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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. 1 minute ago, Nova said:

    Deadpool had one of the best if not the best marketing campaigns for a film in the last 15 years. 


    I feel like this tidbit is something thats completely forgotten on these forums. 


    Yes Deadpool had insane WOM throughout the weekend that it opened but it also had a marketing campaign that was out of this world. Almost everything that was released by the marketing team went viral. Even billboards for the film went viral....remember the emoji billboard? 


    People keep trying to use Deadpool as a reason for why x film will do great numbers OW without realizing that a film like Deadpool is the exception and not the rule. 


    I said id wait for Black Panther's trailer and marketing before writing it off from reaching $100M because I do believe it'll hit $90M but right now I think a lot of you are creating expectations for the film based on your own personal hype. It's done for every single one of these movies. 




    So you think 90M is doable but passing Wonder Woman isn't... that's like a range of 5-10M. No doubt Deadpool had amazing marketing, my point is that Black Panther being a less recognizable character than Wonder Woman wouldn't prevent it from grossing more. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Nova said:

    The Hulk and Strange aren't enough to drive a film $15M+ from the previous film on OW especially after the film before it wasn't well received.


    And I'm not trying to sound like an ass but why would Black History Month affect Black Panther's OW? I definitely think it'll help its run and it'll give it a great multiplier but OW is all about the rush factor and like I said if Wonder Woman with glowing reviews can barely make it over $100M, why would Black Panther a lesser known character fly by it? 


    Having said this I'm not writing off Black Panther completely from getting to $100M (remember I have it at $90M) without seeing it's trailer and marketing first so maybe in a couple months I'll change my tune BUT my overall point remains. Folks underestimate how hard it is to get to $100M OW because they see it often now, but it's not easy. 


    Thor is a completely different scenario and I think folks are just using their own personal hype to create these absurd expectations for it. 


    Dude you have a Deadpool avatar, that pretty much answers your question. Character recognition is important, but not as important as making a unique movie that connects with audiences and feels like something they haven't seen before, and I think Black Panthher's gonna deliver.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Vogue said:


    There are times in Covenant where someones been ripped to shreds in the worst way and everyone kind of continues as if someones just gone home early drunk lol. Like, theres never time for the characters or you as a viewer to really soak in what the fucks just happened.


    This was exactly how I felt about Prometheus, and is one of the biggest things (along with the completely idiotic behavior of the characters) that took me out of movie. It felt like when shit started hitting the fan and the crew starts dropping like flies they're like "Oh, well whatever. This plot needs to keep moving, we better not distract the audience by giving performances that will suggest we're all being killed." Compare it to the original Alien where you totally believe the peril the crew is in.

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Elessar said:


    People are conviniently ignoring the positive reviews, only focusing on the ones that fit their narrative.


    The positive reviews don't really instill any confidence in this either. I'm reading the same things in the positive and negative reviews, it's just varying degrees of criticisms. The dude on the other page who gave it a positive review said things like "definitely like The Force Awakens in terms of repeating plot beats from the original" and "fresh-ish". I know where my tastes lie and I can read between the lines of a positive or negative review and make judgments for myself, and my judgment is that based on everything I've seen and read about this I don't think I'm going to like it, and I'm not gonna go to a theater and spend money to see it.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

    Better idea: see the movie yourself and find out what you're going to get.


    1 hour ago, WrathOfHan said:

    Now I know how the DC fans feel in the WW thread :lol: You guys are putting too much stock in Raphael's review. Many critics disagree with him and contradict some of his points while others agree with him. See the damn movie yourself and form your own opinion.


    I know reading reviews and watching trailers aren't the same as watching the movie, but at this stage that's all there is to get to go off of, and based on the reviews and trailers for this I'm not excited or interested in watching this. I'll see it eventually, but I'm not going to go to a theater and spend money on a movie that doesn't appeal to me, which seems perfectly reasonable.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

    Just watch it at previews.


    First of all, let me say that I'm a big fan of the franchise, I really, really loved Prometheus, and that's one of the reasons I can not even express how disappointed I am after watching this movie.


    When you choose to focus on action, instead of ideas, we can at least expect some creativity, right? Well, that's not the case. Apart of the spectacular, insane, and super gore first attack, there is basically nothing more in terms of tension or horror. In fact, it's kind of sad to realize how Scott not only does not know how to scare the audience anymore, but that he also "learned" the worst thing about most horror movies, when Horror is on the front line, instead of being Subjective.


    The reason the original movie worked so well was basically because we could barely see the creature, our imagination is always the scariest thing. Unfortunately, here, ever since his "birth", Alien is always out of the shadows, how can I fear for something that is always appearing? Not even the deaths are creative, considering that we have seen the same people dying the same way a thousand times before.


    Scott also did something that I thought was impossible, he was able to create "scientists" even sillier than those we saw in Prometheus, if I were a scientist, I would be really offended by the intellect of these characters. Some of their actions are so dumb that it is almost offensive.


    I usually do not care about the complaint about the lack of character development in this type of movie, but this has taken this to another level, there are some characters who do not even speak throughout the movie, and that sex scene deserves some kind of new category at Razzie Awards.


    And I'm not even talk at how they trowed away to garbage almost every question asked in Prometheus because that's too much to me.


    This is a disappointment on every level.




    Very good review. More so than anything else I've read, this convinced me I'm not going to like this movie. The signs have been there for a while that this was going to have the exact same flaws as Prometheus and you pretty much confirmed that. I'M NOT GETTING BURNED AGAIN.

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