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Posts posted by Sckathian

  1. 7 minutes ago, Firepower said:

    Disney is not exactly good at smart or reasonable budgeting.

    Tbf my original post is not clear and makes it sound like I am disagreeing with the idea the original poster stated. Disney need to get realistic and actually budget. They have bloat in every one of their creative studios, needs heavily reigned in.

  2. 3 minutes ago, John Marston said:

    Streaming destroyed the home media market which used to be able to turn flops into hits. Even Bob Iger all but admitted it 


     Then why isn’t Bob reducing budgets and run times? Instead their budgeting everything to be a massive hit rather than balancing out the risk. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

    Weird thing. Its not even a Solo. That had a strong day 1 and then did not finish well. This has been just weak. I guess Indy fans are GA and so we have to wait for final week before we make any judgement. But its unlikely to win the summer or do something crazy. 

    It’s a difficult one to do comps on I guess but would be good if people had data on the other successful action blockbusters with an eighty year old lead actor. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Claudio said:

    But Maverick did it with $700M came from Dom. Do you think Mi:7 will reach those figures while Mi6 Fallout only earned $220M Dom? MI7 basically needs to triple its predecessor’s gross in US.


    or Are you expecting something like $450M Dom (doubling Fallout which is also almost impossible) and $1.1B OS? The OS figures needs to be the same like No Way Home which fueled by nostalgia and hype.


    I think you’re just daydreaming and need some sleep.

    It has to increase its International by even less though. So it could increase its international further to make up a lower dom vs maverick. I think 1.5bn is too much but it’ll be over 1bn.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Day and Date The Best said:

    You people are understimating if after the extreme goodwill Tom Cruise has right now after Top Gun Maverick, MI7 can not win the summer and MI is an stronger brand than Top Gun. Mi7 could win the summer or the year with 1.5 billion WW.

    Especially with how everything else is looking this summer. People are going to want that tangible escapism Cruise offers and they are going to remember Top Gun.

  6. 1 hour ago, SchumacherFTW said:

    Nope, you can't use the UK as an example, movies can't compete with the first really nice weather of the year. It's consistent every year, once the weather improves the box office suffers across northern Europe. 

    Next weekend is going to be even nicer and competition is increasing. Am not sure how that helps here.

  7. 7 hours ago, John Marston said:

    Flash hype always seemed manufactured (Keaton’s Batman? Supergirl? Does anyone really care?) and people are putting their heads in the sand when it comes to the lead. Not only is the lead brimming with controversy but is miscast and is no leading man

    Psst also - The Flash is also just not a popular character and once again DC has hindered themselves by skipping straight to the team ups rather than build a brand. The only way you know Ezra as Flash is if you watched JL which opened to sub 100M despite having much more popular characters.

    But don’t tell anyone else. Fans can be strange beasts - /Psst Over


    Its going to be tiring this summer seeing people wring their hands over poor performances - we are simply seeing new trends in the market but it takes a long time for studios to adjust (see The Flash which has been in the can forever) meanwhile some of the major releases we do have are just not great decisions.

    It’s up to Tom Cruise to save the box office once again.

    • Thanks 1
    • Disbelief 1
  8. 1 minute ago, AMC Theaters Enjoyer said:

    My best guess is that they’re trying to go for adults who are nostalgic for Barbie.

    Its ratings interest me. The trailer has Barbie getting assaulted - its clearly not a family film but also their keeping the Barbie aesthetic and so theres no language that suggests a more mature film. I do wonder if their holding things back for the trailers - Farrells character might also be a doll? So the real world is maybe a bit rougher?


    Its a really difficult one to market clearly. I think the best WB can hope for is a decent box office and a cult hit which brings the home audience money.

  9. 4 minutes ago, joselowe said:

    If the reaction was REALLY that positive why reshoot AFTER those “positive reactions” came out? 

    I really get fed up with this. Every film is budgeted for reshoots and they happen for a million reasons. It can have positive reactions but there are certain elements the audience responded to that they want to focus on. Reshoots are expensive and are already planned in development.


    I don't really trust preview claims anyway as its easy to create rumours/control your audience to generate some hype.

