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L Silverman

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Posts posted by L Silverman

  1. 1 minute ago, YLF said:

    This thread is now reminding me when some were claiming infinity war would make 750-800M Dom was locked based on the first weekend. I said it was absurd then and people shot me down. Its the first weekend. At least wait until you see the second weekend drop. Its not like the incredibles doesn't have any upcoming competition.

    Difference being, people left I2 happy whereas most everyone left IW pissed off.

    • ...wtf 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    Shouldn't we wait for the opening day numbers at least before talking about how much of lock 600-800mil is?

    At this point, you're looking at an opening weekend of $175-180m MINIMUM.  A+ CinemaScore.  The only serious competition for the ENTIRE summer being Ant-Man and The Wasp, Hotel Transylvania 3 and Christopher Robin.  600m+ domestic is all but assured.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


    200M is too lunatic even for me, but 180M is possible i think (which is still pure lunacy as this is an animated movie which tend to open smaller and have stronger legs than live-action films generally).




    Except I2 is that odd bird, an animated action film.  I could see it crossing over and being as big of a hit with SW/Marvel fans, that type of crowd, as it is with families and kids.

  4. Fun fact about Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)- Sutherland's ear-piercing pod scream from the last scene comes courtesy of Ben Burtt, the legendary Oscar-winning sound effects genius of Star Wars.




    (And oh, sorry Baumer, I'm been lurking around and I have been reading your Top 50 but haven't been commenting, sorry.)


    • Thanks 1
  5. As a director, Landis gets credited more for the comedy than the horror in comedy-horror but he crafted, imo, one of the most terrifying straight horror sequences in American Werewolf.  Take a watch below if you haven't already seen it.  The final shot from the top of the escalator is an "Oh My God!" moment every time for me!



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  6. 5 minutes ago, Lucas said:



    Very basic breakdown of both films.


    Both movies open up with people waking up from a cryosleep, they go to have breakfast, a drop ship lands on LV-426, someone is sent to check out the circular ship (the same one), he gets a facehugger stuck to his face - returns to the base and infects everyone with alien shit, at the same time a company is on a covert mission to retrieve an alien, there’s a scene where an android dissects a facehugger very suspiciously (obviously both movies have an android too and both get torn up), Ripley has a flamethrower and uses it to burn a person cocooned against a wall who asked to die, they need to reach a minimum distance before a countdown hits zero causing an explosion, and by the third act when Ripley’s basicsslly alone - the alien has snuck aboard whatever she is in, Ripley’s response to this is to run off and put on a spacesuit/power loader and after a fight - the alien is blown out of the ship and out into space. She then goes back to sleep.

    When you really look at it the major difference is setting (spaceship/planet), type of characters (scientists/military) and style.


    And Star Wars follows the same plot outline as Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress but no one in their right mind would call them the same movie.

  7. Fun fact about Alien- Ridley Scott, Dan O'Bannon and Sigourney Weaver get credit for making that film a classic and deservedly so.  But the unsung hero was producer Walter Hill who did an uncredited re-write on O'Bannon's screenplay.  O'Bannon's original characters and dialogue were more akin to his work on Dark Star.  It was Hill, an action director who frankly didn't care much for sci-fi. who made them truckers in space, re-named all the characters, added the android and made the Company the evil behind-the-scenes player.

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