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Everything posted by Cap

  1. #7 42 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 7 TWO!! One Number Votes C.C. Baxter and Fran Kubelik from The Apartment To borrow from my rekindled love of wrestling... [Best Jim Ross/Michael Cole voice] MAH GAWD, IT'S WILDER. IT'S WILDER COMIN' DOWN THE RAMP. WILDER IN THE RING WITH A CHAIR. HE'S GETTING EVERYBODY. HE'S CLEARLY THE RING. IT'S BILLY WILDER!! WILDER HAS ARRRRRRIIIIIIIIVED!! Prompt: C.C. seeing some of Fran's night blogging. I won't front, this one totally came out of left field for me. I knew folks liked it -- it always makes the Top 100 movies -- but I didn't expect this god warrioring support. It scored TWO #1 votes. The only film to do so. Billy Wilder's my man. He's brought us the iconic romances of Osgood and Jerry (Some Like It Hot), Norma and Joe (Sunset Blvd), Walter and Phyllis (Double Indemnity), and Sabrina and Linus (Sabrina). He filmed THE Dress and Subway Grates scene with Marilyn. Yet of all of them, there's just something so charming and awkward and sad about Fran and C.C. And I definitely think it's his most human and imitate relationships. AO3 TAG
  2. #8 41.5 POINTS, 8 LISTS, Av PTS 5.18, HR 4 Belle and The Beast from Beauty and The Beast Prompt: Beast buying Belle something unrequested because it made Beast think of them. I had to laugh at that prompt being the one to random appear -- since that's almost exactly that happens in the movie, and results in the film's sexiest moment: Girls don't want boys. Girls want a private library to rival Trinity College. What a flex. It's been twenty years and I still want that library. And don't like the haters fool you. This is story about the transformative power of love. And it's not just enough to look past your differences, it's about how love can push you to be a better person. But you have to work for it. Love is work and sacrifice. It's about learning to put yourself last so that someone else can come first. Howard Ashman was an immense talent who we lost too soon. "Tale As Old As Time" is so simple yet earnest as sung by Angela Lansbury. Beauty and the Beast is Howard Ashman and Alan Menken’s magnum opus; not only is it one of the best romances (live action or animated) of all time, it is one of the best movies, and best musicals of all time. AO3 TAG
  3. #9 41 POINTS, 9 LISTS, Av PTS 4.5, HR 6 Han Solo and Leia Organa from The Empire Strikes Back Prompt: Han and Leia raking up leaves and jumping into them. The Ultimate Hate-Sex To Soulmates Pairing. I don't even know what to say about Han and Leia, cause they're Han and Leia. I almost can't mention one without immediately saying the other. Carrie Fisher created the best anti-princess princess with Leia. She's feisty, smart, and refuses to take any shit. Pair that up with 1980s Harrison Ford and :chef kiss: And may Carrie Fisher forever be in our hearts, going out like a boss, and telling the world she fucked Harrison Ford while on set. Legends will NEVER DIE. AO3 TAG Also as I side note, I was shookth at this coming in #9. I thought it was a lock for Top 3, Top 5 at the lowest. I actually have audio of myself filming live reactions to the count of some of the ships, cause I spent a good like five minutes being OMG. OMG. and then sent them to Tele.
