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Everything posted by Inceptionzq

  1. OUATIH Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: 2D: 4 PM – 51/158(+9) 4:30 PM – 24/94(+2) 7:45 PM – 118/158(+12) 8:15 PM – 55/94(+7) 11:20 PM – 11/158 AMC Highlands Ranch 24: 2D: 4 PM – 22/159(+8) 5 PM – 38/159(+5) 6:15 PM – 49/85(+8) 7:45 PM – 78/159(+33) 8:45 PM – 36/159(+17) 9:45 PM – 16/85 Total from 8 theaters (35 showings): 930(+219)/4090(+45) (22.7%) TLK comp jumps up to 4.2M.
  2. I would say pretty likely, and with 4M it could get 44M+. This isn’t a film that people will rush out to see, except for QT fans maybe. And if audiences generally agree with what critics say, then FSS should look good. I’ve been looking at Rocketman as a comparison, though it’s not the perfect one. Heck, maybe this just won’t be a good comparison. Nevertheless, Rocketman’s previews started at 7, and OUATIH’s is starting at 4. If we include the Fandango preview numbers from 2 weeks prior to release, Rocketman scored 2.3M with an IM of 11.2. So, around 11x is what I’ve been thinking for the IM.
  3. Also, I did do the Alamo Drafthouse showings numbers. Total from 3 theaters (15 showings): 719/2136 (33.7%)
  4. OUATIH Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: 2D: 4 PM – 42/158(+6) 4:30 PM – 22/94(+7) 7:45 PM – 106/158(+12) 8:15 PM – 48/94(+11) 11:20 PM – 11/158(+1) AMC Highlands Ranch 24: 2D: 4 PM – 14/159 5 PM – 33/159(+6) 6:15 PM – 41/85(+8) 7:45 PM – 45/159(+15) 8:45 PM – 19/159(+3) 9:45 PM – 16/85(+4) Total from 8 theaters (34 showings): 711(+154)/4045(+300) (17.8%) I don’t know what it did yesterday, but I think it was an increase. It did over two-thirds of what it did over those three days that I posted yesterday. I’m pretty sure that’s good. I forgot to mention that yesterday TLK comp pointed towards a 3.4M Thursday Night. Today it is 3.75M. Unsurprisingly, that leads me to believe it isn’t a good comp. So, don’t take it seriously.
  5. Wouldn’t less IMAX 3D mean more IMAX 2D? IMAX 2D is only $1 less. So I doubt there’s a noticeable effect.
  6. I probably could include it with bigger movies. I just think that it’s skewed more towards niche audiences with movies like this. I’ll keep an eye on it though, maybe do some numbers separate from the theaters I’m currently tracking.
  7. Alamo Drafthouse theaters are selling very well for OUATIH. They seem to target a more niche audience with their experience. There are a few near sellouts. One of them even is showing it with 35MM film, and all those showings are selling very well. Now, I’m not gonna track these theaters because they would most likely skew the numbers away from the GA. I just thought it was pretty cool.
  8. OUATIH Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: 2D: 4 PM – 36/158(+10) 4:30 PM – 15/94(+15) 7:45 PM – 94/158(+31) 8:15 PM – 37/94(+29) 11:20 PM – 10/158 AMC Highlands Ranch 24: 2D: 4 PM – 14/159(+5) 5 PM – 27/159(+2) 6:15 PM – 33/85(+20) 7:45 PM – 30/159(+12) 8:45 PM – 16/159(+5) 9:45 PM – 12/85(+9) Total from 8 theaters (29 showings): 557(+228)/3745 (14.9%) Over the course of 3 days, this actually seems pretty good.
