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Joyous Legion

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Posts posted by Joyous Legion

  1. 3 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

    Guys, how does it make any sense that Disney would just move it to Disney+ and avoid any and all theatrical rental if theaters are opening and running?


    The reason others went to D+ is they were trying to grow subscribers early on and theaters were closed or partially open.  

    I mean, I don't personallythink it would be a good idea, but they did make Luca D+ when they weren't early on and theaters were pretty reopened (in some ways the Luca release date being pre delta was a better date than most of 2H 2021)

  2. 10 minutes ago, Maggie said:

    It's true tho. People have been accustomed to watch movies at home this year (especially the adult dramas). It will take a while to get them outta house to a cinema again. I don't know if Memorial Day weekend will be the true test tho

    When people decide they don’t want to come out to see certain products that much: people are still scared, they’re accustomed to streaming, yadda yadda, structural factors fully explain this miss

    When people decide they do want to come out to see certain other products: *crickets*   

    Like sure, there is some truth to the fact that there are still structural challenges, but even within a structurally challenged market you still have movies doing better or worse than expected. The existence of the former means you can’t just trot out the structural stuff to explain away the latter.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    I didn’t need or want anything explained.


    I made an observation that people were reacting as if the new batch of films had underperformed, when it doesn’t look like they’re going to (and we don’t even have opening day numbers yet). 

    And I pointed out that whether a film underperforms and people react as such has nothing to do with official tracking.  If Jat’s early numbers stick, it will be an underperformance in the eyes of many, even if you don’t agree.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Krissykins said:


    That’s not fixing it, it’s breaking it! Before your edit it served as an accurate explanation to your implied question — “why do people seem sad with these (potential) numbers.” The version you changed it to no longer functions to explain that which you seemed to want explained!  

    9 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    You might think it’s not worth caring about, but it’s the only measurement we’ve got to see if a film has met industry expectations or not. 

    “It’s the only measure of X” is kind of meaningless when it’s still a weak measure of X and there isn’t much reason to care about X in the first place.  



    9 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    Personal predictions aside. The industry tracking is notable at least in one way, because obviously it’s how the trades and media will react to the final numbers. After all, they’re the ones who influence the reception of a films performance. 

    Yeah, this part is true. If you want to predict the tone of hwr articles or whatever, comparing to the “industry tracking” is very useful. But most people on here don’t care that much if a performance they think was underwhelming gets written up as “beats (lowballed) expectations” in some magazine or not.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    $3m and $6.25m true Wednesdays would be decent and still secure $20m and $40m 5 days. Both on the high end of tracking. 

    From some reactions already, you’d think this was the Eternals weekend thread again, but it doesn’t look like any of these are missing their tracking. 

    People don’t care about official tracking because official tracking isn’t worth caring about. I feel like I have to say this in every single weekend thread when things look like they might go low. 

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