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Everything posted by Cap

  1. This is your way of saying vote for Invasion Of The Body Snatchers? Who are you? 😘
  2. Honestly, I feel like this is a super complicated question that will allow for nitpicking. Cause is Star Wars science fiction or is is a space opera? Is Thor: Ragnarok a science-fiction or fantasy. You could make cases for either. I vote to let them all in. If they don't make the list than we have our answer.
  3. The big issue is he has them sleeved so they are reflecting the light back into the camera. LOL.
  4. I feel like a film’s release date, campaign strategy, and power to lobby have way more to do with its Oscar success than what country it comes from.
  5. Let's not even front. Meryl's already the Front Runner for Best Supporting Actress.
  6. Paraiste won Best Picture. Renee won Best Actress. Elton and Bernie won Best Song. Irishman and ScarJo won nothing. Terrible show, Oscar Producers, but those results are AMAZING.
  7. Also Alan was way, way overdo. Like, he doesn't have one for Back to the Future! WTF is that!!
  8. Just think of it for Chernobyl = ALSO THANK GOD. YES. GO ELTON AND BERNIE. AND AAAAAAAAH. ELTON AND MY LADIES. my gay heart is bursting.
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