  9. They don’t lose anything though.... BOM still gets the reported total WW gross. So the numbers aren’t off by 20-30M. As for Avatar, these numbers were reported by Fox. They just never updated them. http://dwc.cnbc.com/B310K/?fs=1&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app (Credit to Charlie for this link on Reddit)
  10. Denver area has 329/3745 with 29 showings in 8 theaters as of yesterday. I’ve got no real comps, but I’m gonna use TLK for fun. That suggests a 2.7M Thursday preview. (Actually seems somewhat realistic but don’t take the comp seriously). I’m not sure what the IM of a movie like this would be, but I’m guessing it would be high because people aren’t rushing out to see it on Thursday. Low to mid 30s is my guess
  11. https://deadline.com/2019/07/the-lion-king-weekend-box-office-july-records-1202648944/ “We’re hearing from non-Disney sources that Jon Favreau’s The Lion King reboot is doing some smashing business tonight with an estimated $22M-$25M off showtimes that largely started at 6PM (there were 5pm select fan screenings). Again with these estimates, sometimes they can fall outside the range we’re hearing from sources, but overall, it’s a great start.“
  12. The Lion King Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 194/411(+48) 10 PM – 48/411(+31) Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 25/48(+8) 7:10 PM – 18/48(+5) 9:25 PM – 5/48(+5) 10:05 PM – 3/48(+3) Prime 3D: 7:30 PM – 126/187(+21) 10:30 PM – 29/187(+20) Dolby: 6 PM- 173/217(+2) 9 PM – 155/217(+20) 11:50 PM – 43/217(+17) 2D: 6 PM – 111/158(+32) 6 PM – 40/56(+24) 6:10 PM – 23/48(+15) 6:20 PM – 21/44 6:40 PM – 53/94(+32) 6:50 PM – 50/92(+23) 7:20 PM – 30/44(+11) 7:40 PM – 41/56(+27) 7:50 PM – 20/44(+7) 8 PM – 21/40(+4) 8:10 PM – 15/36(+9) 8:20 PM – 26/48(+8) 8:30 PM – 42/94(+14) 8:40 PM – 22/92(+14) 8:50 PM – 22/44(+7) 9:05 PM – 32/158(+26) 9:10 PM – 8/56(+8) 9:15 PM – 3/48 9:20 PM – 0/44 9:30 PM – 17/94(+3) 9:45 PM – 6/92(+4) 10:15 PM – 11/44(+11) 10:40 PM – 3/56 10:50 PM – 5/44(+5) 11 PM – 2/40(+2) 11:10 PM – 0/36 11:20 PM – 2/48 11:30 PM – 5/94(+5) 11:40 PM – 0/92 11:50 PM – 0/44 11:55 PM – 0/56 12:00 AM – 11/158(+2) AMC Highlands Ranch 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 172/384(+23) 10 PM – 44/384(+18) Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 39/85(+3) 7:30 PM – 23/52(+14) 9:30 PM – 0/85 10:30 PM – 3/52(+1) Dolby: 6 PM – 178/210(+8) 9 PM – 114/210(+5) 2D: 6 PM – 118/159(+33) 6:10 PM – 39/52(+11) 6:15 PM – 33/52(+25) 6:20 PM – 26/41(+4) 6:40 PM – 44/85(+10) 6:50 PM – 18/39(+2) 7:10 PM – 24/45(+5) 7:15 PM – 43/85(+30) 7:20 PM – 14/45(+7) 7:40 PM – 27/52(+1) 7:50 PM – 9/39(+3) 8 PM – 61/159(+15) 8:10 PM – 8/45(+8) 8:20 PM – 2/41(+2) 8:30 PM – 34/85(+13) 9:10 PM – 23/52(+11) 9:15 PM – 12/52(+8) 9:20 PM – 21/41(+8) 9:30 PM – 13/159(+11) 9:40 PM – 2/85(+2) 9:50 PM – 4/39(+4) 10:10 PM – 2/45(+2) 10:15 PM – 6/85(+6) 10:20 PM – 0/45 10:30 PM – 0/37 10:40 PM – 0/52 10:50 PM – 2/39 11 PM – 20/159(+5) Total from 9 theaters(165 showings): 7587(+2476)/21067(+100) (36%) Sooooooo….. this is absolutely insane! I can’t believe I doubted 6500 yesterday!
