a mile, I think it 'll have to straight up bomb to not beat the Favourite. It could happen but Mary looks to have a much higher ceiling. If everything breaks right for it, I can see it being another Darkest Hour getting the oscar biopic money and a big acting award. For the Favourite I think the best case scenario both for awards and boxoffice would be something like the Phantom Thread and even that feels like a little bit of a stretch since DDL and PTA are a much bigger deal with both the oscar and arthouse crowds.


    23 hours ago, Mr Impossible said:

    If it does well with the Oscars it should cross $20M. But yeah most I see for this is $40M and that's if it wins Best Picture. 


    This ain't getting anywhere close to winning BP. It might get some nomination love and a tech but that's about it. If it isn't a dramatic departure from Lanthimos previous movies (and it doesn't look like it), it will be too weird for anything above that.

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