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Posts posted by HeyItsMoses

  1. That sounds like a sure bet to me. Could do a bit more if friday is higher.

    Oh..and you forgot to add the 12 mill to the 126 :)


    We should be looking at a 140 mill OW


    Looks like our MoS/IM3 will be interesting

    If the $12m gets added to the Opening Day and follows GL drop pattern, it could be $157m. 


    We're pretty much looking at $126-$157m opening weekend, and like I said earlier, two June films opened above $100m ($110m and $102m, respectively), and both grossed over $400m ($415m and $402m, respectively). 


    So, I think with even a $126m opening weekend, MOS can really give IM3 a run for it's money, and you know what that means, right..?  :shades:

    • Like 1
  2. I was confused by that on my first viewing and it became clear on my second viewing.


    When Clark is working at the bar - he overhears 2 military men saying they found what seems to be an alien vessel and the US army is there as well. He followed that hunch and turned out to be lucky

    I'm still confused.


    They said the alien ship was covered with ice that was 20,000 years old, or something. I couldn't figure out what to connect that to, and just got lost..


  3. It's not even 1pm here in southern California and they're saying it's on pace for $45m? That number should go up, there's gonna be a lot of walk up business and I'm sure the people who saw it midnight will want to watch it again either today or sometime this weekend. Trust me, I saw it last night, and I'm having a hard time soaking in what I just saw. I'm definitely watching it again. For the record, in terms of quality, it was a lot better than IM3. No Fuckin Joke!

  4. Lol, nope, other way around. It's just, the scope of the film is on the same level as the avengers, the action sequences look amazing, marketing has been great, and i expect wom to be tremendous for this film (at least a 3.0 multiplier).


    I'm hoping for an ow above $100m ($125m to be exact), and it could potentially give IM3 a run for it's money.


    I personally see IM3 finishing around $412m. If MOS loses to IM3 by $50m or less, I'd consider it a win in my book. :)

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