  13. The Lion King Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 146/411(+36) 10 PM – 17/411(+2) Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 17/48(+3) 7:10 PM – 13/48(+2) 9:25 PM – 0/48 10:05 PM – 0/48 Prime 3D: 7:30 PM – 105/187(+8) 10:30 PM – 9/187(+2) Dolby: 6 PM- 171/217 9 PM – 135/217(+15) 11:50 PM – 26/217(+5) 2D: 6 PM – 79/158(+12) 6 PM – 16/56 6:10 PM – 8/48 6:20 PM – 21/44(+9) 6:40 PM – 21/94(+7) 6:50 PM – 27/92(+5) 7:20 PM – 19/44(+2) 7:40 PM – 14/56 7:50 PM – 13/44(+11) 8 PM – 17/40(+5) 8:10 PM – 6/36(+2) 8:20 PM – 18/48(+4) 8:30 PM – 28/94(+8) 8:40 PM – 8/92(+6) 8:50 PM – 15/44(+15) 9:05 PM – 6/158 9:10 PM – 0/56 9:15 PM – 3/48(+3) 9:20 PM – 0/44 9:30 PM – 14/94(+5) 9:45 PM – 2/92(+2) 10:15 PM – 0/44 10:40 PM – 3/56 10:50 PM – 0/44 11 PM – 0/40 11:10 PM – 0/36 11:20 PM – 2/48 11:30 PM – 0/94 11:40 PM – 0/92 11:50 PM – 0/44 11:55 PM – 0/56 12:00 AM – 9/158(+4) AMC Highlands Ranch 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 149/384(+16) 10 PM – 26/384 Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 36/85(+1) 7:30 PM – 9/52 9:30 PM – 0/85 10:30 PM – 2/52(+2) Dolby: 6 PM – 170/210(+22) 9 PM – 109/210(+11) 2D: 6 PM – 85/159(+5) 6:10 PM – 28/52(+10) 6:15 PM – 8/52 6:20 PM – 22/41(+3) 6:40 PM – 34/85(+5) 6:50 PM – 16/39 7:10 PM – 19/45(+8) 7:15 PM – 13/85(+9) 7:20 PM – 7/45(+3) 7:40 PM – 26/52 7:50 PM – 6/39(+6) 8 PM – 46/159(+7) 8:10 PM – 0/45 8:20 PM – 0/41 8:30 PM – 21/85(+4) 9:10 PM – 12/52(+4) 9:15 PM – 4/52 9:20 PM – 13/41(+2) 9:30 PM – 2/159(+2) 9:40 PM – 0/85 9:50 PM – 0/39 10:10 PM – 0/45 10:15 PM – 0/85 10:20 PM – 0/45 NEW 10:30 PM – 0/37 10:40 PM – 0/52 10:50 PM – 2/39 11 PM – 15/159(+4) Total from 9 theaters(163 showings): 5111(+745)/20967(+37) (24.4%) I was hoping for a bigger jump so it could pass 6500 tomorrow, not so sure about that now. Nonetheless, a good day.
  14. After that TS4 150-200M prediction by THR, I’m not surprised.
  15. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/box-office-lion-king-targets-royal-150m-us-bow-1224795 “If prerelease tracking is any indication, the Disney tentpole will easily earn $150 million or more in its North American debut. Globally, it should finish the weekend with a total $400 million to $450 million after opening to $54 million in China last weekend.”
  16. Yeah I jumped the gun a little with that response 😂. But I think my point is still valid because he said 180+
  17. A 30M Tuesday is only 3M below Endgame... that isn’t happening. This is still an event film, moreso than Toy Story 4. So I don’t think it’ll have a huge Tuesday jump like TS4. I do think it can do high 20s though.
  18. Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: Dolby: 7 PM – 40/217(+4) 10:15 PM – 2/217 2D: 7 PM – 0/158 7:30 PM – 2/56(+2) 10:45 PM – 0/56 11:15 PM – 2/158(+1) AMC Highlands Ranch 24: 2D: 7 PM – 21/159(+10) 7:30 PM – 0/52 10:15 PM – 2/159 Total from 9 theaters(26 showings): 163(+19)/4243 (3.8%) Yeah, I’m just gonna wait until next week to really start tracking this. One showing just got lucky with a large group.
