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Posts posted by Sckathian

  1. 3 hours ago, SpiderByte said:

    This is why when people say "there's no way the movie can catch people up on Monica and Kamala" I don't get it. This took literally barely two minutes, and half of it was Carol!


    Edit: in fact, looking more closely, this includes the scenes in the movie of them catching up!

    Movie releasing a public service announcement before its release is not a positive.

  2. 2 hours ago, Valonqar said:

    LOL all these hot takes about the running time. If the story doesn't need more why stretch it? Overlong running time isn't a sign of quality but indulgence. Also, short rt = fast turnover. They can sell 2 shows for this and only 1 for Oppenheimer. Guess which scenrio is preferable to cinemas? If anything, short running time locked 700M WW.

    Dark Phoenix fans RISE UP

  3. 5 hours ago, Bob Train said:

    Disney themselves basically admit they are losing money but some people still don't believe them. Why?

    Its a binary issue.

    People believe good and bad only exist.

    We see this constantly with stock prices.


    Stock rises 10% on the back of a single project. Project actually only returns 5% as planned. Stock falls 6%. 



    Just ignore this fucking gibberish. You don't win engaging with them and the eventually lose their money investing in crypro anyay.

  4. 2 hours ago, Deathlife said:

    If one has the money, now is the time to buy Disney stock.


    Their stock price won't be this low for this long.

    My Enron shares are available if you want. This is not how you invest. There are also other companies with much clearer financials and don’t own so many entities. Disney is a bloated fucking mess that every expansion ends in disaster. Clearly a leadership issue.


    Wouldn’t be shocked if Disney lose this shareholder case. Their streaming decisions seem insanely expensive yet its still held up by significant free offers via other services (phone subs etc.). Their entire strategy seems insane. Basically expect everyone who saw End Game to sub,

    • Like 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

    It's just really not that hard to catch people up on Kamala and Monica as some people are saying. They don't need to recap the entire plotlines of their shows, just the parts of their origins related to this movie. It would take, at most, five minutes.

    They don't but also the problem is then why are they in a team up film. Their dead weight for Captain Marvel imo. If they weren't we would have had their own films already as Thor/Cap got.

  6. I am all for shorter films but fact is Marvel doesn’t plan those. Suggests this has been cut to shit. 

    Again I ask why the fuck could they not just make Captain Marvel 2? This film for me is going to be peak Marvel arrogance, just thinking they can do whatever they want regardless of the audience.


    ‘Has a billion dollar franchise ever been thrown to the ground and stamped on so much?

    • Like 1
    • Disbelief 1
  7. 8 hours ago, keysersoze123 said:

    I get a feeling his contract wont be extended again. He is paid too much for crappy performance. At this point he does not have another big acquisition in his pocket. Already they are sitting on about 50B in debt due to FOX acquisition. That will take eons to pay off if it will ever pay off. 

    All their big acquisitions have been disasters. Not sure what they have actually done with FOX other then see it’s output collapse. Likewise Lucas am still convinced I’d struggling to make a return. Not to mention the success of his ‘hand picked’ successor.


    Disney need to get someone like Zaslav in to just tear it apart. 

    • Like 4
  8. 3 hours ago, The GOAT said:

    Yikes. The only profitable streaming service seems to be Netflix and that's because they practically have a monopoly on the market, thus have the luxury to put out garbage and underpay everyone and everything. Streaming is a false god. 

    I think you can argue for Amazon considering their streaming is part of a wider strategy. Unlike other companies they are fine loss making as long as people are using Prime generally and coming to their service where they sell other content.


    D+ is such a ball fumble to me. I still think 90% of subs will be families for legacy content but Disney is pumping out expensive poorly received Marvel and Star Wars content for like 10% of that audience and basically nothing else.

    • Like 2
  9. On 7/28/2023 at 4:06 AM, BK007 said:

    It's a dud of a movie honestly. 


    The reviews are giving it undeserved credit. 


    Didn't even feel like an MI movie, just another paint by numbers action flick. 

    Still surprised people aren't bringing up having the action star drive around for 30 minutes was a mistake. Its pretty bad editing. Ethan does nothing but follow what Benji tells him.

