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Posts posted by dignam

  1. 11 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    I don't think so. 


    Overall expectations was 66-68M, it should still get close or match 66M. 


    The only difference is that SAT drop was slightly bigger than expected (NYD celebrations + the games + long running time as the reasons) and SUN jump should be higher as well to compensate. 


    But the weekend itself it'll still match the expectations imo.



    Overall general expectations few days ago was 50-55, mainly the fans claimed 60+.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, AndyChrono said:

    People think Jake's arc is just learned to protect his family. The real lesson - and Cameron's message to us - is that the world and creatures around us are part of our "family" as well and need to be protected. In a sense, Jake represents us humans here on Earth today. We've been running away and avoiding the problem for too long.



    There is quote (its also in the trailer, so no spoiler).


    "The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea (water) is around you and in you (we are mainly made of water). The sea (water) is your home, before your birth (amniotic fluid) and after your death (groundwater)"


    Water is the most important substance in the universe regarding life. Without water their is no life. When astrophysicist search for extraterristrial life on exoplanets in the habitable zone, they are looking primary for water. Some organisms called extremophiles can life in most extrem conditions, no sunlight, no oxygen, extreme heat, extreme cold and so. But even those organisms cant exist without water.


    So i think the main message of this movie is "Water is life" protect water at all cost. 





    • Like 4
  3. 3 minutes ago, StreamBO said:

    Sorry but you remain incorrect, Meme copium and corridor digital really? Get Hugos desk or before and afters people truly in the VFX industry not amateurs. Avatar 2 is great but is delusion go say is above Thanos, heck even Davy Jones and that was on 2006-2007.



    Talking about delusion. Sry mate, but unless you provide me with source that stats that thanos is above avatar 2 this is just fanboy blabla.



  4. 4 minutes ago, eridani said:

    Haven't seen the movie yet. But from the reactions i am reading, i am getting a feeling that Jim may have made a few crucial decisions script wise that have negatively affected the box office.


    1. Splitting the plot of the initial second movie into 2 movies. Thus giving us 4 sequels, instead of 3. That may have resulted in Way of water not having as satisfying ending as possible.


    2. Desire to put his personal interests as centerpieces of the movie. One being family dynamics and kids, the other being the underwater setting. While neither is inherently bad, i am getting a feeling too much of the film is dedicated to those, without actually pushing the plot forward. Possibly to the point where the average audience might prefer the movie to have 20-30 minutes less worth of those scenes.


    3. Too much focus on Navi. Or not enough focus on humans. That might result in plot not feeling epic enough, if the audience is always watching the same characters. Water setting may also be contributing to that, as water offers inherently fewer details, compared to jungle and especially floating mountains, for epic vistas.


    Anyway, as i said, havent yet seen the movie so ill be interested in seeing just how far i'll be from actual issues and potential issues of the movie.


    It would be sad if part 2 ends up being the weakest of all avatar movies. Especially if it ends up hurting the 3rd movie and even possibly causing 4th and 5th one being cancelled.


    1. The ending was perfect


    2. ? These are topics who affect nearly everyone.


    3. Not really, the humans play also a crucial roll.


    Most of the people say its better than the first one, storywise and visually their is no doubt. The first one has the advantage of being something new and never seen before.


    Watch the movie for yourself and dont listen to others.

    • Like 3
  5. 20 minutes ago, Nero said:

    Not really. Competition is there but slam dunk is no mha or ds. I think people are simply not interested.



    After i watched avatar 2 i knew it would do bad in japan. Why? Avatar 2 is about


    whale hunting



    And guess which country is biggest


    whale hunter

    in the world? Yepp japan. Avatar 2 is big f*** you at everyone who does it.

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