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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Only briefly skimmed a little of stuff from when I was asleep but it’s pretty self-evident that both: Way of Water OS performance was, once again, absolute insanity, particularly OS-C. Gross or admits doesn’t matter avatar is undisputed king franchisee of OS, and by kind of a goofy margin at that Domestically its performance was that of a big movie but nothing particularly special beyond that. The amount of people it attracted to the cinema is at that “one of the bigger movies of a year” level not the “one of the biggest movies of a generation” level. And that’s true if you look just post-pandemic, let along bringing earlier years into it
  2. Hmm, intriguing. The calendar lines up correctly in terms of Labor Day/return to school, and competition lines up relatively well too. Gotg: true fss 83.12M d4-10 82.2M (~99%) d11-17 46.15M (-44%) after 111M (x2.4) DPW: ~99M (+19% Gotg) est 104M (+26.5%) Quite realistically follow Gotg for ~57M //559 after that Gotg had insane late legs — x2.4 is avg ~29.5% drops, would give +137M //696M more modestly perhaps x2 -> 559+114=673M Overall I would guess that the gotg1 offset week straight comp will overestimate for a while but it’s definitely a useful comparison to keep an eye on and see how much it’s sliding (or not) as we get more data rolling in
  3. Hard to see it below 300 for me with 2025 atps and historical franchise admits Sure poor reception of jw2&3 will hurt some but being new trilogy (kinda) should insulate some
  4. Yeah the wink there is since both claims are kind of dubious/messy. My simple understanding of the titanic situation is that it was fox produced and os distributed but paramount DOM distributed, which is enough for me to previously count it as a fox movie and a paramount movie and now as a Disney movie and a paramount movie, when talking about dom. Also some who would argue that even if you do count it as fox it’s kind of a sketchy include as a Disney movie on top 10 since it made enough enough for top 10 before the acquisition
  5. If it does 100 here (which is right around where I have it ballparked) then pretty pessimistically could drop 50% next week and avg 42%s beyond that for 621M and optimistically could go -43 into avg -37 or so would be 687M. Ranges on both of those determined from past MCU summer, multiverse saga A or better CS, and DP1/2
  6. Yeah as one of those ragging on the year earlier, Jan-may were indeed BLEAK but IO2+DPW doing like 1.3 DOM when it could conceivably have been like 750 is a pretty real boon
  7. Yeah 3rd weekend looking like 50s, I would guess Ryan take it over Blake. Almost certainly falling to Romulus
  8. I mean this is based on just th and history, and even still you can see that smh is a bad comp and the rest are 96+ 😛
  9. “Any cbm can be nitpicked” is kind of a weak sauce copout. Some of them have really glaring logical/plot issue that are apparent on first watch and require major suspension of disbelief, and some are very well put together with only minor issues that you have to go actively digging for. And that correlates reasonably (though not perfectly) with reception
  10. She has some badass moments but that’s not exactly a good trade for the character assassination.
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