  4. #10 41 POINTS, 7 LISTS, Av PTS 5.8, HR 3 Adrian and Rocky Balboa from Rocky Prompt: Them getting a puppy/kitten and arguing over what to name it. I have never seen this movie! But Roger Ebert did, and he writes: AO3 TAG
  5. #11 40.5 POINTS, 9 LISTS, Av PTS 4.5, HR 6 Harry and Sally from When Harry Met Sally Prompt: Sally gets the hiccups, causing Harry to laugh every time they try to talk until Harry gets the hiccups too. The quintessential, never to be improved or replicated, classic Rom-Com (I would argue, it's THE Rom-Com) felt just short of our top ten. It had tons of support -- appearing on nine lists -- but it's lower 4.5 average ranking held it back. Nora Ephron and Rob Reiner dared to ask the question "can women and men really be friends". Turns out for Harry and Sally, no. But the fun in this relationship and movie is the slow burn. It's the revelation you're in love with your best friend. The person who has seen you through every break up, and moving day, and life experience. The revelation at the end comes as this beautiful, "Well, Duh!" moment which leads to a monologue that should be put on the Film Pantheon of GOATS. Who knew Billy Crystal was the sexist man on film? AO3 TAG BONUS:
  6. #12 38.5 POINTS, 7 LISTS, Av PTS 5.5 One Number One Vote Jasmine and Aladdin from Aladdin Jasmine and Aladdin take the win over all other Disney romances, cause THEY have a love song sang by Actual Goddess Lea Salonga. Prompt: Them huddled by the fireplace at night after making snow angels in the fresh snow. Do you trust me to take you to a whole new world? Jasmine and Aladdin let us believe that we can find love if we just got out our palace and learn to come together despite our differences. And think of all the fun they can get up to with a magic genie as their BFF. 👀 AO3 TAG
  7. #13 37 POINTS, 7 LISTS, Av PTS 5.2, HR 2 Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne from Batman Returns Prompt: Bruce and Selina under a large fruit tree in the summer. Guuuuh... these two. Just these two. Whether you're jazzed about R-Patz and Zoe, or forever obsessed with The Animated Series, or you stan Dini's Hush Arc and/or Loeb and Sales' Long Halloween-Dark Victory-Haunted Knight-When In Rome***, there's no denying when you think of forbidden romance, and will-they-won't they, it alwwwways comes back to these two. *** Why Jeph. Why did you turn into such a fucking asshole/hack when you wrote THIS SERIES. Yet of all the versions out there, only one has Michelle Pfeiffer in that costume. I remember being OBSESSED with this movie a child. It's so sexy and visceral, yet has just the perfect hints of camp and levity. I'm still upset they didn't live happily ever after. So -- and I can't believe I'm say this -- mad props to Nolan for recognizing that was DUMB and ending TDKR with Bruce and Selina happy. Hopefully we get more of this in Flashpoint: AO3 TAG
  8. To be honest he brought it upon himself. Why couldn’t he just made a fun girls movie?
  9. that was one of my many issues with the movie. I know it’s increasing en Vogue with DC Comics to act like Bruce Wayne doesn’t exist, there is only Batman; however, there are some key moments in this, particularly the Third act, where it would’ve been stronger to have Bruce show up instead of Batman. Won’t say more cause Of spoilers. as for R-Patz himself He basically played Bruce Wayne like an older version of Edward Cullen, and I was completely there for it.
  10. Did none of you read the In The Mood For Love post!?!??! Did I not post enough gifs?!?!
  11. MODERATION Hey all, it’s going to be a long couple months in this thread if we keep this up. I would caution folks to keep in mind that It is possible for two conflicting ideas to both be correct. This movie can star a bunch of white men, and there’s nothing wrong with that, because it’s a historical drama about a bunch of white men. People can also criticize Nolan for choosing to do a film where he can hide behind a “historically accurate façade” that will allow him to cast only white men instead of a more inclusive cast. The atomic bomb is probably the worst invention in human history. It absolutely never should’ve been invented or used. The people who made the decision to drop the bomb, made the decision based off of the facts and the figures they had in 1945, and not on the information that we have in 2022, and therefore who is to say What you or we would’ve done in their time with the Information they had. all four of those things seem to contradict each other. All four of those things are true. Life is messy. You can’t handle the mess that might potentially occur in this thread, then I suggest that you keep it to just talking about how Christopher Nolan is your favorite Director of all time and how you’re really excited for Robert Downey Jr. to potentially act again instead of just doing his Tony Stark shtick.
