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Posts posted by DInky

  1. 24 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:


    They'll go the Hulk route and make them supports in other people's films like Captain Marvel, Thor, Fantastic Four and Black Panther. Maybe they'll split them up into smaller groups to appear in these films.


    The only reason they haven't tried another Hulk solo movie is that Universal has the distribution rights.

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  2. By the sounds of it Eternals differs from previous films in that it's more serious in tone and it features characters who are less relatable because they're god-like beings who stand apart from humans. That's very much a Jack Kirby thing, The Eternals, the Inhumans and the New Gods are all similar in that regard. So I'm not sure this movie strays away from the Marvel formula per se but they're trying to adapt characters who don't have that "from regular Joe to hero" origin story that people enjoy.

  3. Just now, Lucas said:

    I can't say whether or not making an Eternals movie was a good or bad idea, I know absolutely nothing about them, but are these thoughts forming now just because it seems like the movie appears to have failed? I'm sure there must've been some way to get a functioning movie out of them, like they have for some other characters. The problem I can tell from the outset though is something like Guardians of the Galaxy is a lot easier for a newbie like me to pinpoint who they are wia their distinct looks, while the Eternals look astoundingly dull and same-y with their costumes. Is there something about this property that doesn't work for film, or did they just not get it right here?


    It's funny that you mention them looking same-y because they have way more varied looks in the comics. I remember being disappointed when they first revealed the costumes because they were so uniform. When you adapt a Kirby creation then you might as well go all out. I can't speak to the stories in the comics though, I've read a fair amount of Marvel comics over the years and I have yet to read an Eternals comic except for an old Inhumans issue where they guest star..

  4. Just now, WittyUsername said:

    Possibly, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem like Kevin Feige was ever particularly interested in that property. The only reason there was supposed to be an Inhumans movie in Phase 3 was because Perlmutter was desperately trying to use them to replace the X-Men, who Marvel couldn’t use at the time. 


    The only reason I can come up with is that Feige didn't think a royal space family that owns slaves is very relatable. The slaves part could be taken out of the movies, of course, but it'd still be hard to make them feel grounded. I guess they could have done a Game of Thrones in space type of movie with the Kree Empire as the antagonists. I hope that they will be eventually introduced in one of the FF movies.

  5. On 9/25/2021 at 9:33 PM, Knights of Ren said:

    Why would anybody care for what critics have to say about Venom anyways?  This film was going to be panned by critics before it was even made.  It’s not meant to be taken too seriously. 


    You really think a movie about Venom could never appeal to critics? I kind of hate the fact that so many people have just accepted that these movies are trainwrecks. If we reward garbage then we're only going to get more garbage.


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  6. 4 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    Pandemic as well.


    The movie is heading to 300-350M despite HBO Max and pandemic, it's enough to be one of the biggest movies of the year, this is what trully matter in this context, not the marketing costs.


    There are talks about this being a possible colossal failure, it's not and it's actually possible that it turn out to be profitable considering Warner probably paid some % of the costs for Legendary because of HBO Max like they did with GxK.


    I agree with everything you just said.


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