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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. Well, that explains it all. Sorry but Led Zep is known as one of the greatest plagiarists in rock and roll history . i mean the very introduction of their most revered song Stairway To Heaven is a blatant rip-off of Spirit's Taurus. It's a well known fact and most of the time, they didn't credit or barely acknowledge all of their rip-offs like Whole Lotta Love. Trade that for a better analogy, Pink Floyd will do it though even if I disagree. I'd say Journey or Foreigner. :lol:

    I know all about the theories about plagiarism regarding them. And the ones concerning countless other songs. Ultimately, stuff like that can't be proven. For instance,1992:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeoyOIRIeHsA decade later:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stu4aXmvVwEAs someone who loves Nine Inch Nails more than most things in existence and can't fucking stand Sully Erna, I don't accuse Godsmack of plagiarism despite the glaring similarities. If a large portion of the lyrics were plagiarized, that'd be much more sketchy.And with no disrespect to Journey or Foreigner, I love them, but I'm not sure they fit there in the analogy, if anything, they're more like KISS than Floyd or The Who.. :lol:
  2. And you're just being ignorant.

    Ignorant of what? One of the greatest, most revered bands of all-time? I'm not even a huge fan and I acknowledge that.But if you're really going with that *nonsense* I'll trade them out in the analogy with Pink Floyd. Or The fucking Who. It doesn't matter, it's a damn analogy.
  3. Since when is Harry Potter need to be mentioned? Lol. I don't get why people use cinematography to judge a movie, that's why yours and many other people's opinion on movies is so much different to what the GA think. Your basically taking the fun out of movies...So its silly to disagree with your opinion which is clearly in the minority??? Okay then mate :unsure:Oh and Harry potter had terrible acting (from the young cast) and cheesy looking visual effects, the one thing it had going for it was cinematography so no, they are not better made movies than TA was.Think before you post next time...

    Okay, condescension with a hint of belittling. I'm going to be impolite now.If you are capable of reading, which I am assuming you are given that you perceived at least a portion of my post and ingested it enough to provide this response, you would see that I only mentioned Harry Potter because someone else brought it up in a fit of love for The Avengers. I also commented on how it was a random movie to be discussed here. Cinematography was also previously brought up and that is why I was touching on it. I had little but praise for The Avengers, and at no point did I imply that the film's cinematography took away from it at all. It did its job, and only falls short when put next to movies with cinematography that is not easily matched. Then again, I don't care. I wasn't the one who started the discussion on it.I am not a Harry Potter fan by any means, but back to the topic of your reading comprehension, I said pretty clearly that The Avengers was not better than every Harry Potter movie. The earlier movies, absolutely, but say, the last two movies in the franchise were air-tight movies with high-quality acting, direction, drama, etc etc. that were on a level of quality high enough that to simply say "The Avengers was clearly better than any of them" is indeed silly and comes from a place of someone letting their inflated opinion of any given movie interfere with his or her judgement. I would love to see the empirical data you have suggesting that the notion that The Avengers is better than the Batmen and Potters (and pretty much any blockbuster ever while we're at it) is one possessed by the majority of people. And if you give me box-office numbers, you've already allowed your argument to collapse on itself with such an idiotic response to suggest that box-office numbers mean anything more than jack shit in that regard. Avatar made more money than any movie ever but it's safe to say today that if you don't think it is an incredible movie you are by no means part of a small minority.Back to the Harry Potter bit, I'm going to use Deathly Hallows as an example here. It outclasses The Avengers in the following ways: acting, dialogue, plot, drama, connection, music, and cinematography on top of that. Direction is up in the air as Joss Whedon did a splendid job and the movie probably wouldn't have worked in less able hands. Avengers obviously wins special effects and comic relief. Most people with a minimal amount of education on what makes movies good and no bias would agree with such an assessment. I don't care what the general audience thinks as they've made a habit of showing that they're fucking retarded, The Avengers being a select example of them actually getting it right. I say all of this not with some sort of vendetta against The Avengers as you clear have against criticism of the movie, I loved it and saw it twice in theaters and more on Blu-Ray. It is not an opinion but rather a stone cold fact that it was a movie that was light on substance and there's nothing wrong with that, especially considering the incredible feat it accomplished in successfully blending multiple franchises into one coherent movie. But it also puts it in the shadow of other movies that are much deeper in pretty much every way. If The Dark Knight Rises had lived up to the hype, it absolutely would've been the better movie. No doubt about it. The Avengers is KISS, and God knows there's nothing wrong with the energy and sheer spectacle of KISS, but it isn't even fair to compare them to Led Zepplin who are playing a totally different ballgame with a far higher ceiling.Now, Jessie (which I'd like to say is the inferior spelling of the name "Jesse"), I thank you for your rude, condescending comment, but you are in no position to condescend to anybody. I suggest that before replying you actually read to begin with, and then heed your own advice and think before you post.
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  4. The Avengers was an absolute blast. The issue is, the story is so simple for such a long movie that the only real reason to return after the initial couple of viewings is the action. It isn't a movie to watch alone on Blu-Ray. The acting was pretty much light comedic acting, which was successful. The talent of the cast save Johansson is undeniable, they obviously could have done better if the script called for it. The score and cinematography are not meant to be awesome, they merely do their job.The Dark Knight Rises set out to do much more but that resulted in more shortcomings. A plot hole was here and there, the dialogue seemed to be in "speech mode" way too often in the first act, and the pacing was pretty jarring in the last hour. But it succeeded with great acting, cinematography, ambition, a much stronger emotional connection, and a couple of seriously awesome fight scenes.Both are imperfect movies, but if I were to call one overrated it'd be The Avengers since its issues are less obvious on the first viewing, therefore it hasn't received much backlash compared to a movie like TDKR that can be picked apart much more easily, and has a very vocal backlash. It was also following a much better and more popular movie than any of the Avengers lead-ups, so it also had inflated expectations to deal with.And saying Avengers is better than any Batman movie or more randomly any Harry Potter is silly. The Dark Knight managed to be just as entertaining and refined with a much more interesting overlying story and I don't even like Harry Potter but PoA and the final two-parter were undeniably better-made movies than The Avengers.

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