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Everything posted by Juliet

  1. Understandable considering the end of it. Its a downer and seems very random if you aren't clocking all the dialogue about how his dad died in the war.
  2. Kit Harington seems like the best direction out of that film but I don't know how he ties into the three main plots of the MCU right now, the multiverse, Thunderbolts and Young Avengers. He's on the magic/Marvel UK side and neither have been really developed that strongly yet. (the latter at all, even the British actors are American Superheroes in Marvel)
  3. This is a problem Marvel has now that it needs to turn around. Critics narrative. Before Endgame they saw a critical boost because the narrative was 'Marvel is doing good. People like Marvel' and post Endgame has seen that narrative changed to 'Marvel is repetitive and not Real Cinema, Scorcese said so'. I think they've gone into Hunger Games with the narrative of 'Franchise Nostalgia plays are bad' and as such scored it accordingly.
  4. I don't think the plot works at all if you want to argue it wasn't 'real'. Not even the tag line 'Its the things we love the most that destroy us'. The rebellion is using the memory of Lucy Gray to psychologically torture Snow and he becomes obsessed with using Katniss and Peeta as dolls to prove what he has convinced himself over 60 years, it was all fake. But it wasn't. That's the tragedy. And its a tragedy that comes from a society traumatised by war. etc etc One factor people seem to be ignoring in the mild success of this film so far is the Loki/Kylo Ren of it all. Pretty boy, complicated, romantic villain origin story is a win with the girls, who knew?
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