  19. The Lion King Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 110/411(+24) 10 PM – 15/411(+4) Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 14/48(+2) 7:10 PM – 11/48(+1) 9:25 PM – 0/48 10:05 PM – 0/48 Prime 3D: 7:30 PM – 97/187(+5) 10:30 PM – 7/187 Dolby: 6 PM- 171/217(+4) 9 PM – 120/217(+14) 11:50 PM – 21/217(+1) 2D: 6 PM – 67/158(+18) 6 PM – 16/56(+2) 6:10 PM – 8/48(+2) 6:20 PM – 12/44 6:40 PM – 21/94(+7) 6:50 PM – 22/92(+3) 7:20 PM – 17/44(+2) 7:40 PM – 14/56(+7) 7:50 PM – 2/44 8 PM – 12/40(+1) 8:10 PM – 4/36 8:20 PM – 14/48(+6) 8:30 PM – 20/94(+7) 8:40 PM – 2/92(+2) 8:50 PM – 0/44 9:05 PM – 6/158 9:10 PM – 0/56 9:15 PM – 0/48 9:20 PM – 0/44 9:30 PM – 9/94 9:45 PM – 0/92 10:15 PM – 0/44 10:40 PM – 3/56 10:50 PM – 0/44 11 PM – 0/40 11:10 PM – 0/36 11:20 PM – 2/48(+2) 11:30 PM – 0/94 11:40 PM – 0/92 11:50 PM – 0/44 11:55 PM – 0/56 12:00 AM – 5/158 AMC Highlands Ranch 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 133/384(+16) 10 PM – 26/384(+4) Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 35/85(+16) 7:30 PM – 9/52(+1) 9:30 PM – 0/85 10:30 PM – 0/52 Dolby: 6 PM – 148/210(+9) 9 PM – 98/210(+2) 2D: 6 PM – 80/159(+15) 6:10 PM – 18/52 6:15 PM – 8/52 6:20 PM – 19/41(+7) 6:40 PM – 29/85(+6) 6:50 PM – 16/39 7:10 PM – 11/45 7:15 PM – 4/85 7:20 PM – 4/45 7:40 PM – 26/52(+21) 7:50 PM – 0/39 8 PM – 39/159(+9) 8:10 PM – 0/45 8:20 PM – 0/41 8:30 PM – 17/85 9:10 PM – 8/52 9:15 PM – 4/52 9:20 PM – 11/41 9:30 PM – 0/159 9:40 PM – 0/85 9:50 PM – 0/39 10:10 PM – 0/45 10:15 PM – 0/85 10:20 PM – 0/45 10:40 PM – 0/52 10:50 PM – 2/39(+2) 11 PM – 11/159 Total from 9 theaters(162 showings): 4366(+617)/20930(+508) (20.9%) This will pass 6000 tickets sold. These last two days will be interesting, it might be closer to 7000 than 6000 when it’s all said and done.
  20. The Lion King Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 86/411(+15) 10 PM – 11/411 Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 12/48(+7) 7:10 PM – 10/48 9:25 PM – 0/48 10:05 PM – 0/48 Prime 3D: 7:30 PM – 92/187(+11) 10:30 PM – 7/187 Dolby: 6 PM- 167/217(+10) 9 PM – 106/217(+16) 11:50 PM – 20/217(+2) 2D: 6 PM – 49/158 6 PM – 14/56(+7) 6:10 PM – 6/48 6:20 PM – 12/44 6:40 PM – 14/94(+1) 6:50 PM – 19/92 7:20 PM – 15/44 7:40 PM – 7/56(+3) 7:50 PM – 2/44 8 PM – 11/40 8:10 PM – 4/36 8:20 PM – 8/48 8:30 PM – 13/94(+2) 8:40 PM – 0/92 8:50 PM – 0/44 9:05 PM – 6/158(+2) 9:10 PM – 0/56 9:15 PM – 0/48 9:20 PM – 0/44 9:30 PM – 9/94(+4) 9:45 PM – 0/92 10:15 PM – 0/44 10:40 PM – 3/56 10:50 PM – 0/44 11 PM – 0/40 11:10 PM – 0/36 11:20 PM – 0/48 11:30 PM – 0/94 11:40 PM – 0/92 11:50 PM – 0/44 11:55 PM – 0/56 12:00 AM – 5/158 AMC Highlands Ranch 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 117/384(+9) 10 PM – 22/384(+9) Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 19/85 7:30 PM – 8/52 9:30 PM – 0/85 10:30 PM – 0/52 Dolby: 6 PM – 139/210(+4) 9 PM – 96/210(+5) 2D: 6 PM – 65/159(+10) 6:10 PM – 18/52 6:15 PM – 8/52 6:20 PM – 12/41(+12) 6:40 PM – 23/85(+2) 6:50 PM – 16/39(+4) 7:10 PM – 11/45 7:15 PM – 4/85 7:20 PM – 4/45 7:40 PM – 5/52(+2) 7:50 PM – 0/39 8 PM – 30/159(+6) 8:10 PM – 0/45 8:20 PM – 0/41 8:30 PM – 17/85(+2) 9:10 PM – 8/52 9:15 PM – 4/52 9:20 PM – 11/41 9:30 PM – 0/159 9:40 PM – 0/85 9:50 PM – 0/39 10:10 PM – 0/45 10:15 PM – 0/85 10:20 PM – 0/45 10:40 PM – 0/52 10:50 PM – 0/39 11 PM – 11/159 Total from 9 theaters(154 showings): 3749(+417)/20422 (18.4%) Finally the big jump I’ve been waiting for.
