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Posts posted by zackzack

  1. 5 hours ago, filmlover said:

    Someone hasn't seen Sucker Punch.


    5 hours ago, The Panda said:


    I've seen it and 300 is definitely worse.


    5 hours ago, DeeCee said:

    I've never seen 300.


    Like a ship in the night it passed quietly by me never to be seen again. 


    Actually as far as Snyder's filmography is concerned, 300 may be his best film. Because the plot is so straight forward and his graphic-novel visual takes care of the rest.


  2. 12 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

    Puzzled by all the praise.  It just looks like another run of the mill disaster movie.  At least San Andreas had The Scorpion King charging up a 700 foot wave in a speedboat.


    Actually that was not really original.

    Remember this :




    This movie is released some  17 years ago !!!

    • Like 7
  3. 2 hours ago, NoobSaibot said:


    I don't care for Stuckmann because he barely scratches the surface of the films he reviews. I enjoy watching videos by Pewdiepie (sometimes) or Markiplier, and they make plenty of money just by playing video games. They're also very popular YouTubers.


    But then again, maybe expecting a thorough review from a YouTuber is like expecting a gourmet meal from a fast food restaurant...


    How do these people make money? Just from the ads?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Hiccup21 said:

    Anybody feeling like Star War: The Force Awaken's opening weekend is in danger? Because that scene with the birds falling and then........ a plane falling has got me sold. I imagine all viewers of this trailer feel the same. Having such a "holy shit!" moment at the end of the trailer was a brilliant move!


    The first sentence does not belong with the rest of the paragraph. Yes, it is a very nice CGI shot (give that intern a bonus!) but a cool trailer shot does not a great movie make


    edit: so you are joking...

  5. 8 hours ago, The Futurist said:

    Next year we have 


    MEG, the 150m Giant Shark Movie with Jason Statham.


    What could be better than MEG and Geostorm I ask you.


    What a time to be a movie geek really.




    In 2018, we will have the following battling for your box office votes 



    An Alien hunter warrior



    A giant shark






    GMO Dinosaurs


    Too many monsters?


    • Like 2
  6. 10 hours ago, davincicode1 said:

    You wouldn't use the same "Oscar" argument if for example Monique was playing Jing's role...YOU would still argue that Brie was more important and significant.

    My point is that in the movie they serve SAME purpose, both have love interests, different jobs but devoted to the mission of exploring the island, and they BOTH get into various incidents involving monsters...it's not like Brie somehow gets later romantically linked to Kong himself and gets separated (alá Ann) from the group, if that was the case then I would have bought the argument....



    Which country is the biggest primary market for this movie? Is this a remake of some non-American movie? No, this is a remake of what many consider as an American classic: the 1933 version of King Kong. If somebody want an all-Chinese cast of a King Kong remake, get this guy to buy the rights



  7. 9 hours ago, ShakenNotStirred said:

    Watched "Kong: Skull Island" last week with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.  It was certainly better than "Godzilla".  This film has more action, more fight sequences and some good laughs. John C. Reilly was the stand out.


    As someone who has lurked this forum for several months, I figured it was time to make an account so that I can interact with you all as I thoroughly enjoy reading your analysis.


    I totally agree with those of you who think this film will struggle at the box office.  Bad release date and not enough interest.


    You are right. Kong is going against Logan, Beauty & the Beast (another beast in the title), Guardians, Pirates, Despicable Me 3, and a bunch of smaller but smarter apes in War of POTA.

    Opening it in March is probably the best strategy. They could have April but I think every studio is afraid to open against Fast 8 and Guardians opens early overseas in late April.

    Tough to be a king....



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