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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. The Diane Kruger thing is such a fucking non-story, the woman said she was fine with it, had a great experience shooting the movie yadda yadda, move on. His comments on Roman Polanski though are stupid and disgusting, and as others have pointed out practically all of Hollywood used to rush to his defense which fucking baffles me. I mean I like Rosemary's Baby as much as the next guy but what the fuck.


    Times have changed though, I'm sure most of his defenders have changed their tune whether they actually mean it or not, and if Tarantino is genuinely sorry about his comments he should say so.

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  2. Just got back from the movie, loved it BUT HOLY CRAP IN A PEANUT THE FROZEN SHORT IS UNBEARABLE. We intentionally got to the theater 30 FUCKING MINUTES LATE and were still worried we might miss some of the movie, but nope, it was only like halfway through the short and it kept going ON AND ON AND ON.


    Everyone was clearly relieved once the short was over, I've never heard so much irritated muttering during the credits of a movie before. Disney can't get rid of this thing quickly enough.

  3. 2 hours ago, JonathanLB said:

    LOL it’s ok I have a good friend on FB (from real life, film school) whose movie tastes I don’t agree with ever basically and he thinks Boyhood is the greatest movie ever. Sorry but Waking Life is an amazing Linklater film, that’s a great movie! 


    I don’t get offended by the explosion jokes by the way, it’s just not true. I ran a successful film review site for years and if you listed 500 movies from before 1995 let’s say that were classic films it’s good odds I liked or loved 400 of them. I am a philosophy major from the past after all, we love thoughtful movies. I just don’t see how most of this recent garbage is thoughtful. To me it wasn’t at all. A movie with explosions and action can still be one of the most horrible things ever. Look at the last xXx, what a goddamn piece of shit that was. 


    I don’t “get” the modern sensibility for awards films at all. In the past I probably agreed with consensus opinions as high of a percent as would be normal, maybe 75-85% agreement with most classic films. Some, I don’t like still (Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a piece of shit about a truly horrible implied prostitute with overt racism to boot, it’s garbage and I think everyone who sees it today knows it they just like the one still image of Aubrey Hepburn - who is gorgeous to be fair). Most I do. Now, last 10 years, it’s 20%. The 10 years before that maybe 30-40%. 


    What happened between great movies being Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, Braveheart, RotK, etc. and suddenly Boyhood, Danish Girl, Moonlight, Manchester and other things nobody watches or cares about? It’s like suddenly what everyone loves is shit all over and whatever the fewest number of people could even tolerate is put on a pedestal so those pretentious clowns can pretend to have some intellectual superiority over “the masses, who need their bang bang pew pew pew while we lucky few smarties can enjoy our movies about transsexuals, gay love, boredom, and other adult issues that only we understand.” Nah, everyone else gets it too...they just don’t care.


    Image result for i have a blog sir

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  4. 9 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

    From the descriptions of all of this year’s crop of awards films they again all sound horrible. I hope I’m wrong but I have a feeling if I was still a critic I would Scott Mendelssohn the hell out of Lady Bird. It sounds like zzzzz... don’t operate heavy machinery while watching awards films. Best advice IV of adrenaline right to the bloodstream while using LASIK surgery tools to hold open your eye lids ala Clockwork Orange so you don’t nod off during yet another scene about “the human condition” and what it means to “be coming of age,” whatever that fucking means. 


    I am keeping my eye out for the first awards film I can read a description of it even and not bang my head into the table as I fall asleep midsentence. “Call Me By Your Name is a beautiful story about a boy who has gay sex with some other guy and that’s pretty much the whole plot and this movie would be boring if it wasn’t for the gay part but did we mention the sex is GAY sex so it’s all progressive and PC and stuff so where are our awards goddamnit?!” 


    I think I give up this year. After Manchester and Moonlight last year were the worst movies I’ve ever seen I’m retreating into the past for my critically acclaimed films. Give me Taxi Driver and Apocalyse Now and Clockwork Orange or some old screwball comedies or some film noir or anything really over the SJW crowd PC Police movie slate we get every year. It’s like Groundhog Day if you were forced to relieve a day where you had 16 root canals and got hit by a bus on the way out of the dentist office all while listening to a playlist of Fergie, Kesha, and Taylor Swift’s “greatest hits.” 


    I don't know what reputable organization you used to be a critic for, but I presume you're no longer with them because you seem to form your opinions on movies based on descriptions that you read of them, and therefore your opinions have absolutely zero critical value.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

    This is the most entertaining weekend thread since Jurassic World for me.

    It has been fun. I'm not sure what's been my favorite part "JL OVER RAGNAROK AND COCO COMBINED" or "JL REDEEMING THE DCEU IN THE EYES OF GENERAL AUDIENCES", but it's been fun to watch.

  6. 7 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:

    Look, there's no way that a $95m opening DOM is 'abysmal' for any movie - JL, Star Wars, anything. Objectively, it's a good opening. Now, is it disappointing given how much the studio wanted to make? Sure, maybe. 


    But save "abysmal" for big budget movies that truly bomb, like I don't know, "Mars Needs Moms".


    As for BvS, few things make less sense than dissing its legs. Would it make you feel better if it finished at $330m DOM after starting at $100m not $166m? $330m is $330m, whether earned all in one week (no legs) or spread out over 15 weeks. 

    Really? So if the Last Jedi opened to $95M you'd consider that a good opening? GTFO

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, AJG said:

    That red “breaking news” bar with “unconfirmed report” in big and bold letters had me thinking someone was dead or if there was some terrorist attack I didn’t know about. Gave me a bit of a shock.

    LOL same, I was like "Shit must be going down if it's breaking news on a box office message board- oh it's Thor."

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