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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. It's about time Aaron Paul got some Emmy recognition for Jessie Pinkman! Modern Family dominates again in the supporting actor/actress categories.

    He already won an Emmy and has been nominated numerous times I believe. Though I'd be all for him winning again, I think Esposito also deserves a win on account of Paul having possibly two more chances depending on how the Season 5 split is handled. But there was some serious A-grade shit in the first half of S4 from Pinkman, no doubt.Also, HUGE pet peeve of mine, is common spelling mistakes in the names of great TV characters. It's spelled "Jesse", not "Jessie".
  2. And a guilty pleasure doesn't really have anything with being cool or not made fun of or whatever. I adore Regina Spektor's music, and I don't like discussing it around my friends or certainly not by dad, but she is not a guilty pleasure because her music is fantastic and the is nothing to be guilty about. A guilty pleasure is more along the lines of Five Finger Death Punch or newer Shinedown. Stuff you know isn't good but is still enjoyable to you in a subjective, opinion capacity. Also, I haven't seen any Madea movies, but I overheard my mom watching it the other day, and boy if that wasn't the worst fucking movie I've ever overheard.

  3. Gathering that a Spidey discussion relevant to what I'm about to say is going on, I will say this: I have nothing against the immense talent that Sony got together for the reboot, but I at the very least want Oz to make more money, I just don't like the idea of Sony fucking up the Spider-man 4 everyone wanted to see and getting away with it. I want to see them suffer for their actions. Or at least have it stuck to them.

  4. The final showdown will be against either Jesse or Hank, and I'm having a hard time figuring out who. Hank has been in the makings since the beginning of the show, but Jesse is Walt's true adversary, they've been partners and competition with each other and a face-off with Jesse rising from the junkie to the hero and Walt falling from the family man to the villain would just be an extraordinary development and do the story poetic justice. This is all barring a swerve, like cancer returning or Walt realizing his error and returning to the protagonist position. But the course of the show at the moment is leading to a face-off with Walt as a total villain. I'm actually thinking Hank might be a bit of a stepping stone for Walt to become a full villain--but at the same time, he was willing to totally abandon his life and put himself and his family at risk to protect Hank from Gus... would he kill Hank just to protect himself? And it would be a shame to put such a long-brewing showdown anywhere other than the finale. But then again, that is what a split-season may be able to correct.

    Man, this is so exciting.

  5. So, I just wrapped Season 4..... the final shot of the season may have to be where I stop sympathizing with Walter. Maybe. I don't know, I was rooting for Sgt Sullivan to the end in The Departed, so I have a pretty high tolerance for fucked up shit my protagonists can do before I draw the line. But seriously, wow. "Crawl Space" may be the best 45 minutes of television I've seen.

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  6. And what sitcom actually makes you smile?

    To answer, the better TV comedies around include the likes of Archer, Community, How I Met Your Mother, Parks and Recreation, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Louie, Modern Family, and I'm sure plenty more.The Big Bang Theory does suck, it amazes me how much love it gets. I mean, at least Two and a Half Men is commonly regarded across the internet as a shit show, but BBT haters are niche crowd.
  7. Got clever and used some free Vudu credits I got for activating my new TV and used some leftover PSN money for for a total of 3 season four episodes. Those damned lab notes! What will come of them!? This show is more addictive than actual meth, complete with withdrawals.

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