  12. #14 37 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 6.1, HR 2 Celine and Jesse from The Before Trilogy Prompt: Jesse screaming over a picture of Celine from long before they met. Jesse describes the younger Celine as a tiny precious child, then looks at Celine, and says "Well, you're still my tiny precious child.' I want beautiful people standing against walls, BOT wants beautiful people walking around a city talking. As Mariah Carey says, "Love Takes Time". No better representation of that in film than Jesse and Celine from Linklater's Before Trilogy. Filmed over an eighteen year period we see Jesse and Celine's love evolve through the different stages of their lives. AO3 TAG
  13. #15 33 POINTS, 5 LISTS, Av PTS 6.6, HR 5 Su Li-zhen and Chow Mo-wan from In The Mood For Love Prompt: Chow Mo-wan trying to mooch off Su Li-zhen's wif and jokingly putting their own name in as the password, then being shocked that it actually works and they're now connected to Su Li-zhen's wifi... I made the correct choice last year of doing a Tony Leung marathon before Shang Chi, so this one is fresh in my mind. Where it lives rent free in my mind. You want sensually? You want romance? And you claim that means you want hanky panky? No. I want all of those things too -- only I want it as people brushing shoulders against each other passing in the hallway. You can take you make out scenes. Give me two unrequited (but wants to be requited) lovers standing against walls showered in beautiful lighting. In The Mood For Love, as a film, really proves that it's the anticipation we crave not the resolution. It's the wanting and needing and hoping that goes into waiting for your OTP to admit they love each other/have first kiss. A good romance is as heart pounding as any action or thriller. Keeps you on the edge of your seats. And that it also helps when those two (or three) people are gorgeous. *whispers* His Eyes. AO3 TAG
  14. #16 28 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4.66, HR 6 Esther and Norman Maine from A Star Is Born (1954) Prompt: Esther buys a box of sweets and puts them in the cupboard. Norman spontaneously eats them all in the middle of the night and tries to keep it a secret. BOT LOVES A Star is Born. It was a SUPER close race between the 2018 (26 Points) and 1954 (28 Points) version, but Judy came out on top like the Queen she is. I confess I did vote for Judy, because it's Judy, but there's no denying Ally and Jackson certainly are more sensual. Really thinking about it, it's kind of funny this one took the cake, since as I'm typing this, the only thing going through my head is how this is Judy Garland's film, and she give the performance of a lifetime in the dressing room screen, and Harold Arlen wrote, to quote Kendall, "nothing but bangers." The Star Is Born remakes do a great job of centering their couple in the era of the movie. The tragedy here with Mason's Norman Maine is as man of the 1950's he can't get over his own ego to accept help before it's too late, or let his ego accept being second fiddle to his newly famous wife. It destroys everything he loves. Here's a really good video about all four flicks: AO3 TAG
  15. #17 27 POINTS, 4 LISTS, Av PTS 6.75, HR 2 Arwen and Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of The Rings Prompt: Arwen and Aragorn falling asleep together with their heads on the other's shoulder/head in the backseat of the car while their friend is driving. Would you give up eternity to be with Viggo Circa 2001? That's the question Liv Tyler needs to answer in this epic. My friend also reminded me there was a lot of him Not Showering And Looking Dirty Hot, and The Necklace. AO3 TAG
  16. #18 26.5 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4.41, HR 3 Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese from Terminator Prompt: Sarah having to rescue Kyle from a pack of puppies/kittens. Did you say the trope of traveling across space and time to save the woman that you loved? Yes, please. And then it's a doomed romance too boot? Inject it into my veins. James Cameron always knows how to bring the goods when it comes to romance. AO3 TAG
  17. #19 26 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4.33, HR 2 Ally and Jackson from A Star Is Born (2018) Prompt: Jackson and Ally were separated for several years for reasons they couldn't help. They finally find each other and have a heartfelt reunion. Remember that time Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga had so much chemistry they made the whole internet think they were dating after their Oscar performance? #Acting. This could’ve been a disaster. A remake of a remake of a remake of a remake? Two already generationally iconic cause they starred Judy and Babs! Never doubt Gaga. Backed by one of the best movie soundtracks in decades, her and Cooper make magic between those twelve notes. I just love how they see them. AO3 TAG
  18. #20 26 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4.33, HR 5 Fiona and Shrek from Shrek Prompt: Fiona and Shrek watching a horror movie. Fiona can't sleep that night and Shrek comforts them in a cuddle. There's nothing sexier and more powerful than finding someone who loves you for you, green skin and all. AO3 TAG
  19. They did not "pin the atomic bomb on a POC." His super power was the gift of technology. He was righteous upset and angry at how the humans had used his gifts for evil instead of good. Read the text. Howard Stark created the atomic bomb in the MCU, not Phastos.
