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Posts posted by ViewerAnon

  1. 2 hours ago, Porthos said:


    You know this is how the game of telephone starts, right?  Someone exaggerates/paraphrases what someone else says and then it takes on a life of its own.


    Yep, a hundred times this. I've been ascribed so many things I didn't actually say because one comment gradually turned into another as it was passed from person to person.


    And let's also remember, test screenings are test screenings. Just because an audience loves or hates an early version of a movie doesn't mean the mainstream will agree come the final product.

    Remember when I said DEADPOOL 2 had troubling scores? It did! And they fixed it.

    Remember when I said HALLOWEEN KILLS scored way higher than HALLOWEEN 2018? It did! But then mainstream audiences disagreed.


    To me, test screenings are a fun peek into the process. I only commented on AQUAMAN 2 because there had been quite a few previews and the reactions I was hearing were consistent. But it's still ten months away from release, there's plenty of time to work on the film if it needs surgery.

    • Like 6
  2. 16 hours ago, cax16 said:

    Has anyone said this is a masterpiece? Maybe @ViewerAnoncan correct me if I’m wrong but I believe all that was said was it was DC best tested movie since the dark knight, not that it’s as good as the dark knight or anything. I think it was just a crowd pleaser and that’s probably why the movie tested well and WB is confident. Maybe some sites have ran some BS articles but all I remember reading is WB is confident in this and it has tested well. 


    I don't like doing comparisons like that for a couple reasons: outside of rare cases we don't have access to the actual scores, just the opinions of people who've seen the cut; and how in the world can someone compare THE FLASH to THE DARK KNIGHT when they're so tonally different?

    THE FLASH tested very well, I'm confident in saying that. But how that compares to every other DC movie that's tested in the last decade, I'm not sure. I wish I had all that data.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Dragoncaine said:

    I wouldn't ever rate a movie on LB until I've seen the finish product. Temp music/VFX/missing inserts/etc. can be a huge stain on an initial assessment, speaking as someone who works as Head of Development at a small production company and frequently attends (and hosts) test screenings.




    fwiw I didn't hear SHAZAM 2 test screenings were bad, just that it was over-long and not as good as the first. But everyone I know who saw it still thought it was at least kind of fun. I know it's a good 20-30 minutes shorter than it was during early test screenings so I hope that smooths over most of the issues.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Firepower said:

    Didn't Viewer Anon claim that Malignant is The Room level terrible or that Welcome To Racoon City had good test-screenings? I'd be really cautious. Could be true, could be not true at all.


    I said MALIGNANT had awful test screenings and it really, really did. I don't know how you watch that film and think an audience of 200 people who don't know what they're seeing come out of it with positive impressions.


    I did report hearing WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY was in pretty good shape, though. Which just goes to emphasize that test screenings aren't math. There are no concrete rules or absolute values. It's one of the reasons I've moved away from tweeting about test screenings unless impressions are really positive or interesting.


    14 hours ago, TheDude391 said:

    Malignant had dreadful test screenings, do you think this might be having a similar effect on unsuspecting audiences (if Wan did go full Mario Bava Planet of the Vampires), or is it just actually a complete mess? 


    It's always possible but I think there's a difference in the complaints: with MALIGNANT it was usually "It's so stupid" or "It's SILLY!" or "It's really bizarre," whereas with AQUAMAN 2 it's much more "It's dull," "The villain sucks," etc.

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  5. I replied on Reddit in the hopes it wouldn't spread across the internet. Oh well, what can ya do.


    I don't want to torpedo movies with bad press if I can help it. I've consistently heard it's worse than Aquaman, but whether it's close or a big gulf depends on the person I talked to. The version that tested last week is the first to include the intended reshoot changes, so there were a lot of scenes with temp voiceover dialogue and storyboards indicating what they'll be shooting in pickups. Reaction to this version of the film was not better than any previous version, at least in regards to people who talked to me.


