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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I hope JLaw continues with funny, unpretentious speeches. Anne and Jessica gave the same speech except that jessica`s was coherent and graceful while Anne`s was Anne-oying. But the gist is the same:part 1 - I`m this hard-working actress who paid her dues so please give me the award I deserve itpart 2 - pay tribute to an elderly female nominee to show how so not selfish and so not all about me,me,me the speech is
  2. Whatever the odds, Affleck addressed the snub in the most charming way. he said "I was snubbed for Best Actor but nobody`s talking about that snub, ha,ha,ha." LOL, that`s brilliant.Around 10:25 mark. LMAO!
  3. Unless it`s just there for Lincoln/Spielberg to win by default.
  4. IMO, at this moment, there`s no bigger begging than bringing Clinton to present your movie. Despite the fact that support is soft and other movies and directors are deemed better. That`s begging. Admitting that you weren`t great in a role made for the Oscars by cutting campaigning short or altogether is not begging. Also, Streep was very supportive of Davies throughout IL camapign so that isn`t begging either. Baity as fuck made-for-Oscars-role? Sure. Tacky self-serving campaigning? Nope. So no begging from my POV.
  5. Do you even hear yourself? First you say he begged for Oscar than admit he didn`t campaign because he felt he wasn`t up to snuff, although he did get good reviews while the movie was panned.Now, if he wanted Oscar so badly wouldn`t he campaign regardless? That didn`t prevent Glenn Close from campaigning her ass off for Albert Noobs although that movie and performence illicit chuckles. I mena, that was defacto terrible movie, terrible make-up and terrible performamce.You just won`t admit that begging for Oscars means much more than signing up for baity role. KK wants Oscar but she hasn`t done anything campaign-wise that qualifies as begging. We just don`t agree about what begging means, I guess.
  6. How was J Edgar Oscar begging when he barely campaigned that one too? You people cannot make a distinction between prestige roles and Oscar begging. Oscar begging is what happens off the big screen - what they say in interviews, on talk shows, schmoozing, parties, advertising,etc. Melissa Leo ads = Oscar begging. Hilary Swank`s trailer park girl talk = Oscar begging. Winslet`s "Best Actress" Time cover = Oscar begging. Etc. You`ve heard in GG and CC winner`s speeches a lot of Oscar begging. It isn`t the same as just playing a baity part or playing a baity part and campaigning in reasonable measure. Begging is when campaigning behavior becomes tacky. He hasn`t crossed the line yet.
  7. ADF say that AMPAS are older voters than Guild members and therefore more inclined to bow to Spielberg and Lincoln. So I guess those 2 will win but at least the wins won`t be undenibale and without real comeptition such as Ben&Big it`s a default win. Lame. I wouldn`t wish that kind of win on my faves,ever.
  8. I`m sorry but choosing great roles and telling people "`im the best and you should vote for me" are two different things. Leo doesn`t campaign much or at all. Even his haters give him that much. He chooses quality roles that certainly put him in Oscar conversation. But he isn`t butt-kissing his way into noms and wins.Now, let me tell you this. Do you really think that he couldn`t pull a rank and demand that he is campaigned in BSA alone? Yes he could. ecially since Waltz is a co-lead and should have been placed in that category as originally devised (before critics started putting him in BSA). After all, Leo`s face has been heavily used and still is in DU promotion since he`s the biggest draw among actors in the movie.But considering that he couldn`t pull an Oscar and BAFTA noms nor GG win shows that he didn`t make such demands.Now, if he ever gets Time cover "When will Leo finally get the Oscar?" and calls a present or former president to vouch for him or whatever than we can talk about desperation. But picking quality roles is not that.
  9. We`ve learned this season that nothing is locked. However, there seems to be goodwill towards DDL`s third win. There definitely doesn`t seem to be goodwill towards Spielberg`s third win.
  10. TEAM BOMBUR WINS! Yes, Nikki confirms that in order to slay Team Bombur, Spielberg arranged for Clinton to present Lincoln. Pathetic! It just shows that Team Bombur`s stronger than ever.Moreover, some Wells commenters think that one-two punch of Spielberg`s biggest competition getting the shaft is fishy as fuck. Now, I don`t think he could have bribed that many people to oust Ben&Big but I`ve no problem with conspiracy spreading like flame and tainting his laughably desperate campaign.
  11. That control freak exercize over Maramania`s eating habits during an interview was some creepy shit.
  12. That was so unfair to poor Lipstick Toyboy. As if "battle of exes" wasn`t enough of a humilation.
  13. Yes, first time in my life I`m rooting for Knightmare boxoffice. Kill Floppit:DoS! Kill it! Kill it!
  14. But that was actually good acting! Queen of Naboo-boo was supposed to act constipated. So Sabe, her decoy, was constipated too. otherwise eevryone would know it was a decoy.
  15. ADF would be driven nuts by them because they are single-midedly focused on their thang and everything bounces off them. No "go to crib" could shake their faith.
  16. :rofl: She was so "great" in Atonement that I was cheering when her chaarcter croaked which I guess wasn`t the point of the movie.
  17. OMG, best Knightmare diss ever. More annoying than Sally in Linc = :wub: :wub:
  18. This is pure genius. I can`t get enough of this video. I can`t.
  19. JLaw is a face of CD`s Miss Dior handbags. Knightmare is also for Miss Dior perfume. Charlize is for J`Adore perfume.
  20. Their votes difer greatly from the convo that those bitchy old queens have 24-7. Becasue tons of people have accounts but are affraid to post. However, they can vote so results don`t always reflect bitchy old queens opinion.
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