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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Wow, no respect for the puppers Honestly if Candyman overperforms it will have been a really exciting August. TSS was exciting (in its way), Free Guy was exciting, Paw Patrol looks exciting, SC sales are exciting. Better than several pre-pandemic Augusts at least.
  2. Very healthy day 2 all around it seems like. Overlaps the reaction/red carpet bump so still want a few more days before things settle down.
  3. If Empire is Pacific time zone like me, tomorrow from that comment is 8/10 and two weeks from is 8/24. The Sony cinemacon presentation is the 23rd, supposed will screen there but that same version won’t necessarily be made public at that time/ever (like IW SDCC trailer). Empire may have more details.
  4. Man, I *really* shouldn’t have clicked show comment here. What a weird way to phrase this. If Jat is on a situation to test his theory out he’ll be fine, because he’s right. You’ve got a weird fetish for highbrow contrarian critic-worshipping kind of takes and it’s just exhausting, I don’t know why I didn’t have you on ignore before now tbh.
  5. IW and Endgame outside the top 20 is just ridiculous regardless of how the other 22 movies are ordered. There’s really nothing more to say. Now to be clear, since some people seem to like attacking a strawman here, the fact that’s it’s a comically bad mcu ranking doesn’t indicate some kind of like, moral or intellectual failing. It just indicates… a very poor ranking of MCU movies. Anyway, this is an utterly dumb way to have taken up a page. Clearly I shouldn’t have responded to lorddemaxus and I’ve finally taken the step of putting them on ignore for everyone’s sake.
  6. It’s not “bizarrely insecure” to point out how terrible that list was. The only people who are coming off bizarrely insecure here are the ones with an odd need to “defend” critics (who I’m sure don’t care in the first place what bad taste in MCU movies I think they have 🤷‍♂️)
  7. What a sad way to look at films. “This is higher because I like it more” is all the “justification” needed.
  8. I’ve not ranting my dude. I’m not “huffing and puffing.” I don’t have any interest in being an approved critic, so that’s a pretty odd non sequitur. You’re the one who seems oddly worked up here about defending the taste of some rando — I just pointed out that the list was an example of shit taste and you’re the one who turned this into a thing.
  9. Well, I mean, yes. If it was targeted 200M or something then I agree it’s only logical that high occupancies would start to run up against delta fears nonlinearly. But especially given how dead the market will be for holdovers, should be able to grab a pretty high screens/loc, very high loc count, etc. So don’t even have to go that much above, say, Jungle Cruise True FSS screen occupancy to hit 60-80ish range
  10. No, I probably shouldn’t. It would be an unnecessary and suboptimal use of my time compared to doing what I’d otherwise be doing (which does involve the occasional movie). But, to be clear, I’m not saying he necessarily has horrible taste in movies overall. That would be a silly thing to claim when a ranking of the MCU is literally the only thing I’ve been exposed to. My point is merely that this some next level horrendous taste in MCU movies.
  11. We don’t have any evidence for this In fact, things are going to get better in the next two weeks for sure Literally we are seeing over and over again that this is not true. The 3 delta overperformers are all family driven to varying degrees. Clearly you aren’t thinking very critically about why BW’s IM was what it was if you believe this. Anyway, I agree it is better to have reasonable expectation, which is why people should realize that it could get pretty close to BW — though not to what BW would have done as an exclusive release.
  12. Man, I thought people were waking up after yesterday but still some very pessimistic takes in the O/U 60 club. Maybe it’s time to make an over BB4L club.
  13. 70 isn’t where the bar for success should be by any means, but it’s hardly “excessive” either, just need like 8-9M previews or so. Compare to 7.1 for F9 and 13.2 for BW (with PA) or e.g. 9.4 for Doctor Strange way back in 2016. Delta isn’t a nonfactor but in the 4 most delta affected weekends (Jul 30, Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20) we will have basically 3 pleasant over performers and only one massive disappoint.
  14. Cmon, I am obviously not a Campea fan. Dude sucks. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let such a nice joke setup pass me by.
  15. Yeah, you buy a half baked, burn it to perfection, and enjoy the delicious blend of cheese, pineapple, crust, sauce, and meat 🤩
  16. Ant-man opened to 57M in 2015, ranked 128th, current equivalent 70M. DS1 opened to 85M in 2016, ranked 64th, current equivalent 97M. 60M would be fine/strong for Shang-Chi, but only because of delta — in a normal world would be an embarrassing result and people’s expectations shouldn’t be down in the basement like that for fully post-pandemic first entries (though atm I think we’re just talking like… Blade and Fantastic Four?) Edit: I did skim over “pandemic,” lol 😅 We’re agreed then.
  17. Jesus Christ you have been hysterical around this movie recently, and not even for reasons that make any sense.
  18. Have always thought that 30M was more of an OD target, but it seems some people couldn’t help themselves with pessimistic spirals in this environment especially after TSS flopped (despite Jungle Cruise, Free Guy, Paw Patrol, etc on the other side of the coin).
  19. Plenty of MCU movies have good 3rd acts and this could easily be one of them. Something can be a mess and have lots of cgi, but simply having lots of cgi doesn't make it a mess.
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