    • ...wtf 1
    • Knock It Off 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, 21C said:

    It'll be kinda interesting to see which sort of lessons studios learn from Barbie's success.

    On the other hand, "attach great filmmakers to recognizable IPs" seems like the biggest no-brainer but like... what exactly does that translate to? What can you do to try to chase after that success.

     Joseph Kosinki's Hot Wheels? Jordan Peele Barney? Luca Guadanigno's Winnie the Pooh?

    I'm trying to brainstorm what'd be the result from this because in truth Barbie is such a specific IP in terms of the mass global and inter-generational appeal it has which accounts for about 90% of the film's success if the success of Super Mario is also anything to go about. 

    I guess attaching great filmmakers to the franchises that they've already got going on like CBMs could be one of them too. Maybe a signal that those studios should be aiming higher with those franchises. 

    I don't think 90% of the audience away to watch Barbie know who the director is.

    • Like 1
  11. On 7/16/2023 at 4:30 AM, Liiviig 1998 said:

    Did anyone else find some of the dialogue kind of stilted esp in the first half of the film and really weird moments of humour than just didn't land esp around CIA team and the build up to jump .


    Some awkward cuts in some of the action scenes. 


    This movie had great moments but there were lots of rough edges, illsa plot is just jarring. This movie was nowhere as seamless as 4-6.


    Shooting during covid clearly took it's  toll.


    CIA scene is hilarious. Its clearly filmed in the UK when minimal actors can travel (in fact the whole film has an extraordinary limited number of actors in mixed scenes) and its all UK actors doing American accents except the one American who lives in the UK and is working on a show here!

  12. Anyway on the actual film I was slightly disappointed. It was very messy to me. The airport is supposed to be farcical but I actually found it lacked the energy to make that happen. The pick pocket trick was a call back but it was a bit much for me honestly. 

    Entire train scene was brilliant. Love it. Felt ill watching it but loved it. 

    I really like Gabriel as a character; hes proper scary, no the AI is not that powerful but him believing it is leads to a lot.


    Ultimately for me am very excited for more, which is the point of a part one. I seriously suspect there is more going on in there that we haven't seen. Especially with Benji. I'm not sure Ethan got lucky vs Benji had some help from the oh so powerful.

  13. 3 hours ago, John Marston said:

    looks like Twitter is not the audience for MI

    I mean this is the problem when people present videos/gifs to purposefully mock something. This ignores Benji's character up to that point and also hes clear that he doesn't want to talk more about his clear love for Ethan and the crew. Hes clearly trying to get more involved and not just be the side guy. This is good character work in a couple of sentences that reveals more about him and his relationship to Ethan.

  14. 3 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    The hype for this movie is fascinating, it became viral on social media for no specific reason. Hollywood studios may try but I doubt they will ever be able to replicate what happened here.

    Not sure I agree. They had a specific strategy with social media and it’s playing off. Why it’s working is likely the heavy irony from the film and it’s use of colour/music.

  15. 47 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

    Yes this is true of course, my point is Nolan isn’t enough of a draw now to stop it from potentially bombing anyways. It needs the strong reception very much. 

    The point though is Nolan has a draw due to the quality of his work. So people go in expecting a strong reception, doesn't mean there will be one but it does mean his movies get their foot in the door over anyone else.


    'Nolan' is essentially the franchise.

  16. 9 hours ago, vale9001 said:

    i think the reason of the ban is another scene. I can't believe is that unserious map you almost didn't see behind barbie 

    Can you think of any other such line drawn on any such map in any film? It’s clearly a serious issue and and is effectively either Hollywood allowing itself to be infiltrated by people who keep promoting foreign expansion of a state or Hollywood itself is bowing to foreign pressure by backing foreign expansion of a state.


    Its extremely serious. 

  17. 13 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

    Some of the reviews have mentioned that Indy has been casted side a bit in favor of young new protagonist.


    I mean, why would you do this, if you are invoking nostalgia then give the people the Indy they love rather than an Indy who is just a shell of his past self. 

    Because as per the numbers, the people did not want the nostalgia. 80 y/o Indie is not the Indie people love.

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