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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. 10 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

    Sky s the limit for The Lion King next year 




    everything goes right : visuals ( probably the only sure thing after Jungle Book), songs, storytelling, how the talking animals sound and look, how many changes ??? etc etc


    If something feels slightly off, then, we ll meet in September 2019 watching TLK's "fans" 2 hours youtube videos rants about how Disney "killed" The Lion King and how and why Katheleen Kennedy is probably to blame.


    Could be fun ?




    That'll only happen if the movie isn't a shiny, new retread of what people already know and love, so basically zero chance.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

    The witch would have been better if it wasn’t a horror film and focused on the superstitions of that time as a pure suspense film. The last 15-20 minutes were horrible, borderline laughable and ridiculous, and killed the film, it would have been better without any supernatural elements.


    Ending a horror film seems to be a big problem these days ,”the anatomy of Jane doe” has the same problem. Brilliant build up , terrible and cliche 3rd act,

    I loved the ending to The Witch, I kinda thought it made the movie. I think them not going the satanic route and keeping it based on the paranoia and superstition of the time could have been an interesting choice (but then you'd have the same problem as It Comes at Night where people would complain about the title being misleading), but I LOVE a good occult film with a bleak ending, and that whole sequence was just so dark and fun, it worked perfectly for me.

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  3. On 5/28/2018 at 1:22 PM, MrGlass2 said:

    One thing going for this movie: it can't be worse than Spider-Man: Homecoming.

    WARNING: Huge dumb rant about how I watched Homecoming a few weeks ago and how dull and mediocre I thought it was.


    I can hardly remember TASM at all, didn't bother with TASM2 but I can't imagine this was any better (and Spider-Man 3 is not a good movie, but at least it's a ridiculous mess made by a director with some panache). First off with the way people online endlessly shit on the CGI in Black Panther, I don't know how this movie got a pass. I don't remember anyone shitting on the CGI in Homecoming and I thought it was worse. The CGI work on the suit was so cheap and fake looking and that last set piece with the plane? Awful awful awful. All the action scenes were just BOOORING (Spider-Man's big conflict? Climbing a tall building, WOW) and fake looking. The movie as a whole looks like a Disney Channel movie with more money. The "John Hughes" high school element they kept trying to promote the film with early was sooo surface-level, basically the influence was it was (partly) set in a high school and had a few 80's pop tunes played in the background, that's it. All the students besides Ned got a big fat shrug fro me. Halfway through it seemed like the whole movie became about the suit and all the cool stuff it could do which did nothing for me, it seemed like more of a kid becoming Iron Man than Spider-Man. Then at the end it just becomes the Tony Stark and Pepper movie for no reason. Whatever, I guess that's for people who get a hard-on anytime an MCU movie reminds of the marketing ploy connected universe. They only give Michael Keaton one good scene and he can't even say "Don't ever fuck with me" which is clearly what the line should be but he has to say something stupid like "Don't ever interfere with my business." Even the lead up to the confrontation in the car where Toombs is starting to put it together, it's supposed to feel like this really tense, suspense building moment but I was so bored by everything before it that it didn't work at all for me. More than any of that though I realized about a third of the way through that I found Tom Holland's performance kinda whiny and annoying and it was really turning me off the movie. Which thinking about it so were the other actors to play Peter Parker, that might just be part of his character in general but whatever, whiny is whiny. It's funny because I enjoyed him in Civil War and Infinity War, maybe he's just better as part of the Avengers without the corny high school drama shit, idk. Really the only thing that worked for me was Ned who got a few good lines. That's it.


    So yeah, I really didn't like Spider-Man: Homecoming at all.

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  4. 38 minutes ago, baumer said:

    You know how you fix E9?  bring Luke back.  That's it.  No one said he was dead.  Then he has his final confrontation with Kylo.  Then you answer the questions from part 7, like why Maz had Luke's sabre from Empire strikes Back.  You give a better reason as to why Rey is not just strong with the force but downright God like.  You get Meryl Streep to play Leia.  You get into more backstory about the Knights of Ren.  Basically you undo all the bullshit that Johnson did in TLJ.


    There, I said it.  


    And now I'll go hybernate while you guys tear me to shreds.

    Lol so now even Carrie Fisher's untimely death is Rian Johnson's fault, okay.


    Also I don't want to sound nasty to you baumer but I don't get what is up with butthurt SW nerds and the Knights of Ren. I'm more talking about this dude at my work who hates TLJ and every time he brings it up it's always "WHAT ABOUT THE KNIGHTS OF REN?" I had seriously forgot about them, weren't they in TFA for like half a second? I'm not saying it's not a legitimate complaint, I just don't get it at all.

