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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. Emmy submissions for Season 4:Vince Gilligan: "Face Off"Mark Margolis: "Face Off"Bryan Cranston: "Crawl Space"Aaron Paul: "End Times"Giancarlo Esposito: "Hermanos"Anna Gunn: "Cornered"Pretty solid around the board, except "End Times" is a bit of a weird choice. I'd have picked "Problem Dog" or "Bug" for Paul. But I can't see Cranston losing with Crawl Space, he's won an Emmy for every season of the show, and that episode was his best performance yet.

  2. This doesn't make any sense. There are disasters that effect the box office for movies all the time. Yet the movie business continues to survive and it always will.If you're not interested in following the BO anymore, that's totally understandable. But nothing has changed. The BO is the same as it always was. The same way that 9/11 didn't stop people from flying or building skyscrapers.In fact, over the past 2 days, 3 different friends have asked me to see TDKR with them. But I already saw it on opening day, in REAL IMAX.

    When the Grandaddy of them all underwhelms to this degree, it kind of kills interest in everything else. I don't care about The Hobbit or Avatar, or The Hunger Games for that matter, it doesn't feel as if there's anything compelling me to stick around for that. And I'll be busy with college and wrestling school next time a mega blockbuster comes out anyway. That said, I'm not being dramatic here, I just felt obligated to further explain my somewhat in jest post from earlier. I'll be around.
  3. I don't understand how people wouldn't have understood that he was supposed to be Robin. Dick Greyson seems like a name that everyone would know....I could have gone without the name Robin. Dick Greyson would have been fine because it could lead to either him being Robin OR Nightwing.

    People would have at least known that Dick Grayson was somebody important, and found out it was Robin/Nightwing. Calling him Robin makes it confusing to the plenty of people who know that Robin isn't Robin's real name.
  4. Also, how the fuck was Wayne still alive? I mean, I was too relieved to care, but they really didn't leave much room for theories. They had an obvious one in eject/autopilot, but that was specifically debunked as a nonoption. I'm comparing this to Inception for the time being. Not perfect by any means, and big and complicated, ambitious as all hell, but most importantly, enough of a unique experience to make up for it. Inception, however, was a movie that got less effective with multiple viewings. It'll be interesting to see what happens here.

  5. I thought Talia's actual reveal was awesome, I didn't see it coming at all because I thought it had been established that Cottilard was not Talia. But then she just drove a truck around and died, while Bane was just cast aside and killed as comic relief. It reminds me of BB where Scarecrow is this great villain for most of the movie, then Ra's comes back and he gets tazed, exit Scarecrow.I really need to watch it again to know how much the pros balance out the cons, because the more I think about them the more they bother me.The Prestige is still the best Nolan movie.

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  6. Bane was a total badass motherfucker. Preferred the first half to the second. Things just get elevated to such a scale that it feels really jarring. Repeat business may fix this. Midway fight between Bane and Batman was the highlight. Lots of Holy Fuck moments.Holy fuck! Cotillard ISTalia after all!Holy fuck! The city's about to be literal anarchy!Holy fuck! Batman is dead!Holy fuck! The Dark Knight Returns ending!

  7. It will...this will prevent so many people and families from going to the theater this weekend, and maybe future. $150m would be good now. This ruins everything on so many levels, box office being a very small part.

    Stuff like this doesn't really bother me, tragedies happen all the time, it's the aftermath that bothers me. Just a bunch of bad shit that affects on a larger scale.
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