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Posts posted by Sckathian

  1. 12 minutes ago, thajdikt said:

    Iron Man and Captain America were not A-listers at all. They became it through the MCU. MCU and their actors made them A-listers. Nobody expect nerds (like me) gave a shit about them before they become popular in the MCU. 

    100% I mean Captain America as a film was not a box office success. They had to build the character by sticking him with Iron Man. Iron Man itself flipped the table on depictions of superheroes. 

    Marvel imo could run the MCU with entirely new characters. All they need is for them to have some actual engagement/interactions. That’s what made the MCU.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


    Under 100M OW would already be a true disaster.


    Under 90M would be a real catastrophe. I have a hard time imagining GOTG 3 could fall down THAT hard, but i wont be sitting here questioning your data. I also hope that the early screenings will prove to initiate a late sales surge, but all of this paints a really grim picture.

    Think I keep coming back to is its been fucking years since the last one. It might have just been too long. Could be a Gremlins situation. That bad.

  3. 2 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    So far in 2023 we’ve had the highest grossing Creed movie, the highest grossing John Wick movie and the highest grossing video game movie by a country mile. 

    And if it was true that less films will make +100M in opening weekend then the MCU is still extremely impacted. In fact its a worse situation than this being a short term blip as it suggests its unrecoverable (its not).

  4. I honestly don't know why people can't either leave a conversation or provide their personal thoughts without acting like victims. MCUs box office success does not affect your own personal enjoyment of the movies.


    It's a forum about box office results. That's going to be discussed.


    MCU is a massive multi year planned franchise. GotG opening under 100M suggests the franchise might continue to underperform - we don't have to 'take it one movie at a time' to speculate that just as everyone could speculate improved box office performers after The Avengers broke out with insane numbers. It's hypocritical as well to say we must ignore the recent trends but clearly using past performance to say future movies will be hits.


    Sub 100M means Disney's bottom line getting hit in a substantial way across several years. It means tighter budgets and would mean reduced output if they are unable to recover. Doesn't mean MCU is 'doomed' but it clearly has implication on its plans and scope.


    This doesn't mean they won't break out again but it's still an industry shaking result of GotG doesn't have a late drive up once reviews hit.

    • Like 2
  5. Majors will need to be dropped by Disney soon. Pretty clear not only the criminal courts have a case against him but some journalists are building a pretty strong article about his actions over the years. 

    He really is not hard to replace. His biggest role was in a film which bombed and a small role in a TV show. Obvious question is how central he is to Loki which will be a big marketing headache for Disney but it’s only a D+ show, they won’t spend a fortune on it reshooting (Loki still should have been a film series imo) - they can maybe chose a point in the show, depending on its events - to bring in a variant as a new actor but we’ll see how that all plays out.


    Personally I think if Guardians struggle then MCU might step away from its current direction and Kang will become a TV villain rather than the big bad.


    Certainly interesting to see how Disney reacts to all this. 

  6. 5 hours ago, SpiderByte said:

    I can't believe we've circled around to "trailers need to have more spoilers and give away the plot of movies more"

    It’s really film dependent. NWH marketing was genius as they knew what they were playing to (the whole ‘Tom watches the trailer and acts weird’ is a bit) but then Ant Man basically gave away most of the plot that non-fans can easily work out what will happen in the film.


    Endgame trailer I still think is terrible but it made the billions so who cares.


    Trailers need to focus on tone but increasingly they need to give a sense of action - problem for Marvel is a lot of their action is not visually ‘great’ though that’s not often the case for Guardians. It’s what I really like about The Marvels trailer, it’s heavily focused on the real world, there’s CG but people ant standing on a flat sound stage but proper sets. The action actually looks watchable rather than the gibberish of Thor/Ant Man.


    guardians marketing hasn’t shown much action. Mostly emotion which I think is over selling towards a smaller fan audience personally.

  7. 8 hours ago, Ipickthiswhiterose said:


    All I can say about that Voiceover/Radio Comms trailer is that ANYONE who moaned about The Marvels being "cringe" or looking "goofy" or "MCU-Humour" who doesn't respond the same to that is being very selective in what they choose to find funny and what they choose to be antagonistic towards.


    I'm sure it's selective and has been chosen because it's a self-contained joke but boy that doesn't represent the film well at all, and especially not at a time when people are sensitive to the overuse of both humour and green screens.