    The movie is still ten months away so there's a lot of time. The bigger problem is that I've heard Wan's had a nightmare experience on this one, even worse than Furious 7.

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  6. 37 minutes ago, eddyxx said:

    I am never trusting the reviews again. I throughly enjoyed that. Maybe I just had lowered expectations but I thought it was pretty damn good and was more of a 70% movie(yes I know how the RT rating works).



     3/5 stars.


    So you’re giving it a 6/10 and can no longer trust Rotten Tomatoes reviews that give it an average of 5.7/10?

    • Like 1
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  7. 43 minutes ago, Macleod said:

    Not surprised in the least on Gadot.  And I'm sure she cost enough.  One more reason why this movie will likely never eke out a real profit, and will be the FINAL FAST. 


    It would need to be an epic bomb as FAST X is a DEATHLY HALLOWS/MOCKINGJAY/BREAKING DAWN-esque "Part 1 of 2." It doesn't have an ending, just a series of cliffhangers and credits.

    • Haha 1
  8. It's been a busy workday and maybe I'm reading these wrong but I don't understand all the "I think Ends is gonna drop BIG!" posts. Yeah, of course it is. It's a franchise slasher movie (that's also available "for free" at home) - they were posting huge drops before it was cool.


    Friday the 13th (2009): -80.4%

    A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010): -72.3%

    Texas Chainsaw 3D: -75.7%

    Halloween (2018): -58.8%

    Scream (2022): -59.3%


    Even H20 fell 47.6% a quarter century ago and that was off a Wednesday opening.


    Take H2018's drop, factor in added rush due to losing some casuals along the way plus a "final chapter" bump, and of course Ends is going to drop 70%. The question is whether it's closer to 80%.

    • Like 1
  9. 21 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

    I just think there’s a certain irony that he was mad about the HBO Max day and date decision, when Universal are the ones who keep dumping their movies onto their streaming service that nobody cares about, regardless of how much money they make in theaters. If Nolan was really that mad on behalf of movie theaters, he might as well have gone to Sony. 


    I suspect Nolan's anger wasn't that WB movies were hitting streaming day and date, it's that they were being forced to. Last year Universal paid a huge amount of money to the creatives on HALLOWEEN KILLS (essentially giving them a back-end like if the film had performed as well as HALLOWEEN 2018) to get them to agree to a simultaneous Peacock launch. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happened this time.


    Look, I won't lie - the insider buzz on HALLOWEEN ENDS is... not spectacular. But I think this has more to do with Universal trying to spruce up Peacock's subscriber numbers than lack of faith in how the movie will perform.

    • Like 1
  10. Something’s felt off about THOR for a few weeks, though I can’t put my finger on what. I wonder if there’d be more momentum if this flipped release dates with DS2? That had the whole “mythology episode” hook whereas L&T looks decidedly more standalone.


    The theaters in LA I’ve sampled have looked fine in terms of sales but not especially great. The Chinese IMAX still has hundreds of seats open for the 6 p.m. show tomorrow, which feels light for a big MCU movie.


    Hoping Charlie and company are right and I’m just being a pessimist. I want the box office winning streak to continue.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Brainbug the Dinosaur said:

    My final prediction (note: I still obviously hope foolishly for a 200M+ OW, but hope and actual prediction are not the same).


    OW: 175M, total: 430M

    CinemaScore: B+

    RT: 33%

    OS: 650M

    WW: 1,09B


    This looks like a really solid prediction to me. I think the absolute floor is something like $950 million, which considering the deflation of Chinese box office, the situation in Russia, and lingering COVID concerns... would be more than enough to make Universal happy.


    It's their biggest franchise - certainly their biggest live-action franchise - by a Giganto amount.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Noiret Jak said:


    450 is still in game.

    It will overtake Dune, believe me.



    Estimated $14M in the U.S. this weekend for a $67M total. Let's be charitable and say it crawls to $100M.


    That's $313M worldwide with the $38M it made internationally this weekend. Where's the 4.6x multiplier coming from to get it to $450M?



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