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Posts posted by Alexdube

  1. French reviews have started to come up:





    https://twitter.com/Geek_Gen_France/status/1185896928954998784 (no official review so far but tweet is very positive)


















    Roughly that's what it looks like as of now. I speak French so I've read them.


    All in all definitely not the disaster some expected. The most negative ones all say it's still better than Genisys and they did like some of performances. The mixed ones are basically saying it's a fun action movie but not much else. The most positive ones say it's the first worthy success to T2 (although none will say it's better than T1 or T2 but who expected that?). Biggest complaint is probably that it's still sticking too close to the formula.


    Worst reviews are 2/5 stars. There's actually a 5/5 review.


    All in all pretty much what I expected from Miller and critic response. Excited to see it.

    • Like 8
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  2. 23 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:



    "I don't know that anyone gets anything out of seeing the same movie over and over again," the 80-year-old filmmaker said.

    "Martin was kind when he said it's not cinema. He didn't say it's despicable, which I just say it is."

    oh boy... what Cameron said sounds like a love letter now :hahaha:

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, hasanahmad said:

    if Cameron really was even 5% involved in this project that trailer would have been edited with a better music choice 

    can we stop this? We know pretty much exactly what he did and did not do, he was very explicit about it. He worked with a group of writers for a few months to map out the story and he did a few touch ups on script. He also was involved in casting. 


    After that it's Tim Miller's movie. So no he probably didn't handpick the trailer music, but that doesn't mean he didn't play a significant role


    Now if you don't want to watch the movie because of the trailer music... I don't know what to tell you... you do you

    • Like 4
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  4. James Cameron at #57




    from the small interview:



    "As long as people pay the bills and when I show up to work on a Monday morning, they haven't closed down my production, I could give a shit."

    In case anyone thought the Disney acquisition would have any impact on the movies

    • Like 4
  5. 19 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

    I a not the one constantly implying uncounsciously a R Rating makes a movie "better" or adult-er (lol). 

    Please find me a thread on BOT where a R Rating is welcomed with scorn & critique.

    It is always the other way around :


    "Make it edgier,  make it dark & serious & bleak and violent, make it less Disney-y,  make it Tarantino-y, make it R !"


    Sorry to remind people the realities of life.

    I know, it is rude.

    I think it's more about the fact (at least for me), that they didn't compromise too much and made the movie they wanted to make instead of hoping to make a few more bucks with a PG-13 rating

  6. 1 hour ago, Eric Addams said:



    Not the Fanboy Wars thread. You can disagree with people who are voicing their concerns over the film, but you don't have to accuse people of being Marvel shills.

    I don't think I was "accusing" anyone of being a Marvel shill, merely joking around the current popular thing. But I do agree that this doesn't belong here


    I just wish people had more relevant / insightful things to say than "THIS LOOKS BAD" or "I'm not excited for this" or "this movie will prove Tim Miller is overrated" or needlessly throwing shade on James Cameron and T2.


    They set the tone, I'm only responding to it

  7. On 10/11/2019 at 6:56 PM, JB33 said:

    You have to wonder if it comes down to the brand. I know a lot of the GA aren't studio savvy like us film nerds but maybe enough Paramount films have been horrible that people just don't trust them (if they're the types who pay attention to what studio a movie is from).


    Like, could this exact movie have done better if it was from WB?

    there's no way the GA is going "Hey I wants to see this movies! Oh but it's a Paramount, forget it..."  The GA barely cares about directors as it is, forget studios. You could say Marvel, but that's different since they stick to a specific universe of characters and a specific genre. It's also of course, a famous comic book  brand 


    Gemini Man flopping has nothing to do with people not trusting Paramount. It's simple: the marketing didn't generate any buzz and the reviews were terrible. It only has Will Smith to generate a few millions and will attract a few curious with the new tech.

    • Like 1
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  8. 13 hours ago, Zatt was right said:

    The fact that I’m more interested of buying MKXI’s Terminator’s DLC (a game I haven’t even finished yet) than anything related to this film it’s telling. And I love Tim Miller and James Cameron, but so far... ew.

