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Posts posted by upriser7

  1. 29 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    Barbie is what success looks like. This summer started underwhelming so we got a lot of "movie is success cause it isn't as big a flop as the other movie" and "movie is success cause it barely broke even" and "movie is success cause toys sales will make up for boxoffice loses" pretzel twists why an obvious flop somehow is not a flop, but now that the real undisputed don-need-toys don't-need-to-put-down-another-movie-to-prop-itself success is stomping on even some big movies from the past, summer is saved. Ditto Oppenheimer, another amazing success that proves that audience doesn't show up only for the lowest common denominator. if anything, these 2 and SoF have shown audience wants to see something they don't get to see often. It isn't SH fatigue it's sameness fatigue in any genre.

    Oppenheimer would have done like shit at boxoffice if the it wasn't directed by Nolan who does like one movie per 3 years and is likely the most popular director among GenZ,Millenials. Oppenheimer's run is more of an exception rather than norm. Same thing with SoF whose performance is an extreme outlier.....this is a movie if it was produced by A24 and released, it would have barely done 10M at boxoffice. American RW media can only prop up 1-2 movies a year


    Just because we are having 2-3 One Billion dollar movies doesn't mean we are back to pre-covid which I doubt is gonna happen due to steaming. Some people aren't gonna return to theatres post-covid, whereas some might visit theatres 1-2 times a year mostly for event films/big tentpoles. Repeat audience have also gone down. Highs are there but average has gone down and lows have gotten even lower

    • Like 5
  2. 10 minutes ago, Shawn said:

    Share your final 2nd weekend predictions by 11:59pm ET tonight for Barbie and Oppy.


    Closest on each gets a free month of Gold tier (no ads, more likes, etc.).


    Must quote this post so it's easy to keep track!

    Barbie: 95M

    Oppenheimer: 50M 

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  3. 1 minute ago, baumer said:


    To quote Winston wolf I wouldn't start sucking each other's dicks just yet. Presales are strong but they're not nearly as strong as yesterday at least in my area.

    Isn't Canada usually lot stronger than US on discount Tuesdays though ? Might explain if there is a dropoff in Wednesday in Canada

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  4. 35 minutes ago, BoxOfficeZ said:

    Actually had a family relative just now confidently tell me this movie is anti-men and promotes transsexuality. I asked if he'd seen it and he said no. Sigh. 

    Basically a part of country gets their news from Fox News or social media influencers. Some of these influences are honestly freaking garbage...they intentionally lie about everything and keep feeding their followers lot of bad faith propaganda. This dude is one of those influencers and honestly one of the biggest scumbags I have seen on twitter. Amount of bs he has been tweeting since the weekend is insane...it's not just about Barbie, he has also spread lot of bs about Oppenheimer too. 










    • ...wtf 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:



    i don't think it's fair to generalize Conservatives and Christians just based on Ben Shapiro's actions who himself is not even a Christian. Afaik, Ben is the only prominent celebrity among American right that did stupid stuff like burning Barbie doll and had a meltdown regarding movie. Some other people like Ted Cruz were crying on the movie but no one else prominent other than Ben were burning dolls.

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  6. Just now, IronJimbo & Sheldon's Son said:


    How on earth does this have a budget of $157.8m???

    i posted the exact same question in previous page lol. Apparently its a similar case like Indy as the movie has been in development for more than a decade and had multiple director, script changes during this period which contributed to the bloated budget. This has all makings to join Flash, Indy in the bomb list

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