  20. And that's it for tonight. Should do the Top 10 tomorrow and the Top 10 the next. (Sorry, it was another crazy day at work and it went on way longer than I thought).
  21. #21 26 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4.33, HR 8 Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist from Brokeback Mountain Prompt: Ennis staying up half the night to finish a game with Jack. I remember when this first came out and it was all hype because Gay Sex! I think we were in the VERY front row at the Indie theater (which was the only place showing it). And like most things hyped up for crazy reasons, it turns out that's only a smart part of it. This is a quiet story of long and angst. And it's just so soft. Ang Lee's romance eye is unmatched. AO3 TAG
  22. #22 26 POINTS, 4 LISTS, Av PTS 6.5, HR 9 Alicia Hubert and Deviln from Notorious Prompt: Alicia having to comfort Devlin because Devlin just encountered a very large, unpleasant bug outside that scared them. GUUUUUH. This scene is so so sexy. Thanks to those terrible Hays Codes, there couldn't be kisses on screen longer than like 3 seconds, 4 seconds. Hitchcock said naaaaah to that. So the whole scene's three minutes, and they never break their embrace, sneaking 3 second kisses non-stop. GUUUUUUH. I don't know if this a Hot Take TM, but I think this is my favorite Hitch flick. And props to Hitch, because I think he's BOT's Sexiest/Romantic Director. To Catch A Thief, Vertigo, and Notorious all made our list, more than any other director. [Alas, No AO3 Tag]
  23. #23 25.5 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4.25, HR 9 Helen and Bob Parr from The Incredibles Prompt: Bob holding Helen very close, close enough to smell their hair. They whisper into Helen's ear: 'I don't like your new shampoo'. Ultimate Mom and Dad Goals, get a partner who can clean out the trash and clean up the streets. AO3 TAG
  24. #24 24 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4, HR 6 Marion and Indiana Jones from Raiders of The Lost Ark Prompt: Marion and Indiana finger painting with their child. Indiana and Marion are spunky feisty pair that's dynamite for a throwback story from Spielberg. There's a ragged maturity to them which makes it felt real and lived in. They're sweaty and messy, and probably have lot of "we just almost died by snakes" sex when not being chased by Nazis. @Plain Old Tele wants to add that "good looking but imperfect bodies are sexy. They don't have time for pilates and yoga and cleanses and personal trainers. They're gonna drown their emotional and physical pain with a few shots so whiskey and then go punch bad guys and that's the sexiest thing ever." AO3 TAG
  25. #25 24 POINTS, 6 LISTS, Av PTS 4, HR 12 Westley and Princess Buttercup from The Princess Bride Prompt: Westley knitting something for Buttercup I feel like I've said this before, but I really, really mean it here: Every moment in this movie is perfect. Every line. Every gag. Every kiss. Every emotion. Every thing. William Goldman wrote a masterpiece for fantasy and romance. I remember being obsessed with Westley as a child. Westley and Buttercup might be the most romantic and iconic, but let's not forget that the film also has amazing love stories between a Grandfather and a Grandson, and two Best Friends Forever. Again. Every. Thing. Is. Perfect. AO3 TAG
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