    That's funny coming from a Marvel superfan,  I guess now you understand what Martin Scorsese feels like watching a Marvel movie


    I wonder if you had the same reaction to something like Captain Marvel which looked super flat and generic. You probably had your Marvel goggles on and praised it


    10 hours ago, JB33 said:

    Lol, if it were any other movie with that CGI @IronJimbo and Co.would be all over it.


    Even with Linda, Arnold and James involved this doesnt feel like it's anything close to the original Terminator films. They needed to make it look as practical as possible to at least try to match the feel of the originals.

    That's the hard reality of any Terminator sequels, you get to be compared to action movie classics such as T1 and T2, while something like Marvel movies get to be compared to... other Marvel movies.


    As for me I'm looking forward to it for a few reason:

    - Love Junkie XL and want to hear his take on the theme, I think he's a perfect fit for this.

    - While Tim Miller may be relying too much on CG and slow-mo, Deadpool has shown me he can still direct a good action scene.

    -Linda returning

    -Cameron returning and I want to see where they are taking it


    I don't expect the next action / sci-fi classic, but it doesn't look like a bad 2 hours at a movie theater, and certainly doesn't look any worst than typical superhero fare.

    • Like 4
  9. 8 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

    Scorsese isn't wrong.   The fact that the most interesting and compelling character by far in the MCU is a giant purple CGI space alien villain voiced by Josh Brolin says a lot.  I actually genuinely like Infinity War because of that character, which is more than I can say for any other movie in that universe(endgame was a noticeble drop in quality/entertainment value because he's barely in it imo... still leagues better than trash like Avatar though).


    Unfortunately the future of real cinema is gonna be on streaming platforms IMO.  On average the best of streaming/TV has been superior to the best of movies for years now.  Heres hoping the new LOTR series is the one to rule them all like Jackson's trilogy in the movieverse.

    I like how you keep bringing up Avatar in every discussion to shit on it even though it's completely irrelevant to your point


    Did James Cameron run over your cat or something?


    • Haha 1
    • Disbelief 1
  10. 9 hours ago, cdsacken said:

    Definitely not. He already had several big films and he cut his fee for that movie to take a small percentage of revenue. Made $50 million. However it was in the early part of his career post TV

    12/19/97    Titanic    Par.                                             $659,363,944    3,265    $28,638,131    2,674    1
    12/20/96    Marvin's Room    Mira.                              $12,803,305    1,158    $57,739    6    21
    11/1/96    Romeo + Juliet    Fox                                  $46,351,345    1,963    $11,133,231    1,276    15
    11/3/95    Total Eclipse    FL                                        $340,139    54    $131,269    52    26
    4/21/95    The Basketball Diaries    NL                         $2,381,087    318    $765,335    317    25
    2/10/95    The Quick and the Dead    Sony                   $18,636,537    2,158    $6,515,861    2,158    20
    12/17/93    What's Eating Gilbert Grape    Par.             $10,032,765    611    $74,421    6    22
    4/9/93    This Boy's Life    WB    $4,104,962    773         $74,425    3    24



    • Astonished 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, Elessar said:

    I meant the narration, not the film dialog. Just that short bit at the beginning.


    So we've got russian, now spanish... what's next? We english speaking people never get catered to. :(



    what's weird is the official twitter is now selling the "exclusive look" Friday on IMAX but the footage is still out there for everyone to see in Russian... a bit sloppy on their part. Unless there's some different footage shown on Friday but I doubt it

  12. 1 hour ago, The Futurist said:

    Cameron is  VERY hard on a set.

    But you know which person he is the hardest on ?


    I've heard Cameron say in an interview that his need to work hard on a set comes perhaps from a lack of confidence. He says he knows other filmmakers are inherently more brilliant than he is but he can grind harder than most, that's how he can stand out. Doesn't sound to me like someone with a MASSIVE EGO, like some people seem to think.

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