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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. IMO, most insulting movie to society is The Serbian Movie. It`s a quasy snuff porn + torture porn but the fact that they named it after entire nation, as if it represents the said nation or its cinema, is beyond insulting.Also, that Angelina Jolie anti-Serbian movie. The Crusader`s from Serbia so I`m very sensitive to one-sided bashing of his countrymen.
  2. That`s what Shriekapoo book was teaching way before Twilight.
  3. They nominated Smash? :rofl: :rofl:That show`s fuckin terrible. It`s worth hate-watching, though, because it really gives you ammo for online bashing. otherwise,no.
  4. Pi`s a tiger OS no doubt about it. Could Oscar bump take it to $100 mio dom?
  5. I`m a little OC. I`m scared that if I stop expressing support for my faves they`ll sudedenly start falling and that if I stop bashing stuff and people I hate they`ll rise. Hence why I`m constantly bashing Shitto for over a decade now and countering positive news about TH with a negative one.I`m really sorry for annoying TH fans but they had 3 years of triumph 10 years ago and don`t need it again.
  6. I don`t give a shit about TV awards during movie awards shows. That`s my bathroom break time. I watch GG and SAG for the real deal. TV has their Emmy`s.I hate shows that mix both.
  7. I`m loving the Oscar bumps because when it was obvious that certain movie wouldn`t get any major nominations that movie`s fanboys were claiming that Oscars helped only indie movies. I see many non-indie movies getting bumbs and holding up well while certain movie`s plummeting due to TC cut and interest shifting to good movies.
  8. NANNY! NANNY! NANNY! I wouldn`t count out SAG. Nanny`s got in thanks to wide and wild actors support. Big stars were vouching for Nanny nom. If this isn`t her year I don`t know what is.
  9. Difference between Emma and Gosling is that Emma is a star power while Gosling is not. It`s due to likablity (Emma) and lack thereof (Gosling). he`s an extremly talented actor but no charisma and he definitely comes off as unpleasent smug.
  10. Well, good, because Emma Stone is in it so I don`t want it to totlaly collapse.
  11. I`m hoping you`re right about SLP and Cooper win in C/M but that`s such a traditionally Musical category that I can`t imagine anything but LM and Jackman.
  12. They`ll never catch Spielberg and $150 mio once upon a time and now is not the same thing.
  13. Huck is an easy read unless you just want to download a TV flick with Elijah Wood. Uncle Tom is now a negative sterotype because he was OK with slavery. So is Mammy in GWTW. She was a proud house slave.
  14. About 9 mio short of Shriekapoo OS. When`s China opening? It can`t come soon enough.
  15. I don`t even know why you are fretting over TH`s weaksauce numbers. You didn`t even like the movie that much so what`s the deal? I freakin love Skyfall so I`m very interested that it makes much more than forgettable TH. But you? Mystery makes you sexy,though.
  16. Not stupid and no problems with math. Just staying on the safe side of fudge wall. There. WB knows that Skyfall embarrassed AUJ so anything is possible. Puerto Rico, space stations,anything.
  17. I`m pulling for Nanny upset in drama just to see ADF implode. Fat chance but that would be something.
  18. And may many movies upset DoS and TABA too and may DoS and TABA fall well short of Skyfall! I really hope AUJ doesn`t stretch over Skyfall dom (it can`t WW and OS) because Skyfall beat it fair and square. Skyfall didn`t have 3D premium.
  19. Grrrr. When`s TH going to turn into a total crawler? I hope it loses TONS of theaters next week so MLK doesn`t help it.
  20. Than I`m hoping for bigger drops and bombage in China. I don`t want it to pass Skyfall.I`m sure WB is fudging numbers like crazy. TH hold during the holiday didn`t seem right nor do weekend-to-weekend drops.May next two face insanely heavy comeptition and make less than AUJ.
  21. So annoyed at Skyfalls $299,999 or whateevr number. Tomorrow, no? Maybe slight underestimation today?
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