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Everything posted by Cap

  1. I'm happy to report the biggest fight the fam had today was over White Christmas. Me: I'm gonna rent a movie. Mom: Awesome. Me: I'm gonna rent White Christmas. Mom: No. I don't want to watch that. Me: Ugh, fine. I will just put on Christmas Music. Then at the Dinner Table: Me: Mom didn't want to watch White Christmas. Dad: Good. It's a stupid movie. Me: OMG. It's a GREAT movie. Like, it has no right to be as good as it is. Dad: Who brings a Broadway Production to a Farm in Vermont? It doesn't make any sense! Me: It's THE TROPE. It's called a BACKYARD MUSICAL for a REASON. Dad: Well, it's still stupid. So, all an all, fam survived Christmas.
  2. OMG I don’t know who my Secret Santa is, but OMG. I LEGIT have wanted this for like THREE YEARS. My mom tried to buy me one but she bought me the wrong one, and never had the heart to exchange it on her. I am SO SO EXCITED
  3. Santa is clearly real. I had a package on my door step this morning. Five minutes later, I would have been gone to Mom’s for the night. It’s currently setting under the Christmas Tree. Will open tonight.
  4. Broker makes me wait a week for a document. Finally sends it over. Texts three times to see if I have it ready to go back to her. In the first 24 hours. Me:
  5. People keep saying this. To quote the Princess Bride: In TLJ, similar to the structure of Empire Strike Back, our heroes parted for their own adventures. So while they might've been disappointing they didn't stick together, it wasn't exactly shocking or subversive. Finn's adventure was important to his journey. In The Force Awakens, he decided to stay with the Resistance for Rey. In The Last Jedi, he decided to stay with the Resistance for himself. That's the whole point of Canto Bright. Only Greg Grunberg gets this excuse. 😒
  6. Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner. All offense to Zorri and Jannah, but I've spent two movies with the Trio, and one movie with Rose, and now you two are just gonna show up in the last hour of the movie, suck up all of the screen time, and except me to be like YAY more women? I don't care that you're almost dying! I'm WAAAAY too concerned about where is Rose and is she okay? It's such a horrible miscalculation.
  7. MODERATION: Time to move on from Grace Randolph. She has nothing to do with TROS or any of the films released this weekend.
  8. The more I think about this movie, the more I hate it. Sidelining Rose and Connix while some random dude from Lost got more screen time than both of them: Unforgivable. Reylo Kiss: UNFORGIVIABLE. Destroying Finn's arc and Finn and Rey's relationship: U N F O R G I V A B L E.
  9. TBH, Rian has 000000000000% to do with The Rise of Skywalker. I don't see why we have to talk about him pro or con. But I doubt that's gonna stop people. 🤷‍♀️
  10. MODERATION: Wakes up. Sees the OW Estimate. The Mods have discussed it. We're going to lax the "No Agenda" rules slightly so that "What Went Wrong" discussions can continue. THAT SAID, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT AN EXCUSE TO TROLL OR ATTACK YOUR FELLOW MEMBERS. It is also NOT an excuse to turn this into anti-Rian, anti-Kathy, anti-JJ, anti-Disney, anti-George, anti-Baby Yoda free for all. Make your point, express your feelings, move on. If the moderators feel you're badgering on, we will take action. This is also NOT an excuse to turn this into The Fanboy Wars. Please focus on what might or might not have gone wrong with Star Wars; not how [Other Fandom] might or might not have done things better. The's enough to focus on without bringing Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, or Lord of The Rings into it. Everything else stands:
  11. This says HELLO: No joke. I'm halfway through it and it's amazing. SOO MUCH GOOOOOD DOG CONTENT. And they're doing a really good job of creating tension despite me knowing how it ends because I watched Balto like every day as a kid.
  12. They were probably group buy-outs. I was at a closing on Thursday night, and the seller of the property said that her work had rented out the theater for TROS and everyone in the office was going. My friends who own the Comic Book Store use to rent out a theater for CBMs on Thursday night. He said it was “the only way he could not get spoiled” 🤣
  13. Anyway, I know that historically OWs for Blockbusters skew male. But those demos @TwoMisfits posted and the drop in women and youth from TLJ really, really, really makes me pause. Without getting into spoilers, there are definitely spoilers that once they get out will stop some of those demos from coming out. And if you want a long-term healthy fandom for feature Star Wars products, you just can’t hemorrhage the female fan base like that.
  14. Alas, it's been delayed . As I said in the Classic Conversation Thread a couple days ago, my December did NOT go as planned, so some stuff didn't get done. AND I lost about three or four write ups, so I was just like... When I started the List, I hadn't taken over Box Office Survivor, and that took up A LOT of time I had penciled in for the Musical List. . So I have it penciled it for the 1st of January, but hopefully I can get it up before. The plan is to basically locked myself in my office between here and New Years. In the meantime, the In The Heights Over West Side Story Club I've been waiting SIX MONTHS to Post is going up Tonight. Also, we are having our FINALE of Survivor on Monday. And this Season has been ABSOLUTELY WILD. SO if you're looking for a good read between now and Friday's numbers ta-da!
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