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Posts posted by HeyItsMoses

  1. Woah. That looks awesome.

    Yeah, it's from the TASM game that was released a week ago.

    Like I said:

    The way I'd do it. Rhino dies in TASM2, Venom runs off, part of his symbiote attaches to the guy who becomes Carnage. [That scene could be during the credits, or hints at meeting the guy or something].

    TASM3: Carnage's bloodlust is too immense and he goes out of control [due to him being a real serial killer], and at that point, Venom and Spider-Man team up, take down Carnage, and during the fight, Venom is injured to the point that he dies also.

    $400m for both films, if done properly. [ie, let me do it! lmao]


    ^Unless you think there is a better way of handling the next 2 films. Thoughts?

  2. TASM2: Venom and Rhino

    [Love the new look of Rhino, biological instead of a suit]

    Posted Image

    TASM3: Venom and Carnage. At the end, both villains die.

    The way I'd do it. Rhino dies in TASM2, Venom runs off, part of his symbiote attaches to the guy who becomes Carnage. [That scene could be during the credits, or hints at meeting the guy or something].

    TASM3: Carnage's bloodlust is too immense and he goes out of control [due to him being a real serial killer], and at that point, Venom and Spider-Man team up, take down Carnage, and during the fight, Venom is injured to the point that he dies also.

    $400m for both films, if done properly. [ie, let me do it! lmao]


    • Like 1
  3. I want a sequel. Because after freaking FOUR films, CARNAGE hasn't even been referenced. Damn it.

    I really want Carnage also. From what I've read, he's super powerful, way stronger then Venom. I also read that Spidey had to team up with Venom to take down Carnage. With that said, I'd love to see Venom and Carnage in the next 2 films, throw in a 3rd Villain for the 2nd film (Rhino), and we're talking big bucks.
  4. My hair is short, graying like fuck.. I weigh 188 LBS, 5'10 and a pretty big build since I work out every day now for the last 2 years.. No goatee cause I work for a hotel and you sort of need to be clean and well groomed and my voice is not raspy like Bale sounds screaming "IT'S NOT A CARRRRR!!!" in that hoarse voice of his that sounds like he's in need of a throat lozenge..

    Photo or BS.
  5. Screw you guys with the hate reviews and bad plots, and bad this, and what not.The film was great. Great acting with the leads and the chemistry. Plot was good, and I had no problem with the Lizard, he looked fine. Yeah, he could've used a snout, but I'm sure the people designing the character had that in mind and it probably didn't work out for a reason, so stop whining. Oh, and from what I've remembered (only watched the cartoons when a kid), he could talk as a Lizard:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3dYCZk7Ui4&feature=relatedYeah, he took his mask off. Only 3 times (from what I remember). Mask off to show the kid he's a person, big deal? It's a kid, like the little brat is gonna remember him and go to the police with a description of the masked vigilante. Mask off when he was on top of a high-rise building on the phone, big deal? He's hundreds of feet in the air, on top of a building, doubt that anyone is out looking for him with a god-damn telescope. Mask off when the Captain caught him, big deal? He was the only person to get a good look at him, and he busted out and shot the webs to the guys around him. Plus, he was moving quick enough for no one to actually get a good look at his face. And the bystanders were pretty damn far away. Try looking at someone over 100 feet away in the dark and tell me you got a good description of how he looked.The crane scene at the end? I liked it. Not cheesy at all. The way I see it, he's a kid in high school, he barely got his powers, and he's fighting a fuckin 7 foot lizard! He got shot on his leg, he was already a mess prior to him going to the Oscorp. Him getting help from the guy that he helped save his kid, was great. I think it shows that even though he's super human with super abilities, deep down inside, behind the mask, he's still human. It's never a bad thing to get help.Oh, and for the record, the first Spider-Man wasn't fuckin perfect either.

    Great film. A. Loved it, and will watch again in 3D.
  6. I will refrain from making any more predictions for this film as I am in a state of mourning. I will be wearing all black to work today....I'm Canadian for those of you who don't know, so yes, I have to work today. I have a funeral to go to in about 90 minutes.....preparation to bury and eulogize the ASM under 200 thread is under way. I hope to see you all there.

