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MrGlass2 last won the day on December 11 2018

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Summer Tentpole

Summer Tentpole (8/10)



  1. This is so disappointing but at least it got me to read the books again.
  2. The concept of multiverse must have been mind-blowing when the Flash comic books popularized it decades ago, but since then it has been nothing but fan service, evil Superman and other nonsense. Only Rick&Morty did it right, by ridiculing it.
  3. They were talking about bad reviews and stuff ("bad reception"), or they saw the movie and didn't like it?
  4. NWH will make a ton of money but there is still a pandemic going on, maybe NWH will show the ceiling post-covid but we don't know how high it is. $500M+ DOM?! I don't think so.
  5. The MCU can be saved if it is folded into the Venomverse, under the guidance of visionary storyteller Tom Hardy.
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