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Posts posted by StevenG

  1. 5 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Are you serious? IW pretty much topped any movie not named TFA when it comes to hype and momentum. Hell its trailer is the most viewed and liked ever and already 1.5 times the most that TFA ever got. Even its 30 seconds spot pretty much left full JW2, Solo trailers in the dust. 


    Just because BP is doing gangbuster business doesnt mean its taking away from IW. In fact it will only add to IW

    I am very curious in regard to IW's second and third weekend and its overall multi. I feel that the hype and momentum will definitely make for a monster OW...

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

    The JL/WW situation happened because JL was the culmination of everything that went wrong for DC. WW made good money but nothing shocking like this. Black Panther is doing what shouldn’t be possible, and IW is going to do great but just won’t be able to match the cultural relevance of BP. Also, IW is going to make more WW, furthering the point that WW/JL happened because JL failed, whereas BP/IW happened because BP succeeded. 

    WW did not make as much as BP will end up with, but it was a shocking run.

    Not only because the DCEU at that point had released nothing but turds, but because Wonder Woman, for all its iconic status in pop culture, was nothing close to a sure thing. Not many people predicted 400 million, I bet, and nobody imagined that it would become such a wom hit with such a fantastic multi.

    I personally thought it would flop.


  3. Is there any chance of Cameron ever doing a superhero film? DOesn't have to be DC or MCU since any superhero character he decided to bring to life cinematically will most likely become a household name, regardless of how obscure (come on..."from the director of Avatar, Titanic, Aliens, T2, and True Lies...comes a new vision in superhero cinema..." you know it will...make some money ;-) )


    5 minutes ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

    Despite what JL was i honestly think it's happenning for the exact same reason...novelty and momentum not being there on the same levels as the solo film of a female protagonist and an african-american lead.

    I agree.

    Neither IW nor JL bring any novelty (yeah, yeah...I know that people are saying "but GOTG and Avengers together for the first time!"); I am saying from a larger perspective, it's more novel to finally see a well-made, well-reviewed superhero film starring either a long-overdue-for-solo-cinematic-stardom icon (WW) or a black hero and an all-black cast than a bunch of [mostly white, mostly male] superheroes teaming up to beat another intergalactic baddie that brings another invasion to earth.

  5. 49 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

    For Lady Bird to make 50m, you needed to have critics saying to you for 6 months it s one of the best movies ever made.

    What an accomplishment in deed.

    I am stunned.



    Meanwhile, the awful discount-store studio that gave us BP has to settle for 700 million dollars in 10 days.

    Walmart is slipping... 

  6. Imagine if, in spite of all the unparaleled YT views and the deafening pre-release hype, IW opened with "only" 189-190 domestic and ended with "only" 550-560 million? :D 

    I truly doubt that IW, as gigantic as it will be, outperforms BP, which, as we all know has transcended being just another superhero smash.

    The stakes are higher every year, and what IW will gross will be phenomenal, but not *cultural phenomenon phenomenal.* 

    Although we all know that being a pop culture phenom doesn't necessarily require that you make a billion dollars (neither Wonder Woman nor Thelma & Louise did, but nobody can deny how those two became iconic films in their own right), but BP has had the good fortune of all stars aligning for it, and of course, it has brought something new to the genre as it stands in 2018. Being somewhat of a political lightning rod (like WW and T&L were) doesn't hurt, and that's why I think IW will be *just* another gigantic smash for Marvel.

    What BP is, on the other hand, is a game-changing watershed moment.

    • Like 3
  7. 20 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

    Reading the commentators on her Instagram is a stark contrast to what we see from online nerd culture. Makes you remember that so many people loved Avatar, reading comments on BOT would lead you to believe otherwise. Although it should be pretty obvious people loved it from the amount of money it made.


    Also what's bts? Made me think back stage but that doesn't seem right.

    Avatar was loved by general audiences.

    And that is precisely what hardcore scifi nerds hate, and therefore, they love perpetuating the idea that nobody liked Avatar (which is ridiculous, going by the word of mouth and the repeat business it made)...

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  8. 56 minutes ago, KP1025 said:

    A phenomenon outperforms expectations by capturing the zeitgeist. They also do not necessarily require massive numbers to qualify. Wonder Woman is a better example of a phenomenon than Age of Ultron despite grossing less at the box office.

    True. And there are plenty of examples of films that have grossed even less than Wonder Woman and also became cultural phenomenons that transcended and soared past films with much bigger grosses: Thelma and Louise, Silence of the Lambs, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery,  Napoleon Dynamite, Friday the 13th (yes, F13), etc. Meanwhile, stuff like Jumanji are massive financial blockbusters that seem...inconsequential and after-thoughtish...

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    JL certainly had a very noteworthy run. Just for all the wrong reasons.


    As for Showman, yup, those a bloody impressive legs. But let's not go totally berserk, they're riding on a still not-exactly-huge total



    The impressive thing about TGS is not its total; TLJ has an impressive total, and yet look at how utterly forgettable (and forgotten) it has been in regard to buzz. Any way you slice it, TGS is a monster, and a true blue WOM beast.

    • Like 1
  10. Halle Berry is such an underrated actress. I must be the only one who thinks that her Oscar was well deserved, and although I, like most people, hate her Storm, I think that she has been phenomenally good in many other films (Losing Isaiah, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, Frankie & Alice). I still root for her to have some sort of Hollywood resurgence, because I think she is great. Heck, maybe she can be in the Black Panther sequel (and why not, have the writers come up with an endearing, self-deprecating wink-wink moment that addresses her Storm and Catwoman fiascos). 

    • Like 1
  11. Also...did anyone think that at the end of 2017 a Star Wars film that happened to outgross every film of the year and a Justice League movie that should have been one of the biggest superhero films of all time would be eclipsed as the movie narratives/buzzworthy titles of said year by films like Wonder Woman, Jumanji, and The Greatest Showman?  Amazing.

    • Like 3
  12. Movies like this puts in perspective that no matter how much people know about numbers, trends, and stats, and no matter how much some of us think that we know all there is to know about predicting box office, what really really matters is how a film connects to the audience. Did anyone think "Oh...a musical about PT Barnum starring Hugh Jackman? That will pack them theatres and get a Titanic-like multiplier..."?? And then, when it opened to bad reviews and so-so numbers...who did not think it would disappear from theatres after three weeks? 

    Truly astounding little run...

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Treeing Me Apart said:

    Yep. Only needs 20M to get to 20x, kind of inevitable at this point.


    The run its having here in the UK is insane.


    W1: £2.5M (6-day opening), #3
    W2: -7%, #3
    W3: -27%, #4

    W4: -2%, #4

    W5: -3%, #4

    W6: +6%, #1

    W7: -13%, #2

    W8: -1%, #3


    So it's gone from a 6-day holiday opening of £2.5M, to a weekend 8 of £1.92M. It's now bordering £30M. For perspective, Jumanji is at £37M. £30M is equivalent to about $300M if it was in the US. Crazy crazy numbers. 

    It's having weekly holds that only happened in the eighties ans nineties, correct? This is the kind of film that fascinates me: a movie that truly makes the term word of mouth meaningful. Who would have thought that a non-Wolverine film would give Jackman's career such a shot in the arm??

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