    I'm bout to turn my Over/Under $35m OD thread to an Over/Under $300m DOM thread. Will you join us for the birth of this miracle child? :)
  7. It shows Dr. Connor being put into a cell. After he sits down on the bed a person standing in the shadows steps out and asks him if he told Parker about his father. Connor says no and that he should leave the boy alone. Then the person says something about letting him be, for now. Then it ends.Personally, I think it was Norman Osborne.

    That makes no sense. Norman Osborne was supposedly dying or something, and needed the chemical to save his life or some shit. A part of me thinks it was him talking to himself? How in the movie he's talking to his thoughts, and in the credits scene, his other half manifested into a person that he see's? I don't know. What I do know, is that I have NO IDEA who the villain is gonna be for the TASM2. I thought I heard someone say Rhino, and a part of me is hoping that it's Rhino also, but we'll see.
    • Like 1
  8. 1) Will Spidey make more than 55 mill? YES

    2) Will Spidey have a Friday increase of more than 20%? YES

    3) Will Spidey have a Saturday increase of more than 15%? YES

    4) Will Katy Perry have a 4 day of more than 22 mill? NO

    5) Will Savages make more than 15 mill? NO

    6) Will MM fall less than 60%? NO

    7) Will Ted fall less than 45%? YES

    8) Will Madea fall less than 59%? NO

    9) Will Avengers fall less than 30%? NO

    10) Will Prometheus fall less than 50%? NO

    11) Will Ted increase more than 30% on Saturday? NO

    12) Will Ted and MM make more combined that Spidey does? NO

    Bonus 1: What will ASM's three day total be? 4000 $58.815m

    Bonus 2: What will ASM's 6 day total be? 4000 $134.353m

    Bonus 3: What finishes in spots:

    6 Perry

    8 Madagascar

    9 Moonrise

    11 Lincoln

  9. I had work til 11pm, and the guy doing the graveyard shift came late.

    By the time I got home, it was around 11:35pm, not sure if it was Mojo time or not.

    If you can accept these answers, great, if not, then, I get it..

    1) Will ASM make more than 5 mill at midnight? YES

    2) Will ASM make more than 7.5 mill at midnight? YES

    3) Will ASM make more than 10 mill at midnight? NO

    4) Will ASM have an opening day of more than Magic Mike? 3000 YES

    5) Will ASM have a WW total of more than 400 mill by Sunday estimates? NO

    6) Will ASM gross more than 23 mill in the UK by Sunday estimates? YES

    7) Will ASM increase on The 4th? YES

    8) Will ASM increase by more than 5% on the 4th? YES

    9) Will ASM decrease by more than 5% on the 4th? NO

    10) Will ASM decrease by more than 25% on the 5th (Thursday)? YES

    11) Will ASM gross more than 75 million after Thursday actuals? 3000 YES

    12) Will MM increase on Tuesday? YES

    13) Will Ted increase on Tuesday? YES

    14) Will any of last weekends openers (Ted, MM, Madea, PLU) drop less than 12.5% on Wednesday? YES

    15) Will any film in the top 12 on Thursday, fall less than 10%? YES

    16) Will any film in the top 12 on Wednesday increase more than 35%? NO

    17) Will Avengers make at least 900K on any of the three days (M-T-W)? NO

    18) Will Moonrise Kingdom be in the top 10 on Wednesday? YES

    14/18 5000

    15/18 6000

    16/18 7000

    17/18 8,000

    18/18 10,000

    Bonus 1: What will the combined gross be for TED, MM and Madea be on Wed? 4000 15.742m

    Bonus 2: What will Avengers, MIB and Prom total gross be for Tuesday? 4000 1.470m

    Bonus 3: On Tuesday, what finishes in spots:

    4- Magic Mike

    6- Madagascar

    7- Abraham Lincoln

    9- Prometheus

    13- Men in Black

    Edit: Sorry for being 44 minutes late..

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