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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. Police have come to my cinema because people tried sneaking from the back entrance. It's a good mix as well. Teens and a lot of older people even some senior citizens. It is crazy down here though
  2. This is going to be fucking massive. The cinema is packed and most showings have sold out
  3. I agree but expectations were that it would increase a lot due to the predecessors surprise success and WOM.
  4. What the fuck happened. I went out with STiD looking at $28M Friday and now its at $22M????
  5. It was fun in a sick way. The flame wars back then were EPIC. If they ever made a movie about it...only Bay could ever do the destruction justice.
  6. He probably was as he did get away with stuff no one else could. He really had the skill to piss you off. I remember betting with him that if DMC didnt broke the OW record I'd leave BOM for 4 weeks and if it did he would have to leave for 4 weeks. He agreed then backed out after the results came out. Also, he had a set of videos where he would purchase lottery tickets and shit. You could see he was a crazy dude in real life too.
  7. It was crazy. You have no idea how bad it was. Kal-el was a frequent poster and a Superman fanboy. Literally he would make all sorts of shit up and when he was wrong he would just lie to make himself right. He also use to predict in ranges that spanned like $50M+ eg I predict at least $70-$120M OW for FF6. He was so adamant that SR would destroy the box office and when DMC took its shine he went on full attack mode. It was so bad a lot of frequent posters ended up leaving and going to WOJK. Also for some reason the lead admin Sean always had his back and he never got banned till the last minute.
  8. The SM3 meltdown was also fantastic. It was so bad I am sure there was some real life attempted suicides due to it.
  9. The summer of Superman Returns and Dead Man's Chest was the craziest I have ever seen it...although the Ringers (LOTR Fans) were crazy too.
  10. Yeah apparently from a starting pistol he also had a dummy grenade lool crazy
  11. Honestly after seeing the movie I feel it just wasnt as much fun as the first. It was not as fresh and some characters get pushed to the background for cucumber...cumberswash...cumbucket...whatever his name is
  12. I just don't get why the veterans of this forum get shocked by this. We knew it was moved last minute and MOST would not have known so obviously the Friday will act as a normal OD minus some early fanboy rush.
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