  10. 6 hours ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    Early word from screenings seems pretty positive. Nostalgia hit of having Keaton, Shannon, Affleck, etc. all in the same movie. Obviously not the same as having 3 Spider guys together in No Way Home but it's still something. Good marketing with some great trailers. Great release date with Father's Day Sunday followed directly by Juneteenth on Monday it OW DOM. So, even if the opening weekend isn't huge, there's room for word of mouth to spread really fast and that Monday number could blow up.


    Might not start as fast as I initially expected, but if word of mouth is good it should clean up until Indy. And, Indy will open big even with middling reviews but Flash also has 4th of July early enough in its run to get a nice bump during that week too with many taking off multiple days around the holiday in the US.

    Keaton - I don't think will have much nostalgia buy in, it's actually just been too long. Only thing I'll give here is he's before my time but I still watched his films as a kid.


    Affleck - I mean he's the Batman from very poorly received films and financial failures. I like him but I doubt wider audiences care.


    Shannon - 600M film hardly going to explode now.


    But as I say it's an interesting one to watch especially how reviews impact it. If it follows a GotG sequel trajectory then clearly audiences have adapted to over saturation by seeking out what's worth watching.

    • Like 4
  11. 7 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

    What would be memorable about TLC wo the Sean Connery legacy casting? Nothing honestly. I’d be shocked if it had even been a critical or commercial success at the time if not for that. 

    But they did cast him. This is like saying if Ford didn’t play Indie the first film probably bombed. There’s no point removing things from a film to then call the remaining rubbish.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, grey ghost said:

    I'm starting to think 90% of Indiana Jones appeal was being a sexy, young Harrison Ford that men wanted to be and women wanted to be with.


    An Indy that's geriatric hits different.


    That an CGI added to a period piece is so obvious and plastic it ruins the fantasy/immersion. 

    And who kids wanted to grow up to be. He’s an escapist dream. University lecturer on history who awash buckles around an exotic world, fights nazis and gets the ladies.


    Kids don’t want to be grandpa.

    • Like 5
  13. 11 minutes ago, Merkel said:


    Looks really fake, but the sound effects are amazing.


    There wasn't a single memorable new sound effect in the Sequel Trilogy

    That’s because nothing is new. They looked at the success of the PT and decided “No, people don’t want new stuff they want nostalgia!” - just shows the little confidence they have in the product. No wonder the First Order formed, the galaxy has been economically in decline for 40 years!

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, SoSaysI said:

    They need to fire Kathleen Kennedy.  And my opinion on that has nothing to do with the far right’s bullshit takes about Rey being a Mary sue or wokeness nonsense (which is all a bunch of garbage spewed by bad people) but from the fact she has mismanaged the Star Wars films pretty horribly with constant announced and canceled projects and very divisive last couple of movies and then seemingly missing the landing on Indiana Jones on a movie they were incredibly confident in. 

    If she does go it’s going to be hilarious to see yet another slate of Star Wars films get canned.

  15. 9 hours ago, JohnCarterofEarth said:

    Lol I can see this flopping now especially with that budget. Who in the hell in Lucasfilm thought that it would be a good idea to screen this early??? 

    I kind of get Eternals vibes. It’s super easy to get too sucked up in your own feelings especially in the creative industry. I guess the rumours Disney were super excited for it were true but I think that covered up the fac


    Expecting a change of marketing tactic from nostalgia to focusing on action. Mangold probably just the wrong fit for the franchise again with parralells to Eternals. Abrams probably would have been a better fit (not suggesting he was in the running or interested) in terms of the sort of action sequences Indiana needs.

    • Like 1
  16. Yeah this has so much going against it.


    They already tried the nostalgia sequel and it became an example of just bad filmmaking in general rather than even a bad sequel.


    CGI young Indie, not convinced audiences have embraced this technology. Personally I think it’s too much like the studio patting you on the head and saying “see!” - Star Wars is the only one to really embrace it and it’s not exactly flying right now. Captain Marvel it worked but I suspect a lot of the audience just didn’t notice. It’s amazing how bad Lucas Film took their understanding gof why Solo bombed.


    I like PWB but she’s not exactly star quality for the secondary lead in a 300M film?


    Finally it’s a direct sequel to a 1980s franchise. 


    How it got that budget is beyond me - obviously it’s mostly Harrison and their CGI recreation but that’s a reason not to go into development to begin with. Probably opens decentish but unless it gets a surprise audience response it’ll drop fast.

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