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Kevin Burke

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  1. This is an interesting comparison for sure. Although I'm not sure the HP series is the best series to compare it to. For one thing it was based on existing IP. For another thing, A2 is already showing diminishing returns as a sequel to A1 - granted, while there are circumstances that affect that - like Avatar being a once in a lifetime event - I still think HP is a hard comparison. In some ways it's playing closer to the Black Panther series - a massive over-performing breakout first entry followed by a sequel that does well, but drops a lot from the original.
  2. Seems like there's a chance that "Avengers" as a franchise would hold both of those records. Depending on if the Avatar films continue to show diminishing returns with future instalments. Obviously that's impossible to tell right now. Also, I should note that I don't know what the rules are here on considering individual franchises under the MCU as qualifying as "a franchise". I know that Box Office Mojo counts MCU as a whole as a franchise, as well as each franchise therein (Captain America, Iron Man, etc.)
  3. Am I crazy or does a $14m Thursday still keep A2 tracking exactly with R1? Doesn’t that equate to a sub $500m domestic gross based on the OW if it keeps tracking that way? I know it’s still early, but if it quacks like a duck and all that.
  4. Fair enough. I guess I just put myself in the opposite shoes and thought “I’d still go see it if it was unseasonably hot out”. I also see a lot of movies and am probably not thinking like GA. Nothing stops my ass from getting into a theater seat I want to be in.
  5. Not dismissing this, I’m just curious - does the cold actually prevent people from going to the movies? Granted, I live in Montréal, so my opinion on this might be skewed, but it seems to me like having to put on a coat is a small price to pay for a movie you really want to see.
  6. Oh sorry, I legitimately don't really know how this works. I was just making a guess on the weekend. Should have read the rules.
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