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Posts posted by GambitPool

  1. I got out of MI after an emergency alarm forced the film to stop and everyone leave the theater. Thankfully they started it back where it left off once it was safe to go back in. 


    And this movie is f*cking great! Like potentially best of the franchise great. If you want to pace your three hour film, you study this one because it's one of the best paced 3 hours films I've ever seen. 


    America! C'mon!


    Matthew Macfadyen Hbo GIF by SuccessionHBO

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  2. Maybe Summertime just isn't the time for movies anymore, aside from one or two big hits. Maybe the early stages of COVID, when lockdowns were enforced/highly recommended,  changed people in ways we haven't realized yet. Like perhaps people would rather be outside in the sun instead of a dark theater watching non-interactive media reminding them of that time they had to sit at home and do nothing but watch streaming. 


    Maybe I'm an idiot lol. 

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, TMP said:

    I think a big issue is that Paramount kind of just forgot to market the film between May 2022 to May 2023 lol. I like it because there was so much incredible stuff in the movie that I never got spoilt beforehand, but maybe it wasn't the best for the opening few days. Still think this legs it out like crazy because it's fucking goooood, and if there's one thing this summer taught us it's that quality is king.

    I do think Oppenheimer is sucking a lot of the oxygen out of Mission rn though. Feel like both will wind up above $200m dom, but maybe Nolan gets the edge rn...

    I agree. I think another big issue, related to yours, is they attached the first trailer with Maverick - nearly 14 months out from the actual release date. Then released the next trailer just a couple months before release when everything was flopping or underwhelming. It's hard to keep something in the public consciousness when you promote it almost a year out, forget about it for most of that year, then use generic marketing attached to stuff people aren't even paying attention to. 


    In that time, the Barbie/Oppenheimer campaign started, grew bigger, then grew out of control and is seeing the fruits of it's labor just a week before release. If you want long term marketing, actually market it during that long-term. 

  4. 2 hours ago, MrFanaticGuy34 said:

    For me, there’s not a single Mission Impossible-film in the franchise that i didn’t like or didn’t work. Since i find all of them very enjoyable. Yes, even the first few MI-films are pretty good and underrated. 💁🏻‍♀️


    Aside from the most well-received & beloved MI films (4-7), are there anyone who are big fans of the first three films (1-3)?

    Having rewatched the first 3 the past few days, MI:3 has the unfortunate placement of being the bridge in between MI:2 and the rest of the best films lol. 


    Its genuinely a great film in itself that's completely overshadowed by the industry-defining stunts and action the latter films have. It sets the groundwork for what the franchise becomes. Philip Seymour Hoffman is chilling and arguably the franchise's best villain. The opening scene grabs you immediately with his and Cruise's back and forth arguing. There's a sense of dread and tension thanks to him and the plot with the tiny brain bombs. The bridge scene is aces. Plus it introduces Simon Pegg to the franchise and that's a major win in itself. 


    Like I said it gets overshadowed but that's because 4-6 (and now 7) are just phenomenal films. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, handofjustice said:

    I think that what a lot of people aren't considering with the WOM is the scientology factor with the movie honestly 


    Mission impossible is a youth franchise who gets bombarded about what all tom cruise does behind the screen and inside his house on platforms like twitter, instagram and tumblr 
    It is not like top gun where there isn't much youth factor 

    The youth are known to care about these things 

    So I think initial weekend will have heavy rush of tom cruise fans and propel it to almost 100 million but it is also important to recognize the scientology factor 


    because of it I honestly think that the films second week won't earn as high as the first


    You know the saying friends 

    "everyone wanna be like titanic but no one is truly titanic"

    big GIF

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  6. This was stressed in 2008 and it's even more relevant in 2023. 


    The original trilogy was magical and classic due in part to it's practical effects that still hold up today. That's how people remember Indiana Jones. The giant boulder, the melting bodies, the heart rip, the rapidly aging Nazi, etc. Crystal Skull pulled the rug out from everyone by going over board with green screen and CGI that has not aged well. 


    It's like Star Wars. The OG trilogy was ground-breaking in its effects. The prequel are derided for its CG and green screen. The sequel trilogy knew they had to try with it's practical effects to get that classic feel back and they did it perfectly with Force Awakens. 


    But Indy kept with the heavy CG and green screen - no thanks to Ford's age. It's visually similar to Crystal Skull than the OG trilogy. Young CG Indy and Old CG Indy riding a horse through a green screen subway aren't selling anyone on this film. 

    • Like 4
  7. Top Gun: Maverick proved that audiences want to see the main character still kick ass while helping the young generation. That was a film that completely respected Mav, almost deified him, while also developing his guilt over Goose and his hesitancy to train younger pilots who can't match his skill. 


    Indy's trailers told same story as Han, Luke, Wolverine, Keaton's Batman, etc. Made him depressed, out of his prime, no purpose in his twilight years. So some plucky young hero can save him from himself. Audiences weren't buying this again. They want Maverick and No Way Home type stories. 

    • Like 4
  8. Well aside from a myriad of lessons to be learned from The Flash, maybe Hollywood needs to understand that nobody wants to see old, depressed, defeated versions of their childhood heroes anymore.  


    Han in TFA began the fracture in the Star Wars fan base while Luke shattered it in half. From the trailers, Keaton appeared to be in a retired, depressed state. Not to go into spoilers, but I can see why anyone seeing the film for Keaton would not be satisfied. Indy's in the same boat with the trailers hinting he's depressed without adventure. 


    Hollywood has an obsession with taking nostalgic characters and making them losers for the new, young hero to get back in the fight. No Way Home subverted this by having the nostalgic characters help the new hero in their broken state. It's the gold standard for fan service movies and audiences want more of that. 

    • Like 9
  9. 9 minutes ago, Into the Legion-Verse said:

    I dunno, I’m concerned that civil war might flop because a lot of people didn’t watch ant-man and will be confused by Ant-man appearing

    Civil War never marketed Ant-Man as a main character. He's in the trailers for literal seconds. Kamala and Monica are co-leads. 

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  10. I think route to go for Marvel and Disney+ are more one offs like Werewolf by Night. Utilize obscure characters and concepts with absolutely no attachment to the grander universe or build up to a future project. 


    No more demanding audiences to sit through 6 episodes of a show so they know who that character is in an upcoming film. No more forcing plot points because the show is either getting a film sequel or is connected to another movie. 


    I honestly think Moon Knight could've been the template for what a Disney+ show could be if it was better. No important stakes to the larger universe and no concern with building up 5 different sequels or spin offs. It just let the audience watch a new character without them wondering if they're gonna be in the Avengers or another movie. 

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