  21. Definitely for the AMC theaters. Yesterday they did 106/251. Today 187/267. Hopefully the other theaters pick up the pace like that tomorrow, and things will be looking good.
  22. The Lion King Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 71/411(+12) 10 PM – 11/411 Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 5/48 7:10 PM – 10/48(+5) 9:25 PM – 0/48 10:05 PM – 0/48 Prime 3D: 7:30 PM – 81/187(+3) 10:30 PM – 7/187 Dolby: 6 PM- 157/217(+1) 9 PM – 90/217(+7) 11:50 PM – 18/217(+6) 2D: 6 PM – 49/158(+1) 6 PM – 7/56(+3) 6:10 PM – 6/48 6:20 PM – 12/44(+2) 6:40 PM – 13/94(+4) 6:50 PM – 19/92 7:20 PM – 15/44 7:40 PM – 4/56 7:50 PM – 2/44(+2) 8 PM – 11/40 8:10 PM – 4/36(+2) 8:20 PM – 8/48 8:30 PM – 11/94 8:40 PM – 0/92 8:50 PM – 0/44 9:05 PM – 4/158 9:10 PM – 0/56 9:15 PM – 0/48 9:20 PM – 0/44 9:30 PM – 5/94 9:45 PM – 0/92 10:15 PM – 0/44 10:40 PM – 3/56 10:50 PM – 0/44 11 PM – 0/40 11:10 PM – 0/36 11:20 PM – 0/48 11:30 PM – 0/94 11:40 PM – 0/92 11:50 PM – 0/44 11:55 PM – 0/56 12:00 AM – 5/158(+3) AMC Highlands Ranch 24: IMAX: 7 PM – 108/384(+15) 10 PM – 13/384(+2) Real D 3D: 6:30 PM – 19/85 7:30 PM – 8/52(+4) 9:30 PM – 0/85 10:30 PM – 0/52 Dolby: 6 PM – 135/210(+9) 9 PM – 91/210(+21) 2D: 6 PM – 55/159(+3) 6:10 PM – 18/52(+2) 6:15 PM – 8/52(+6) 6:20 PM – 0/41 6:40 PM – 21/85 6:50 PM – 12/39(+5) 7:10 PM – 11/45 7:15 PM – 4/85 7:20 PM – 4/45(+2) 7:40 PM – 3/52 7:50 PM – 0/39 8 PM – 24/159(+5) 8:10 PM – 0/45 8:20 PM – 0/41 8:30 PM – 15/85 9:10 PM – 8/52 9:15 PM – 4/52(+2) 9:20 PM – 11/41 9:30 PM – 0/159 9:40 PM – 0/85 9:50 PM – 0/39 10:10 PM – 0/45 10:15 PM – 0/85 10:20 PM – 0/45 10:40 PM – 0/52 10:50 PM – 0/39 11 PM – 11/159(+1) Total from 9 theaters(154 showings): 3332(+267)/20422 (16.3%) Well, at least the tickets sold are increasing. Even if only by a small amount. Though the AMC theaters did a lot more heavy lifting today, and some of the weaker theaters did pretty bad even by their standards.
  23. Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro AMC Westminster Promenade 24: Dolby: 7 PM – 36/217 10:15 PM – 2/217 2D: 7 PM – 0/158 7:30 PM – 0/56 10:45 PM – 0/56 11:15 PM – 1/158 AMC Highlands Ranch 24: 2D: 7 PM – 11/159 7:30 PM – 0/52 10:15 PM – 2/159 Total from 9 theaters(26 showings): 144/4243 (3.4%) I'll probably only update this every few days until TLK comes out
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