  5. I know the last thing this thread needs is more talk about TLJ and its reception, but some of you are acting like it's the sole reason that Solo isn't doing well and completely ruined the brand in the eyes of the public. You know who hated The Last Jedi? Hardcore Star Wars nerds (or at least a certain segment of them). You know who went to see Solo this weekend? Hardcore Star Wars nerds. Do you really think a bad Star Wars movie is gonna keep Star Wars fans from watching more Star Wars? Give me a fucking break, the prequel trilogy proved that's not the case. It's the more casual audiences that aren't watching Solo, and that's because it didn't look like an appealing movie. Like I loved The Last Jedi, it was one of my favorite Star Wars but I skipped out on Solo this week because I wasn't interested, that's it.


    We can argue all day about what the average Joe Schmoe thought of The Last Jedi, you can point to RT audience scores, IMDB scores, this that and the other thing but at the end of the day there's no quantifiable way of knowing how much people "liked something", but it still made $620 million stateside which ain't too shabby. While I do think it was a mistake to put the two movies so close together, if they made an appealing looking movie here people would go see it. And I'm not saying TLJ did NO damage to the brand whatsoever, but some of you are WAAAAAY overstating it (and have been since it came out), and Solo could have done some perfectly respectable numbers if it looked like a better movie, that's it.


    Also Deadpool 2 is doing fine big picture god some of you are dramatic.

  6. 1 minute ago, AJG said:


    This was the exact same thing that happened to Power Rangers.


    They thought people were super nostalgic for PR, used that to position themselves like a PG13 Marvel flick and then had the unfortunate realisation that nobody over 5 gave a damn about Power Rangers.

    Lol right? Like if they started marketing baby food for adults. "Remember this stuff? You LOVED it when you were a baby!" Yeah, and I grew out of it.

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Thrylos 7 said:

    Great post, I am a bit annoyed when people make fun of the friendship between Steve and Bucky, two guys that grew up together with Bucky actually being the strong character and protecting Steve (and trying to get him a decent date) before Steve became captain America. Bucky was basically the anti-bully, the opposite of the “handsome/popular teenager who mocks and bullies the nerds” that we have seen in about a billion u.s films and yet some people make fun of that ? Whatever...


    Oh and I am happy that CW in its first 2/3 was a direct continuation of WS.

    I mean you guys can spend all day explaining why Bucky is awesome, but I watched the damn movie and just didn't care about his and Cap's bond and found it boring, it's not that I didn't "get it".

  8. 7 minutes ago, terrestrial said:


    I read some of those kind of posts then and never reacted as I hadn't found the right words - maybe now?


    CA knows the actual world let's say under 10 years.

    Didn't see the other Avengers... constantly, means probably only on a case to case basis with the occasional meeting in between.

    Had to take in a lot of adjusting, should feel like having lost his roots in more than 1 detail.


    Gets the opportunity to meet / get back a years long friend, a brother in arms too, I think there is no stronger bond outside of family (and sometimes even stronger than those kind of binds), gets back a part of his lost past, only to learn how badly the time for his sole living real friend had been and how said friend hadn't even gotten a chance to break out of his circumstances and/or state his circumstances in a proper/regulated way.


    Anyone who thinks a theoretical person with a described character AND past like CA would even pause for a second to help his friend does not understand CA at all in my POV (also counting probably in RL for a high % of cops, soldiers,... who lived for years through dangerous situations/fights)



    Okay? I wasn't questioning the motives of the characters or whatever, I just thought it was a dull movie.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

    Other than that, CW was just Cap being obsessed with Bucky again which probably wasn't as interesting to the GA as Avengers teaming up to fight a huge army of aliens.

    Yeah I can't speak for the general audience but I just thought it was pretty dull up until the airport fight. I don't give a damn about Bucky or Cap's boner for him.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

    I'm not hoping or worried in the least.  The movie is huge and that is all that really matters.  


    I spent the week in Las Vegas getting paid handsomely to have meetings with people that others on here would only dream of and getting to sit center lower stage to watch exclusive footage on all of the upcoming releases from every studio and eating some of the best food in the world.  


    If it misses $225m, I think that somehow I will not be that upset.  =)




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  11. 6 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

    Whew, after some PM's with a couple mods and many others this morning confirming that I actually do provide a lot of value to the forum and that Baumer is flat out wrong (as usual), the people have spoken and I am back folks.  


    Not only that, but I was encouraged to be even more forward in my analysis of not only the info I provide but also of others.  I can happily let everyone know that I will be stepping up my "personality" to another level and look forward to being a thorn in the side of those who already don't like my style.  


    Should be fun and looking forward to it.  Hope everyone is ready.  


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  12. So wait, was the "Combined opening weekends of all faith based films released in the month of March over Ready Player One's opening weekend divided by Black Panther's opening weekend subtracting Samson's worldwide total added by David and Goliath's weight difference multiplied by the number of easter eggs in my basket: THE TRUE MEANING OF EASTER" club a success?

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