    But then it doesn't have Brie Larson, and instead might have people they like in so maybe certain demographics will suddenly find mediocre jokes funny again. 

    I can’t wait until we can have actual conversations about certain films rather than over correcting for a toxic minority of people. Captain Marvel is a flawed but fun film, but I’ve never heard massive complaints about its humour so not sure where that’s coming from.

    • Disbelief 1
  8. 2 hours ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    I think they'll wait even more, until Loki Season 2 has come and gone.

    I am not so sure. There’s a risk of more coming out or him saying things in the run to Loki which might completely undermine he marketing.


    4 hours ago, dudalb said:

    And all it does is increase the damage.

    De Santis is simply not the smart politician people thought he was.

    People over emphasised his Florida election success. He played to specific Florida issues, benefited from changing demographics but was totally untested nationally. Covid gave him an enemy to rally against as well.


    ultimately it doesn’t matter who runs Florida, it’s probably now just a permanent Conservative state.

  9. 34 minutes ago, thajdikt said:


    A trailer like this is in my opinion what´s lacking from the Vol 3 marketing. This shit made me pumped to watch Vol 2. Hope they release a TV spot that has something like this.

    I do feel like Gamora is missing from the franchise now. Did we ever learn who made the decision to kill and reset her? Cutting your love interest is sure a choice.

  10. 1 hour ago, cookie said:

    He's also falling behind in the polls against Trump, so this could all be a play to try and keep his name in the spotlight.

    It was always going to happen. I found it mad Conservatives jumped to him when hes basically been Florida only for so long. Hes totally untested and the Conservatives are going to go into the Primaries with Trump vs DeSantis. Will be interesting if a third candidate can cut through.

  11. 18 minutes ago, RandomCat said:

    Hm...he's not really thinking through what shutting down Disney World will do to Florida and his election chances.


    Like what's the end game? Hurt Disney? Yeah, he might be able to do that. But anything done to Disney World hurts Florida more.

    First hes playing to the national crowd but secondly Florida is changing, people are literally migrating for political reasons. 


    In both cases he wants to be seen having a fight and winning. Personally I think hes going to get bogged down in a state issue whilst trying to run a national campaign but I can see why hes trying it.

  12. MCU being reliant on a Fantastic Four movie always strikes me as pure hardcore comic fan logic. Marvel has a range of franchises it can use, the choice of franchise isn’t the issue but the content and direction of the overall universe.


    Fantastic Four is going to have some heavy baggage with audiences and critics, it needs to knock it out of the park to get even considered by a lot of people.

  13. 24 minutes ago, kayumanggi said:


    How are they supposed to drop Kang? They have already made him front and center. There is even a movie named after him. Dropping him is not the right thing to do. Fans will question that whether they liked Phase 4 or not. What Disney needs to do is focus on what they have planned and deliver good stories.

    Very few people watched that film. Literally the GA has very little idea he's a big bad. His only continuation after Ant Man was a poorly received post credit scene.


    Finish him in Loki. Done. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    I do think, if well received, the review embargo should be dropped early.

    I still think it's best waiting. Mario is king right now so might as well wait for that to die down. Not convinced good reviews wil lead to long legs, seems it's all about the opening now for Marvel (makes sense it's grown to capture its peak audience) - but hopefully good reviews boost that.


    If you went to the ant Man 3 launch your probably holding out.

  15. 25 minutes ago, kayumanggi said:

    Starting again is the worst way to go. Just focus on the current stuff and improve it.

    Starting again is insane but they can drop the Kang stuff and Multiverse saga. What Marvel need is a new range of characters who KNOW EACH OTHER and have some drama.


    They achieved that with Avengers but now they need to achieve it a second time but keep it fresh - which is not easy.


    They probably lost too many characters at once but the Disney Plus and COVID have stopped them really expanding new characters with audiences.


    They probably do need a New Avengers movie. The current slate just looks horrible for them.

  16. I still think it gets a late boost and Marvel are holding out some marketing splash for that but if Guardians does sufficiently underperform it will be interesting to see what the Marvel hangers on do (YouTubers etc.) as it must be a dwindling grift for them as well.


    It's an interesting time when a franchise begins to buckle. It can turn into quite a death spiral if you don't pause and rebuild.

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