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Posts posted by dignam

  1. 35 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

    Some people are really delusional :D Endgame is not beating it, end of the conversation. Avatar had advantages, so does Endgame. Let's not forget Endgame opened at 1.2 billion. 

    Endgame was like a hurrican. Everyone knew it was coming and will be enormous. Also it released all the destruction power at once.


    But avatar was like a tsunami. It started slowly on the ocean, no one saw it coming, and it got stronger slowly, and when it was there it was to late, nobody had a chance.

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  2. 8 hours ago, JamesCameronScholar said:


    This looks so fucking epic. Imagine avatar 2 with those kind of footage. Holy f**** .


    "There’s one big problem with this ride The fact that it has to end"


    "i would kill to live in a world like that... even if it was just for a minute"


    "this ride made me cry..."


    "Waited 210 minutes for the ride and every second was worth waiting for this ride.... it will be forever the greatest of all time..."



    And avatar haters will be like " nahh there are only handful people out there who give a f*** about avatar or remember it. "


    Here is a better quality.




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  3. 1 hour ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

    Everyone in this thread, every one of you, is fighting for survival, and that's a fact. There's a comicbook horde out there massing for an attack. These orbital images tell me that the hostile numbers have gone from a few hundred, to well over two thousand in one day. And more are pourin' in. In a week's time there could be 20,000 of 'em. At that point they will overrun our perimeter. That's not gonna happen. Our only security lies in preemptive attack. We will fight terror with terror. The hostiles believe that this forum is protected by their... Avengers. And when we destroy it, we will blast a crater in their racial memory so deep, that they won't come within 1 billion dollars of Avatar's box office ever again. And that, too, is a fact.

    Hahahah, nice one.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Deep Wang said:

    What did I fail to comprehend?  


    The original post claimed that the two games were 'heavily influenced by Avatar' and I disagreed.


    You come back claiming I have to be dense to not understand that many games are influenced by Aliens(not the movie in question and I see where you are going, but okay), and much of the tech in Avatar is very similar seeing as how they are by the same person.


    You then go on to say that Starcraft wouldn't be considered inspired by Avatar, but they share the same DNA because of Aliens.  


    That's literally the same statement from you twice, but both mention Avatar influence via tech/designs similar to Aliens.  


    So I ask you this, isn't it just easier to say Titanfall 2/Anthem has more influence from Aliens as opposed to Avatar?  


    I played titanfall 2,  first thing that come to my mind was "fu**** this is a thantor."



    It starts exactly @ 15:23min, everyone who says this is just a inspiration is out of his mind, this is nearly a 100% copy of the thantor. Also the flying creatures are nearly a 100% copy of the banshees.




    And regarding anthem, maybe this is not so heavily inspired like titanfall, but the influence is there. Just look at those arcs at the beginning (and the landscape) exactly the same like in anthem.




    Anthem landscape:




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  5. 33 minutes ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

    We also have a frog named after Jim - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pristimantis_jamescameroni

    1. Masha and the bear has a big reference to avatar

    2.Simpsons has an avatar intro

    3.Titanfall2 is heavly inspired by avatar

    4. Anthem is heavily inspired by avatar

    5. Whenever someone posts something about luminescene (animals, plants) online, first comments are about avatar


    And many more.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

    How to translate dudelab posts.


    Cameron fans hate EVERY FILM but Jim ones!

    Meaning: I'm upset some of them don't like the MCU


    Cameron fans think money = quality

    Meaning: Its not fair Avatar is number 1, it should be a good film like TFA!



    The trick is not to take them literally.




    Movies like T2 or aliens didnt break any records, but consider (not just by cameron fans) to be the greatest action sci-fi movies ever made. 


    I'm a die hard cameron fan not because of the money his movies make, but they appeal to me like no other movies. 


    Man i will never forget the hype for T2, i was like 13 years back in 1990 and holy s*** this movie blew my mind. Since then i watched T2 like over 100 times, i have nearly 6 versions of the movie.


    - original videotape with the original case from 1991 ( yeah i still have it)

    - 3 dvds ( original, ulitmate edition, special edition)

    - 2 blu ray ( special edition, digital remastered)


    So i didnt have to mention that T2 is my all time favorite movie, followed by avatar and aliens.


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  7. 6 hours ago, dudalb said:

    I love the way the over the top Cameron fanboys deny they equate making a lot money with being a good film, and then do exactly that in trying to prove that Avatar is a great film....

    Sure i watched avatar back in dec 2009 4 times in a row  because i knew it would make nearly 3b$ in the end. 🙄


    Over the top Avatar haters never stop to amaze me.  Since nearly 10 years they are trying so hard to bad mouth this movie and it fans. And yet failed everytime.

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  8. 5 hours ago, JB33 said:

    I'll say this: whenever I pop by this thread or the Avatar 2 thread, I realize that Cameron fans are more obsessed with Endgame not breaking Avatar's record than other people are with breaking it.

    MCU fans have a impaired short term memory. After the first numbers for ow were released the next 2-3 weeks the forums were flooded with "F*** Avatar, Fu*** Cameron, Avatar is going down bitches, Fu**** those blue people etc. 


    But after they realized this wont happen they disappeared and now they have reached the phase were they are the vicitms. Just remember this. You reap what you sow. Deal with it.



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  9. 1 hour ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

    I worry just how much hate A2 will have from the comic book man-children when it comes out. Oh well, all publicity is good publicity. 

     Dont confuse real comic fans with hype comic fans. 


    I'm a marvel and die hard wolverine fan since over 30 years. Ans just like that a cameron fan. Terminator2, Aliens, Avatar are my alltime favorite movies and cameron my all time favorite director.


    As a real comic fan you can be marvel fan and a cameron fan.



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  10. Avatar haters always came up with "No one gives a fu&$% about avatar, it´s almost forgotten. The movie didnt had a cultural impact, blablabla."


    I played titanfall 2 lately (awesome game) and after i saw the animals on the planet for the first time i was like "WOHHOO, wait a minute, those animals look very familiar."








    And than i saw a trailer for the new bioware game "anthem", and i was like "Damn those arcs, luminescent plants etc.  also looks very familiar" starts at 2:22min






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  11. 53 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

    ^ The only problem with that scene is that it comes right after you see Wick get taken out very easily by 3 thugs with baseball bats. I get that without that there's no story, but it doesn't seem in keeping with the actions of the world's greatest assassin.


    Its very easy to explain. He was still traumatized by the death of his wife. And i guess he had promised her never to kill or harm anyone again. And the dog was the last connection between him and his wife, so that he never forget the promise. But after they killed the dog, they cut off the connection to his wife and he went back to full killing mode.


    If you listen carefully, you can hear that aurelio had a long pause between stealing the car and killing the dog. He and vigo knew, the problem wasnt that they stole the car, it was the death of the death of the dog and the dog was the door lock which kept baba yaga under control.

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